Red sun is just an official adjective.

In memory, the red sun exists on Superman's hometown Krypton. It is a huge star that emits red light. Under its illumination, the physique of a Kryptonian is almost the same as that of a normal human being.

So why did the Kryptonians become invulnerable, have Cyclops eyes, and even be able to awaken the biological stance of supermen after they came to Earth?

This has to start with the physique of Kryptonians. Kryptonians are a race born with superpowers. This can be seen from the legend of EAO, the god of Krypton. However, unlike other superhuman beings, Kryptonians are born with superpowers. The superpowers of aliens evolve based on the radiation of stars.

In other words, when they are irradiated by stars with super energy, this radiation will be absorbed by their bodies and immediately converted into powerful energy to give them the superpowers carried in their genes. And bring out the superpowers you already have.

But what is somewhat sad is that in the galaxy where Krypton is located, the sun of their planet is a red sun. This is a star that has reached its old age and its mass is much greater than other stars. Regardless of whether it is a red giant It is still a red supergiant star. What you can know is that it itself does not have much energy anymore.

And how can a sun that is about to reach the end of its life provide energy to the people of Krypton? Therefore, under the radiation of the red sun, the entire Krypton, including the Kryptonians, is affected by this radiation. It has become a planet without superpowers.

Not only that, after Krypton itself absorbed the radiation all year round, the planet also carried some radiation from the red sun. Therefore, after the destruction of Krypton, the so-called 'kryptonite' scattered everywhere is actually fundamentally different. It's just a substance carrying red solar radiation.

On the other side of the universe, the sun in the solar system where the earth is located is a main sequence star in the yellow dwarf category. Although it was born a long time ago, compared with other stars, this yellow sun can be said to be in its prime. The energy emitted is very huge.

Different from the earthly creatures who have been irradiated by this energy from the beginning, after the people of Krypton come here, these radiations with huge energy will instantly stimulate the superpower genes in their bodies, and gradually awaken in sequence, making them They gain the power inherent in their genes.

And this is also the reason why Kryptonians will become so-called 'supermen' on Earth. As for their fear of Kryptonite, it is just that they cannot withstand the radiation of the red sun above, because the radiation of the red sun will temporarily cover the radiation of the yellow sun. , causing their strengthened bodies to return to a state of no energy.

But Zhang Yi still remembered that Superman had several times in the comics resisting kryptonite. Although this has something to do with the origin of Superman himself and the god of Krypton, EAO, it has to be said that Red Sun can only It can be regarded as a means to target Kryptonians, but it cannot be used as a sure-kill move.

In the eyes of most people, the red sun and the yellow sun are more like switches for superman's superpowers, but Zhang Ye knows that in addition to these two kinds of stars, blue suns, neutron stars, and even quasars carry huge amounts of radiation. The stars can bring great strength to Kryptonians, making them almost without weaknesses.

But those descriptions only exist in some comics. Zhang Yi is not sure whether these can really be used as his judgment on Kryptonians in the future. After all, in different universes, the physiques of Kryptonians are also different. For example, some Kryptonians When star people are exposed to the yellow sun, they will lose their superpowers and so on.

This is also something Zhang Yi is worried about, because he cannot guarantee that all his judgments are correct, and the best way to solve the problem at hand is to try it personally as much as possible.

"32,597 stars code-named 'Red Sun' that match your description have been detected. Do you need me to help you conduct more detailed detection?" Miss Time's detection took a long time, but she did detect that Zhang Satisfactory results.

"Continuing the detailed classification, I need to find a planet under the radiation of the red sun, and the mass, gravity, climate and even temperature and ecology of this planet must be similar to the earth." Zhang Yi said quickly.

Although various planets seem to be similar in various film and television works, in fact, each planet is a completely different individual, and Zhang Yi is just an ordinary human being. If he rashly goes to an unknown planet, he will end up dead. One piece.

The ecosphere there is slightly different from the earth, so the air there may be poisonous to Zhang Yi.

Waiting quietly, Zhang Yi thought that Miss Time's test would take longer this time, but in fact, after just a few minutes, Miss Time gave dozens of options.

This may also be the power of the time controller. Its time-travel function allows Zhang Yi to go to any time node from the birth of the universe. In that time that cannot be calculated at all, there are really many planets that meet Zhang Yi's requirements. Too much.

If Zhang Yi hadn't stipulated that it must be the 'closest' to the earth, Miss Time could have named hundreds more planets that meet the requirements.

In the end, under Zhang Yi's selection, a planet with a land area of ​​two-thirds of the entire planet became the best choice. Zhang Yi chose it not because of anything else, but because its appearance is quite pleasing to the eye.

Perfect for General Zod's burial site.

"Do you want to mark the target node to facilitate space jump?"

"Yes." Zhang Yi nodded.

Miss Time said again. "Do you want to name it?"

"Name them?" Zhang Yi paused. Looking at the huge database, Zhang Yi suddenly realized that he really should give them a name, classify them into categories, etc., so that they could be easily queried in the future.

So, after Zhang Ye came up with the idea, he spoke. "Name the code name of the previous universe as the Ruined Universe, and name the target node just detected as Zod's Tomb."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi remembered something again and continued. "In addition, change the code name of the universe I am currently in to the Flashpoint One universe, and record the time node I am currently in as the Creation Engine."

"Okay, [Ruin Universe] and [Flash Point One Universe] have been named, and all records are being integrated. Do we need to make a space jump now?" Miss Time's tone sounded a little impatient.

Zhang Yi shook his head when he heard this. "Wait a minute. Now, you have to send me back first."


After Miss Time finished speaking, Zhang Yi suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness. He only had time to look back at the Morning Star Giant who was still being corroded by pollution, as if to remember it deeply in his mind.

The next moment, Zhang Yi's body trembled violently, and the surrounding environment changed back to the Bat Cave.

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