American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 016: Just because you are lucky, you can do whatever you want? !

The Eye of Agamotto is a magical tool, or a container.

It contains a divine tool, the Time Stone.

There are six stones in the Marvel world, also known as gems.

They are the Time, Power, Space, Reality, Soul, and Mind Stones.

The six stones are in different places and guarded by different people.

The Time Stone is in Kamar-Taj and is guarded by successive Supreme Sorcerers, so the Supreme Sorcerer also has a title called the Stone Guardian.

Now that Ancient One has given the Time Stone to Luo Bai, could it be that he wants to be the Supreme Sorcerer? !

Although he has a high talent, how long has he studied magic? ! He has not received formal training in Kamar-Taj.

Ancient One gave him the Time Stone so easily? !

Although Luo Bai did not understand why, he still replied: "I will protect it with my life, so this thing is for me?!"

"Yeah." Ancient One nodded and handed over the Eye of Agamotto.

Luo Bai took it with some confusion, and then studied it carefully.

"The Eye of Agamotto outside is a magical instrument, used to carry the raw stone inside. The raw stone inside is called the Time Stone, and possessing it can control the power of time."

"Controlling the power of time requires a certain amount of magic energy storage, which is a bit difficult for you now, but with your talent, it should only be a matter of time before you learn it."

"You need to use a spell to open the Eye of Agamotto, which is to ensure the safety of the Time Stone. The spell is very complicated and has gathered the efforts of the Supreme Wizards of all generations. I will tell you the spell now, and you must remember not to tell the spell to others. Only you and the subsequent 'Supreme Wizards' will know this spell."

Ancient One patiently explained the function and use of the raw stone.

Considering that the Eye of Agamotto needs a spell to open, she decided to tell Luo Bai the spell.

But before she could speak, Luo Bai cast a magic spell with a gesture.

Accompanied by a green light, the Eye of Agamotto was instantly opened.

Ancient One: "????"

Luo Bai: "????"

The two of them stared at each other for a full minute, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

Luo Bai could clearly see... Ancient One's shocked eyes and gradually widening mouth.

"How did you open it?!" It was unknown how long it took before Ancient One finally came to his senses and asked.

Luo Bai said awkwardly: "Supreme Sorcerer... This... I want to say that I guessed it blindly... Do you believe it?!"

Ancient One did not speak, but the expression on his face seemed to say: "Do you think I believe it?"

Although he knew it was hard to believe, Luo Bai really guessed it!

He knew the plot very well that a spell was needed to open the Time Stone.

That's why he fiddled with the Eye of Agamotto as soon as he got it, thinking about how to open it.

I didn't expect that he actually opened it? !

It's said that he was lucky, but he was even able to guess the spell? !

"Supreme Sorcerer, I really guessed it... In fact, I have always been very lucky." Luo Bai explained sincerely.

Ancient One frowned slightly, and asked with a slightly puzzled tone: "Luck... good?"

She did know that there was a girl among the mutants whose superpower was good luck.

Just luck can make her fall into Agamotto's spell? !

Ancient One didn't quite understand, but she thought that the spell was originally to be told to Luo Bai, so she didn't want to delve into it.

"It's good that you know it, go. The library has the information you want." Ancient One regained his composure, with a calm tone.

Seeing that she didn't pursue it, Luo Bai was so happy that he put on the Eye of Agamotto and planned to leave the temple.

Just after walking a few steps, Ancient One suddenly stopped him: "You should return Thor's weapon to him. Asgard and Kamar-Taj have never had any dealings, so it's better to live in peace."

Luo Bai nodded and immediately expressed his understanding.

Even if Luo Bai has the Time Stone, why does he need this broken hammer?

Thinking of this, he immediately used teleportation magic to send the hammer back.

After finishing all the things, Luo Bai left.

After he left, Gu Yi stared at his back blankly, and couldn't help complaining: "Is your luck so good? You can even guess the spell correctly?"

Gu Yi was wondering.

In the distance, there was someone who was even more puzzled than Gu Yi.


God's Domain, Asgard.

Thor sat at the dining table and couldn't figure it out.

"How could I miss such a big hammer? Where is my hammer!" Thor shouted loudly, and his anger made him keep throwing the wine jar on the ground.

No, you dare to believe it!

He was drinking with his good friends just now!

While drinking, his hammer disappeared?

"Thor, could it be stolen?" A friend asked.

"Impossible! Only I can lift that hammer! It's impossible to be stolen!" Thor answered firmly.

"But, you tried to summon it so many times just now, and the hammer didn't come out!" The friend couldn't help reminding.

Most artifacts recognize their masters, and so does Thor's Mjolnir.

In the past, if Thor stretched out his hand to summon it, the hammer would fly to it no matter where it was.

But now Mjolnir has no response? !

Not only Thor's friends were puzzled, but even Thor himself was puzzled.

"It was clearly possible to recall it before... Why can't it be recalled suddenly?!" Thor muttered.

At this time, he was very curious about where his hammer had gone.

"I have to go find it!" Thor said, and stood up to find the hammer.

At this moment, a small yellow circle suddenly appeared in the space.

Someone noticed this and shouted: "Look, what is that?!"

Instantly, everyone's eyes turned to the yellow circle.

But before they could study it carefully, they saw a hammer suddenly thrown out of the circle.

Thor hurriedly caught it with his hand.

At first glance... Wow... Isn't this his hammer! !

"Hammer!! This is my hammer!!!" Thor shouted excitedly.

The people around him also cheered.

Everyone was happy that Thor got the hammer back, including himself.

But as he was happy, Thor realized that something was wrong.

"Wait, what's the matter with the yellow door just now?! Teleport?!" Thor asked.

"It looks like teleportation." A friend echoed.

Thor frowned.


Someone was so bold as to reach out to Asgard? !

"Do any of you know what happened with the teleportation just now?!" Thor asked.

But everyone shook their heads.

After all, no one knew who had teleported the hammer and then disappeared without even showing his face.

And few people had ever seen this kind of power.

"It doesn't seem to be done by the Asgardians." Someone reminded.

Thor frowned.

He also discovered that the power just now definitely did not come from Asgard.

"Someone was able to reach out to Asgard without anyone noticing? And almost took my hammer away?"

"I must find this person! Let's go and ask Heimdall about the situation. He has the Eye of Heimdall that can perceive everything, and he must know who invaded Asgard just now!"

"I must find this person!"

As Thor said this, he led a group of friends to walk towards the Rainbow Bridge in a menacing manner.

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