American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 002: This works?! It's unscientific!

Realizing that the terrorists had noticed them, Dr. Ethan became a little panicked.

"Tony, are you okay?! They have discovered something is wrong." Dr. Ethan asked in a panic.

Soon Tony Stark gave the reply: "It's done, Ethan help me put on the steel armor!"

Without hesitation, Ethan immediately stepped forward to help him put on the steel armor.

Wearable steel armor is just the first step. Without electric steel armor, it is impossible to exercise.

"It will take five minutes for the suit to complete the power supply. We have to hurry up!" Dr. Ethan said as he looked outside the door, always paying attention to whether there were any terrorists breaking in outside the door.

Because of the nervousness, his body couldn't help but tremble at this moment.

Although Tony Stark was equally nervous, he still comforted Ethan: "Don't worry, we tied a bomb outside the door. If they force their way in, they will be bombed. This may help us delay for a while."

Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something.

"Didn't you trigger the bomb mechanism outside the door when you came in?! Lobai." Tony Stark asked doubtfully.

Luo Bai was silent.

After all, he didn't enter through the main entrance at all, so of course he wouldn't trigger the mechanism.

But before he could explain, he heard a loud "boom" and the tranquility of the cave was completely broken.

Terrorists have broken down the door!

The good news is that the terrorist who broke in was killed.

The bad news is that this will inevitably alert other terrorists, and they will run out of time.

"Tony, please stop asking these unimportant questions at this time. We need to buy more time for the armor to activate!" Dr. Ethan complained anxiously.

Before Tony Stark could answer, Dr. Ethan continued to ask: "Lobai, can you help us?!"

"What do you need me to do?" Luo Bai asked, a bad feeling welling up in his heart.

Sure enough, the next second he heard Ethan calling for help: "Then can you help us delay for a while? We need your help!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Bai was stunned.

What the hell? !

Let him, a crispy college student, hold back those terrorists carrying machine guns outside? !

To be honest, Luo Bai felt that he might not be able to hold it off.

But if the "steel armor" cannot be activated, there is only death waiting for him.

Thinking of this, he could only bite the bullet and agree: "Okay...what do you need me to do?!"

"Let's go out and fight with those terrorists!" Dr. Ethan said, with a firm look in his eyes as if he wanted to join the party.

Compared with his determination, Luo Bai was much weaker.

"Then... let's go..." Luo Bai replied weakly, and the two of them walked out of the door one after another.

When Luo Bai walked outside the door, he found that the door had been blown up and some bodies with missing limbs were still lying on the ground.

If he hadn't been mentally strong, he would have vomited.

Dr. Ethan seems to have become accustomed to staying in the cave for a long time.

He calmly walked forward, picked up a usable gun from the body and handed it to Luo Bai.

"Here you go, I think you should come in handy! Also, protect yourself." Ethan reminded kindly.

Luo Bai said nothing.

Although he pretended to be calm on the outside, he was panicking inside.

Looking at the gun in his hand, he couldn't help but complain in his mind: "No, how on earth do you use this thing! I know a little about guns, but I have never actually fired one!"

But before he could study it carefully, the terrorists had already entered.

Hearing the footsteps and shouts not far away, Dr. Ethan clenched his hands and planned to rush out. While rushing, he discussed with Luo Bai: "They are coming, I will kill them! You cover behind me I!"

Luo Bai quickly stopped him: "Don't go out yet!"

Dr. Ethan stopped and said anxiously: "If we don't go out now, we will be dead when they come in!"

Luo Bai quickly explained: "The entrance to the cave is small and easy to defend but difficult to attack. We will stay here and wait for them to come."

Although Ethan looks brave, he is engaged in scientific research after all, and he had never seen such a scene before he was arrested.

Like Luo Bai, he had never used a gun, let alone experienced such a thing.

I was pretending to be calm, but actually I was quite panicked.

Maybe he thought what Luo Bai said was reasonable and thought he had experience, so he and Luo Bai guarded the door.

After a while, the two saw three or four terrorists armed with machine guns running over.

The cave was so narrow that there was almost no place to hide. Luo Bai knew that if the terrorists saw them and shot first, they would be in danger.

So when Luo Bai saw the terrorists appearing, he immediately shouted: "Shoot!"

Without waiting for Ethan to react, he fired fiercely in front of him.

To be honest, Luo Bai never thought that he could hit anyone with his gun before this.

After all, this was his first time using a gun, and he wasn't even good at aiming yet.

In addition, it is very dark in the cave, so it is not easy to hit the target.

But what he never expected was that just after he fired a few shots.

Several screams were heard in the cave. All the terrorists fell to the ground and there was no more sound.

For a moment, Luo Bai himself was stunned.

Actually...did it hit? !

Just as he was thinking about it, Ethan couldn't help shouting excitedly: "What a great marksmanship! You killed all the enemies before I even reacted?! Your marksmanship is so accurate, you must have received professional training, right?" !”

Luo Bai didn't answer, but couldn't help but respond silently in his heart: "Actually, this is also my first time using a gun."

To be honest, even he felt strange.

After all, it was his first time using a gun, and he shot the target four times in such a difficult environment.

Who would believe that he was not a professional!

Even Luo Bai was a little puzzled at this time, and couldn't help thinking in his heart: Could it be that I am gifted in shooting? !

But he didn't have much time to think, because the second group of terrorists came into the cave again.

Although I don't know how many people came this time, from the dense footsteps, it can be heard that there are obviously more people coming this time than before.

This made Luo Bai a little panic.

After all, no matter how talented he is, it is his first time to play with a gun. Facing so many terrorists... Can he really survive? !

"How long will it take for him to start?!" Luo Bai couldn't help asking, he really wanted Tony Stark to come and rescue him.

"It will probably take another 1 minute to start!" Ethan replied.

1 minute? !

By the time he is ready, he will be cold! !

For the first time, Luo Bai felt that 1 minute was so long.

It seems that it is impossible to rely on Tony Stark. For now, he can only rely on himself.

"No way, it seems that we can only fight. Ethan, you shoot when you see someone showing his head, but don't hesitate!" Luo Bai warned.

He held his breath and held the gun tightly in his hand.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, his hand holding the gun became tighter and tighter.

At this time, he was so nervous that he didn't dare to breathe, and his eyes were staring straight ahead for fear of missing it.

Until he saw the terrorists appear in his sight, Luo Bai immediately opened fire and fired at the front without saying a word.

At the same time, the terrorists also found Luo Bai and started shooting at him.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep---

The sound of gunfire echoed in the cave, and bullets flew around in a flash.

In fact, Luo Bai didn't think he had a chance of winning at all.

He even felt that as a time traveler, he might be in trouble at the beginning.

So during the shooting, Luo Bai almost closed his eyes the whole time.

He finally stopped shooting until the last bullet was fired.

And at this time, he unexpectedly found that he was still alive? !

Luo Bai opened his eyes in surprise.

It would have been fine if he didn't open his eyes, but once he opened his eyes, Luo Bai was dumbfounded.

Not far away, a bunch of terrorists were lying in a mess, and they seemed to be dead.

Could it be that he killed all these terrorists? !

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at Dr. Ethan for confirmation, but at this time, the expression on Dr. Ethan's face was more exciting than his.

After looking at him for a long time, Dr. Ethan asked: "So many people shot at you, you... are you hurt at all?!"

Injured? !

Luo Bai carefully checked himself, and after a moment he replied: "No."

Dr. Ethan: "..."

6! !

Really 6! !

Dr. Ethan saw the chaotic gunfight just now clearly.

Seven or eight terrorists, "shooting" at Luo Bai!

In the end, they all died, but Luo Bai didn't even get a scratch? !

Even Dr. Ethan was shot twice in the arm and leg, but Luo Bai was fine? ? !

This is unscientific!!

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