Knowing that the people who came belonged to SHIELD, it was not difficult to guess their identities.

The "boiled egg head" must be Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD, and the one next to him should be Black Widow, whose full name is Natasha Romanoff.

Both of them are outstanding agents of SHIELD, and Nick Fury is even known as the "king of agents".

As an agent, he must have received long-term professional training.

He has a thorough understanding of human nature, especially for an agent of Nick Fury's level.

Because of this, he always has some confidence, confident that he can "convince" anyone.

As soon as he entered the door, Nick Fury walked to the sofa with a very serious look and sat down.

Then he briefly introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Nick Fury. I think Tony has already told you some general situations."

Since Luo Bai didn't want to waste his words, he replied directly: "I said, I have no interest in the Avengers."

Nick Fury didn't seem surprised, and didn't even continue to mention it.

He changed the subject: "I heard from Tony that you are a wizard?!"

"Yeah." Luo Bai nodded.

Nick Fury said with great emotion: "Although it is hard for me to believe that there are wizards on Earth, I really can't explain how you made Obadiah disappear out of thin air... Can I ask how many wizards like you are there on Earth?"

Luo Bai frowned and said, "Your question is not polite."

Nick Fury seemed to understand, and he explained: "You know, most of the people living on Earth are ordinary people, and the responsibility of SHIELD is to protect and manage the Earth. So I must eliminate all factors that threaten the Earth."

"So you think... wizards are a threat to the Earth?" Luo Bai asked.

Nick Fury shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. If you are really a wizard, then you have stronger strength than humans. Like wizards or superpowers... If they have the intention to destroy the Earth one day, it will be difficult for humans to resist."

In fact, what he said makes sense.

When "superpowers" appear, some humans may think it's cool, but some humans will also worry that the existence of "superpowers" will pose a threat to humans.

Obviously, Nick Fury is such a human.

Luo Bai can understand his worries, but being questioned makes Luo Bai more or less dissatisfied.

However, he did not argue too much, just smiled and asked Nick Fury: "If the wizard really intends to harm the earth, do you think you have a way to deal with it?"

"The Avengers is the way to deal with it." Nick Fury responded seriously: "Everyone in the Avengers will protect the earth and prevent any evil forces from threatening the earth."

"So you think that "superpowers" who are unwilling to join the Avengers will pose a threat to the earth?" Luo Bai asked back, with a meaningful smile on his face.

Nick Fury was stunned for a while, and replied after a moment: "Yes."

Luo Bai didn't say anything, but the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

His silence made Nick Fury silent.

The four looked at each other, and the atmosphere was terribly solemn for a while.

As if the atmosphere was not right, Natasha on the side spoke up: "I don't think Luo Bai will harm the earth. After all, he helped Stark before and solved the last crisis."

Natasha is also an agent, so she naturally stands on the side of Nick Fury.

Although Luo Bai knows that the two are most likely "playing a role".

One plays the good guy and the other plays the bad guy.

But from the sound of it, Luo Bai can accept it more.

"I think you can talk more than him, so why are you the king of agents?" Luo Bai asked.

Natasha shrugged and half-jokingly complained: "Maybe it's because he is older than me. Experience is very important in our business."

"Then you are at a disadvantage." Luo Bai also replied half-jokingly.

The two of them teased each other, making Nick Fury's face darker.

"Agent Romanov, watch your words and deeds." Nick Fury scolded.

Natasha shrugged and said nothing.

It was Nick Fury who found something wrong.

"Do you know that I'm the king of agents?" Nick Fury asked.

You should know that all the information in SHIELD is top secret, and ordinary people can't find it at all.

The personal information of agents like them is even more top secret.

How did Luo Bai know that he was the king of agents?

"Have you investigated me? You shouldn't... You shouldn't be able to investigate my information!" Nick Fury was puzzled.

At this moment, he looked at Luo Bai with more doubts.

Luo Bai smiled brightly and responded casually: "Of course I know, I even know that you were a colonel in the Army during World War II and joined SHIELD after the war."

"How do you know these things?!" Nick Fury asked, his expression became serious.

Luo Bai did not answer directly, but asked back: "Nick Fury, do you really think SHIELD is well protected and airtight? Is it possible that SHIELD is completely different from what you imagined?"

"What do you mean?!" Nick Fury asked again in confusion, his expression became more serious.

Luo Bai still did not answer directly, but said: "You think that everything can be under your control and plan, but in fact, everything has long been out of your control. I don't believe that you can protect the earth, so I don't want to join the Avengers at all."

His words were very direct, and it can be said that they were direct and even a little unpleasant.

No wonder Nick Fury's face became darker and darker as he listened.

But Nick Fury couldn't even find words to refute. After all, from the current situation, he had already lost this "game".

Nick Fury tried his best but couldn't find any information about Luo Bai, but Luo Bai seemed to know him well.

So from this point of view alone, he had already lost.

He knew very well that it was impossible to persuade Luo Bai to join the Avengers, but he still wanted to struggle.

"The Security Council will not allow the existence of "superpowers" out of control, not to mention that there is almost no information about you on the world. You don't want to join the Avengers. Have you thought about how to face doubts in the future?" Nick Fury asked.

This is not a threat, but more of an advice.

After all, no matter how powerful Nick Fury is, he has to listen to the higher-ups, that is, the "Security Council".

But Luo Bai was not worried at all.

"Tony has been pursued before, and he was also opposed at the United Nations meeting, but do you think Tony cares?" Luo Bai asked.

Stark quickly agreed: "I don't care at all, just treat those people as if they are talking nonsense."

Since then, Nick Fury has been completely speechless.

"Okay, then I wish you good luck next. I hope you don't mind some of the things I said today, after all, I just want to ensure the safety of the earth." Nick Fury said.

Although some of Nick Fury's words today are indeed not very pleasant, considering that his starting point is good.

In addition, Luo Bai did not want to have too much entanglement with S.H.I.E.L.D., so he didn't care too much.

"I have always had good luck." Luo Bai said casually.

The things that should be discussed have been discussed, and the things that should be solved are almost solved.

Nick Fury and Natasha also plan to leave.

As for Stark, he also plans to leave because he is in a hurry to deal with the poisoning.

Just as the three were about to leave, Nick Fury received a call.

After answering the call, Nick Fury's eyes became serious: "Trouble is coming, Tony, I think we need your help this time."

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