American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 043: Luck is so good that it makes people jealous.

Polaris has a strong personality, and this strong personality means that she cannot accept others calling her "bad".

Especially when these words came from Luo Bai, a wizard she respected very much.

This made it even harder for Polaris to accept.

She was originally in a very low mood, but after hearing this, she suddenly became "rebellious".

Her light green eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

But no matter how unconvinced she was, Luna had no choice but to refute.

After all, she is really bad now.

She can't deal with the X-Men, and she can't deal with the Mutant Association, so how can she not be bad?

Thinking of this, Polaris took a deep breath and almost gritted her teeth to respond: "Master Luo Bai taught me that I am really a badass."

Seeing her stiff expression, Luo Bai raised his eyebrows and asked: "Why, you seem very unconvinced?"

The little girl was in a bad mood, lowered her head and answered stubbornly: "No."

Luo Bai laughed and complained: "The four basic natural forces in the universe are strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravity. You have the ability to control the magnetic field, but in the end you can't even handle these people. Isn't that bad enough?"

Polaris: "..."

She was so angry.

Although she didn't dare to refute Luo Bai, she couldn't help but refute because she was too angry: "That's because I have a mental illness, so it's difficult for me to control my abilities."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Luo Bai ask back: "But you have never practiced, right? You know you are a mutant and your situation is very dangerous, why don't you train your abilities well?"

Polaris was speechless for a moment.

After all, what Luo Bai said was not wrong. Why don't you practice more if you are bad?

Thinking of this, Polaris suddenly said with a firm look: "I will train my abilities well in the future! Next time I will deal with them before they come, and I will never cause you any trouble!"

Luo Bai smiled faintly and jokingly responded: "There is still work to do, don't practice and there is no one to clean the house!"

"Okay, I know." Polaris responded.

At this time, all the troubles and concerns in her heart have disappeared.

Although Luo Bai said that she was a bad boy just now, she was a little unconvinced.

But she thought about it and Luo Bai was actually doing it for her own good.

After all, the mutants are in such a difficult situation now. If she doesn't train her abilities well, how will she live in the future?

Is she really going to hide for the rest of her life? !

After figuring this out, she was even more grateful to Luo Bai in her heart.

"Master Luo Bai, I know you said that I hope I can become stronger. Thank you for defending me in front of Professor X before. I will definitely work hard." Polaris thanked Luo Bai from the bottom of her heart and expressed her determination to become stronger.

After that, before Luo Bai finished, she asked again: "Master Luo Bai, do you have anything else to do now? If not, I want to practice my abilities first."

"Go ahead." Luo Bai waved his hand.

Polaris walked into the room, closed the door, and began to practice her abilities.

While practicing, she kept muttering: "I must practice hard! I wonder who dares to say I'm a bad boy in the future!!"

Polaris's voice was not loud when she said this, but Luo Bai still heard it.

After all, he had been training for a month, and all aspects had been qualitatively improved.

It's normal to have better hearing.

Hearing Polaris's complaints, Luo Bai couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

It should be said that it's actually good to have someone to accompany you in the other world.

But his rest time has come, and it's time to continue practicing the soul.

Luo Bai was going to go back to the study, but he didn't expect the doorbell to ring at this time.

Just as he was about to open the door, he felt a force surging in the room and then the door was opened.

Polaris can control magnetic fields and metals just like her father.

So it's easy to open a door with her ability.

But she didn't use it much before, so Luo Bai almost forgot that she had this skill.

"This skill is good, very practical." Luo Bai nodded and praised.

The next second, a familiar voice was heard outside the door: "Strange, why is there no one?"

This voice, it is obvious that the person who came is Stark.

He seemed to be very confused why no one opened the door for him today, but the door opened by itself.

With curiosity, he walked into the house and saw Luo Bai sitting on the sofa. Stark's brows relaxed.

Puzzles turned into excitement, and Stark cheered excitedly: "Oh~~ My friend~~ I finally see you again. Where have you been this month?"

"I went on a trip." Luo Bai said.

"Travel??! Where did you go to play?" Stark asked.

Luo Bai thought about it, and then answered: "To the universe."


At this time, the expression on Stark's face was very wonderful.

"Well, the life of a mage is really beyond our comprehension." Stark shrugged and spoke helplessly.

Others travel at least on Earth.

Luo Bai travels... he is no longer on Earth.

No wonder he can't see him.

Of course, Stark didn't pursue this matter too much.

He just sat down on the sofa and asked curiously: "Where is your housekeeping? Where did it go?"

"In the room." Luo Bai explained.

Stark nodded, and then shouted: "Miss Lorna, can you please pour me a drink?!"

As soon as Stark finished speaking, he saw a green light like the aurora surging out of the room.

The green aurora surged towards the dining table.

Stark was stunned and asked, "What is this?"

As he asked, he looked in the direction of the green light.

Until he saw the green aurora open the refrigerator door, and took out a can of Coke and put it on the table in front of him.

Stark finally realized that something was wrong.


"Shit?! Am I seeing a ghost?"

"Luo Bai, what magic did you use?"

Stark was shocked and couldn't help asking several questions in a row.

Luo Bai understood his shock, so he calmly responded, "It's not me. It's Lorna."

"Lorna?" Stark didn't understand.

Luo Bai explained, "In fact, she is a mutant who can control magnetic fields and metals. She is working hard to practice her abilities in the room now."

What the hell? ? !

Can control magnetic fields and metals? !


Stark was stunned.

He originally thought that Luo Bai was lucky enough to find a young, beautiful and obedient girl to do housework.

I didn't expect that the housekeeper that Luo Bai found had such a powerful ability to control the magnetic field? !

Thinking of this, Stark couldn't help but complain: "My friend, your luck is so good that it makes people jealous. Can you find one for me next time?"

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