American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 052 Dormammu: I am really impressed!

The Dark Book is so famous.

Even Dormammu has absorbed dark energy from it to make himself stronger. How could he not know who Sithonn is? !

He is the creator of the Dark Book and the origin of all black magic. He is a big daddy!

Although Sithonn was forced to exile to other dimensions a long time ago.

But he just left and he is not dead. Who knows when he will come back again?

So when he sensed Sithonn's power, Dormammu was obviously stunned.

He dared not move forward, because once he moved forward, it meant that he would compete with Sithonn for believers.

To be honest, this risk is quite big.

After all, no one has seen the full power of Sithonn.

Even if he had studied the Dark Book and absorbed Sithonn's power, the power he absorbed was insignificant to Sithonn.

And it's not just him. Mephisto, the lord of hell, has also absorbed Sithonn's power.

This shows that Sithonn is very powerful. Dormammu's chances of winning are not great if he really wants to rob him.

But Dormammu was unwilling to accept it.

His power in the dark dimension was inexplicably taken away by someone, and he couldn't take that person's soul.

This is fair!!! Unfair!!!

Just as Dormammu was struggling, another force surged out and blocked him.

Unlike the power of black magic, it was a holy golden power.

It was white magic... It turned out to be the Trinity God Vishanti! ?


Did Vishanti also take a fancy to this human wizard and give him a blessing to take him as a believer?


At this moment, Dormammu was completely confused, and several question marks popped up in his mind.

No, who can tell me who this wizard is! !

So many ancient gods want to take him as a believer? !

Is there anything special about him? ?

"Damn it! Can't you ancient gods stay quiet!!" Dormammu cursed.

Because of his anger, the entire dark dimension is now extremely riotous.

Although he really didn't need one or two followers, he was too unwilling to accept it.

Moreover, the fact that this earth wizard was favored by many ancient gods proved that his soul must have something!

This made Dormammu more determined to conquer Luo Bai's soul.

But now he couldn't join the battle.

He had no chance of winning against so many ancient gods.

Originally thought that after the death of Ancient One, he could devour the earth unscrupulously.

Unexpectedly, Ancient One also accepted such an apprentice.

He wanted to devour more planets and turn those planets into dark dimensions to enhance his own power! !

"His soul will be mine sooner or later!" Dormammu roared, and he withdrew while roaring.

At this time, a hell lord quietly broke the defense.

Mephisto: "I just want to collect a soul, it's not necessary, it's really not necessary to come with so many ancient gods..."


Luo Bai had no idea that the ancient gods, the gods of the dark dimension, and the hell lords were fighting for his soul.

He just closed his eyes and continued to absorb the dark power that flowed into his body.

He stopped only when he was sure that his body could no longer bear more dark power.

Because of the experience of the first time, Luo Bai adjusted very quickly this time.

The dark power was quickly absorbed by him, and Luo Bai's pupils turned black and red at the moment of absorption.

As his mood calmed down, his pupils gradually returned to normal.

"This power..." Luo Bai muttered in surprise, and then looked at his body.

He felt surprised because he could feel his own strength.

This feeling is difficult to appear when practicing white magic.

Although Luo Bai could feel that he was making progress every day before, the improvement was very weak.

After mastering the time gem, he did feel that his strength had been greatly improved.

But compared with now, it is completely different.

In the half hour of practicing black magic just now, Luo Bai's strength was completely skyrocketing.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone likes black magic, even Gu Yi had to "borrow" a little power from black magic.

I can only sigh that it still gives too much!

Although black magic is good and can make people stronger, Luo Bai also knows the meaning of the four words "stop when it's enough".

For now, it's enough to practice. It's not too late to practice again when the soul and mind are stronger.

So, Luo Bai started the soul journey again.

This soul journey was very short, because Wang came at six o'clock in the morning.

"Supreme Mage, you have to go to the training ground." Wang reminded.

Luo Bai adjusted his state and walked out of the study. After passing through the stone door of the temple, he entered Kamar-Taj.

On the way to the training ground, Wang took the initiative to ask: "Supreme Mage, are you used to staying in the temple? Is there anything you need to add?"

Luo Bai shook his head and replied: "It's good. If there is anything missing, I will get it myself."

It's not a casual thing for the mage to take something.

Wang understood so he didn't ask any more questions. He just reminded: "There are quite a lot of mages here today, including temple guards and mages practicing outside. And several mages that Master Gu Yi had a good relationship with have gone to the training ground."

All of them are here?

Luo Bai was stunned and couldn't help but complain: "So many people are here?"

Wang shrugged and replied: "Everyone wants to see what the new Supreme Mage looks like, so it's not surprising that so many people come."

"That's true." Luo Bai nodded to express understanding.

Just as he was about to ask more questions, he felt something strange.

Someone broke into Kama Taj!

With the magic circle around, normally few people would be able to break into Kama Taj easily.

Of course, if the intruder also knows magic, that's a different story.

So obviously the person who broke into Kama Taj was also a mage.

The king also felt something unusual about the magic circle, and he said eagerly: "Supreme Mage, someone broke into Kama Taj!"

"I feel it too." Luo Bai replied with a frown.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Wang mutter: "Strange. I just felt abnormal energy fluctuations, why can't I feel it now?"

"It seems that this mage is very powerful." Luo Bai explained.

"What should we do?! Should we gather all the magicians of Kama Taj?" Wang asked.

"No, because I can feel that she is currently in the training ground." Luo Bai replied.

Although Wang couldn't feel the energy fluctuations that broke into the mage, he could feel it.

The abnormal energy comes from the training ground.

"Training ground? This mage broke into Kama Taj and went straight to the training ground. Could it be that this mage just wanted to come in and get to know you?" Wang guessed.

As the new Supreme Mage, it is normal for Earth mages to be curious.

But Luo Bai felt that things might not be that simple.

Of course, he couldn't guarantee 100% the purpose of this mage's coming.

So after thinking about it he replied: "Let's go to the training ground first."

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