American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 060 Loki: Why, why is this happening!!

Loki was very angry at this time.

After stealing the Cosmic Cube from SHIELD, he brought the Mind Staff and the Cosmic Cube and a large group of researchers to an abandoned factory.

In order to achieve his goal, Loki needs to find a way to activate the power in the Cosmic Cube.

In simple terms, it is to develop a device that can activate the powerful power in the Cosmic Cube and open the cosmic portal.

Once the cosmic portal is opened, the Chitauri can rush from distant planets to invade the earth in batches.

When the earth is completely occupied, he will become the king.

This is why Loki came to the earth to steal the Cosmic Cube.

He wants to be the master and the king of the earth!

But he never expected it.

While the technicians were studying the device, he just traveled to the Chitauri planet in his soul to discuss the plan to invade the earth with the Chitauri.

When the soul came back... MD, the things were gone! !

The Cosmic Cube and the Mind Staff were all gone! !

The most important thing is that the person who took them away also left a note very arrogantly.

This is a provocation!

Naked provocation!!

"Supreme Sorcerer, right? Okay, okay, when I find you, I will make you pay the price!!"

"I will pierce your chest with my knife! Cut you into pieces!"

Loki roared angrily.

No, what kind of person is this person!

He dared to call himself the Supreme Sorcerer in front of him, the Ninth First Sorcerer? ? !

"What happened?" Dr. Selvig couldn't help asking in anger.

When Loki broke into SHIELD before, he not only took away the Cosmic Cube, but also used the Mind Scepter to control the consciousness of Dr. Selvig and SHIELD agent Hawkeye and others, asking them to study the device to activate the Cosmic Cube for him.

Just now, when Dr. Selvig was studying, the Cosmic Cube suddenly disappeared.

Dr. Selvig asked because he didn't know what happened.

Loki didn't explain because he was red-hot now.

He just took out the crumpled note and asked Dr. Selvig: "Where is this address!?"

Loki is an Asgardian who rarely comes to Earth, so it's normal that he doesn't know much about Earth.

Dr. Selvig opened the note and took a look at the address on it, and quickly gave a reply: "Not far from here, are you going here?!"

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now, tell me the coordinates immediately!! Immediately!" Loki was furious.

Dr. Selvig was shocked.

He quickly took out his mobile phone to search the map and quickly gave the coordinates.

After hearing the exact coordinates, Loki disappeared.

When he reappeared, Loki had arrived outside an apartment building.

He took a look at the apartment address and confirmed it.

The address was correct, the damn Supreme Sorcerer was inside!

It was learned that the "Supreme Sorcerer" lived here.

Loki gritted his teeth and muttered: "Found you!! Supreme Sorcerer, you are finished!"

He was about to break in.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

A familiar force was approaching him.

Loki's face changed and he turned back quickly.

He found a shiny object, like a meteor, coming towards him.

What was that thing...


Without any defense, even before Loki could react.

A hammer hit Loki without any warning.

At that time, Loki was face-down on the ground.

He fell straight to the ground.

On his back was a big hammer shining in the dark night.

It was his brother Thor's hammer... Thor's hammer!

Loki: "......!!!!"

Is it so accurate!!!

I'm so fucking!!

Loki felt short of breath and spat out a mouthful of blood.

He wanted to get up, but the Thor's hammer on his back made him unable to breathe.

"Thor!!!" he yelled.

The next second, Thor appeared in front of him.

"Oh my brother, long time no see. Sorry to see you in this way, are you okay now?" Thor showed a strong smile.

Loki: "!!!!"


He almost killed the damn Supreme Sorcerer with his own hands!

But he never expected to die before he could accomplish his mission.

Before he even walked into the door, he was knocked down by Thor's hammer.

At this time, Loki's anger value was full.

"Thor!! Can you take back your damn hammer!!" Loki roared.

Thor shook his head and said casually: "To prevent you from escaping, I think this is better."

"... Shit!!" The suppressed Loki blushed with anger and couldn't help cursing.

Seeing Loki so angry, Thor was so happy.

He really knew his brother too well.

I thought I would encounter some troubles when I came to find him this time, but I didn't expect it to be solved so easily.

Looking at Loki who was unable to move, Thor asked: "Where is the Cosmic Cube, Loki?!"

Loki became even more angry when he heard the words "Cosmic Cube".

But it was also at this time that Loki calmed down.

He knew very well how to deal with his brother.

This big fool...he would not give in to the tough way.

So in order to get away, Loki pretended to be "weak".

"I'm also looking for the Cosmic Cube." Loki said.

Looking for it too?

"Did you lose the Cosmic Cube?" Thor asked.

"A man who claims to be the 'Supreme Sorcerer' stole the Cosmic Cube and my scepter. If you had come a little later, I would have found him." Loki said, with helplessness and anger in his tone.

Although Loki's expression was very sincere at this time, Thor didn't believe his lies at all.

"Do you think I will believe you, Loki?" Thor said.

His brother is known as the God of Tricks. Thor has lost count of how many times he has deceived him since he was a child.

He can still tolerate some small things.

But when he thought of what Loki did to him when he was exiled to Earth by his father, Thor couldn't tolerate it at all.

"Do you think I will be fooled by you again? I even thought you were dead before, but I didn't expect that you are not only alive and well now, but also appeared on Earth!" Thor said angrily.

When Thor was exiled to Earth before, his father Odin deprived him of all his abilities.

His good brother not only almost killed him on Earth, but also led the Frost Giants to invade Asgard.

Although his brother and he solved the Frost Giants later.

But Asgard was also half destroyed, and even the Rainbow Bridge was destroyed.

In the end, Loki also fell off the broken Rainbow Bridge and disappeared.

He once thought that Loki would die after falling off the Rainbow Bridge.

Unexpectedly, Loki not only survived well, but also came to Earth to make trouble.

When his father Odin knew about it, he used a powerful force to teleport him to Earth, just to let him bring back Loki and the Cosmic Cube.

Now Loki said that the Cosmic Cube was taken away by some "Supreme Sorcerer"?

With the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Scepter in hand.

Loki, the ninth first wizard, couldn't beat the "Supreme Sorcerer", and his things were taken away?

Because he was deceived too many times, Thor now doesn't believe his words at all.

"Loki. My father and I thought you were dead. My father even asked everyone in Asgard to mourn you together. But now you are not only alive but also appear on Earth. You are really not quiet at all." Thor complained.

Mentioning this, Loki seemed to remember something and asked: "He told you about my life experience, right?"

"Yes. But so what? We were all raised by him." Thor said.

It seems that Thor doesn't care at all that he is the son of the Frost Giant King.

That's right.

Loki knows very well that his brother attaches great importance to brotherhood.

Thinking of this, Loki played the emotional card: "I know, my brother. It is precisely because we are brothers that I didn't lie to you. The Cosmic Cube was really taken away. Put the hammer away, and I will take you to find the Cosmic Cube."

Perhaps the word "brother" touched Thor.

Thor finally chose to believe.

He took the hammer off Loki's back.

Loki finally got a new life.

He stretched his limbs, and Thor beside him said: "Take me to find the Cosmic Cube. I hope you didn't lie to me this time."

"I will definitely not lie to you this time!" Loki said.

On the surface, he looked harmless, but in fact, he already had his own little calculations in his mind.

He was about to take Thor to the Supreme Sorcerer's house to settle accounts.

At this moment, he heard a roar: "Hulk!!!"

The next second, a green behemoth rushed out.

Without waiting for Loki and Thor to react, Hulk grabbed his feet.

He threw him to the ground like a piece of clothing and started to smash it repeatedly.

Loki: "..."

No! ! ! ! !

What is this thing, why did it suddenly rush out? ? !

And... ! !

Thor is right next to him! ! Why don't you smash him! ! !

Why ! !

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