American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 066 Confrontation with the Temple of Odin!

Seeing the unruly Loki speaking arrogantly in the audience, Odin was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

In fact, Odin doted on his two sons.

Although Loki has done many wrong things, as long as he can say a few good words, Odin will imprison him for a while at most.

Unexpectedly, Loki was very harsh at this moment, with dissatisfaction written all over his face.

The Supreme Mage was watching from the side, feeling that Odin, who had been disgraced, was now in a dilemma.

In the end, Queen Frigga spoke in general: "God King, Loki just hasn't changed his identity for the time being, let him live."

Thor also quickly begged for mercy: "Father, seeing that he hasn't caused any serious trouble yet, please forgive him."

This finally gave Odin a step down.

"Loki, if the queen and your brother hadn't interceded for you, you would have been sentenced to death. Take the prisoner Loki to the dungeon, and he will spend the rest of his life in the dungeon!" Odin handed down the punishment angrily. .

Although Loki said nothing, the sarcastic expression on his face said it all.

He is not convinced, let alone unwilling!

"Hurry up and take him down, I don't want to see him again!" Odin yelled angrily.

Although on the surface Odin pretended to hope that Loki would quickly enter the dungeon.

But in fact, he was just afraid that if he waited a little longer, Loki would say something treacherous.

Fortunately, these guards were fast enough and dragged Loki away.

At this moment, Odin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What a traitor!

What a traitor! !

The Supreme Mage is still watching from here. If you just say a few nice words, you won't be imprisoned forever! !

I thought you were a little clever, unlike your upright brother Thor!

Unexpectedly, both of them are the same guy! ! !

Really! madness! !

Odin was a little helpless at this time. After sighing, he looked at Thor and asked: "Where is the Cosmic Cube?"

Thor responded quickly: "Father, the Rubik's Cube is on Luo Bai's body."

Luo Bai naturally understood the meaning.

He didn't say much, he just took out the Cosmic Cube.

Odin gave him a look, and soon a guard came forward to take the Cosmic Cube away and send it to Asgard's treasure house.

After finishing all the matters, Odin said and retreated from everyone: "You all should leave first. I want to talk to the Supreme Mage alone."

Everyone bowed and left, leaving only Odin and Luo Bai in the main hall.

Although Odin is holding the Eternal Spear at this time and wearing golden armor, he is sitting majestically on the throne of God.

But it is not difficult to see from his head of white hair and tired face that the former God King is old and his days are numbered.

Yes, according to the plot.

Odin probably won't live much longer.

He will be gone before Ragnarok comes.

This reminded Luo Bai of Gu Yi.

The rulers of the old era are slowly getting old or leaving, and the heroes of the new era are appearing one by one.

"Luo Bai, Karma Taj's new supreme mage. I have long heard about the departure of Ancient One, and I also know about your existence. I just never had the chance to meet you in person. I didn't expect you to come here in person today." I was just thinking about it. , Odin suddenly spoke.

At this time, Odin's tone of voice sounded like an elder.

Yes, after all, he is the disciple of Ancient One.

In terms of seniority, Odin is almost the same as Ancient One, so he can be considered the elder.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai responded politely: "I didn't want to disturb the God King, but I have to come today."

"I understand. Loki used the magic of the universe to cause disaster. Although he is not my biological son, he was raised by me. Now that he has made a mistake, it is also my dereliction of duty. Now that I have punished Loki, I believe that in the future This won't happen again," Odin said calmly.

He also knew that Asgard was at fault in what happened this time, and that Luobai was from Kama Taj and was the supreme mage of the earth.

For Gu Yi's sake, his attitude was already very polite.

Not only did he proactively admit his mistake, he also assured Luo Bai that such a thing would never happen in the future.

If other people had heard this, they might have left obediently.

After all, Odin is the God-King who rules the order of the nine realms, including the earth.

He is like a king, and other countries in the Nine Realms basically bow to him.

But the earth is an exception, and Kama Taj is an exception among exceptions.

The Sorcerer Supreme doesn't have to listen to Odin.

Thinking of this, Luo Bai responded with a smile: "It can be seen that you, the God King, love Loki very much. If other people of Asgard do this, it should not be as simple as being thrown into the dungeon."

Odin was stunned.

After a moment, he frowned and asked, "Are you questioning my decision?"

Luo Bai was not in a hurry and responded with a smile: "Loki and the Chitauri army used the Cosmic Cube to invade the earth. If I hadn't intervened to prevent the planet war, it would have started on the earth. Kama Taj's attitude towards the earth invaders The God King must be aware that I am sending Loki and the Cube back now because I believe that the God King can make a fair decision. In fact, I could have handled this matter myself and dealt with Loki's alien invaders."

This statement is too threatening.

That made Odin angry.

He held the Eternal Spear tightly, smashed it hard on the ground and shouted angrily: "Luo Bai, do you know that the person standing in front of you is the father of the gods and the king of the gods!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong pressure rushed towards Luo Bai.

This was the energy from the Spear of Eternity, which combined with Odin's divine power.

He was trying to shock Luo Bai.

But Luo Bai was not panicked at all, his face sank and he said seriously: "But I am the Supreme Mage, and it is my duty to protect the earth."

The next second, Luo Bai also burst out with huge energy.

This energy collided with the energy from the Spear of Eternity and immediately caused a huge shock, and the entire temple trembled.

At this moment, Odin noticed something was wrong.

Although he didn't care much about Kamar-Taj and the mage world, he had heard of the more powerful mages in the mage world.

For example, Ancient One, Merlin, Agamotto and the like, they were all famous figures in the mage world.

As for Luo Bai, he had indeed never heard of this person before.

It was only when the Supreme Mage was replaced that he heard about the appearance of this mage, who was the successor appointed by Ancient One.

Originally, Odin thought that a wizard who suddenly appeared like this would be at most as powerful as his son Thor.

But the attack just now stunned Odin instantly.

Luo Bai's strength can beat ten Thors!

No, where did Ancient One find such a genius?

As a human, he looks like a human who has just grown up.

He actually has such a strong strength, his magic talent must be against the sky! !

The most important thing is that this kid has a stable mentality.

Facing his pressure, he is neither humble nor arrogant, neither impatient nor impatient.

Although he may still have some recklessness of young people, he is much better than his two sons! !

No, this is unfair! !

Why are his two sons more reckless and more capable of making trouble than each other.

An heir that Ancient One found casually is so outstanding? ! !

I am a god king after all! !

My genes are not better than human genes? ! !


Thinking of this, Odin became even more angry.

Comparing yourself to others is really frustrating! !

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