American comics: My luck is a little bit better!

Chapter 008 The goddess of luck shows her power!

Luo Bai didn't expect that he could open the portal so far.

He originally wanted to drive to Kamar-Taj, but he drove to Tony Stark.

It was unexpected that Tony Stark was still fighting the "villain".

But wasn't he lucky? ! How did he get into danger again!

He was not the only one who was surprised at this time, Tony Stark was also surprised.

He was confused when he saw Luo Bai appearing out of thin air again.

"Luo Bai?! Where did you suddenly appear from again?!" Tony Stark asked while opening the steel helmet and revealing his face.

"Well... this time it was an accident." Luo Bai answered helplessly.

"Accident?!" Tony Stark asked back in confusion.

Although Luo Bai also wanted to explain the current situation to him.

But seeing that he was being carried, Luo Bai couldn't help but complain: "We'll talk about these questions after you're safe..."

After being reminded, Tony Stark finally remembered his situation, and the man in the black steel suit finally came back to his senses.

He stared at Luo Bai and asked in a vicious tone: "I remember you, your name is Luo Bai, right? You helped Tony escape from the cave?!"

Before Luo Bai could answer, Tony Stark hurriedly said: "This is a grudge between us, it has nothing to do with him!"

"You still have time to care about others?! Take care of yourself first, Tony!" The man in the black steel suit said angrily.

Then he punched Tony Stark with an iron fist and knocked Stark out.


Accompanied by a loud bang.

Tony Stark flew out like a bowling ball, and then hit the wall heavily.

Although he was wearing an iron suit and shouldn't die, Luo Bai couldn't help asking after hearing the loud noise: "Tony...are you okay?!"

Tony Stark didn't reply immediately, apparently because he was seriously injured.

Fortunately, after a while, he responded: "I won't die for the time being."

Tony Stark stood up while speaking.

Although he had many questions to ask Luo Bai, he also knew that now was not the right time.

"A lot of things happened in the past few days. I'll tell you the details later. Now you have to leave here!" Tony Stark said hurriedly.

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Bai immediately replied: "Okay! Then I'll leave first. Be careful, Tony!"

This straightforward answer stunned Tony Stark.

Although he knew the situation was critical and hoped that Luo Bai could leave quickly, he really didn't expect Luo Bai to agree so straightforwardly.

"I thought you would at least refuse, but I didn't expect you to agree so straightforwardly. Aren't we friends?!" Tony Stark half-jokingly complained.

Although Luo Bai pretended to be calm and smiled in response, "I just believe you can solve it yourself."

In his heart, he was muttering, "I'm not stupid. Why don't I run away in such a dangerous situation?! What's more, you have an iron suit and you can't die!"


Although Tony Stark did not explain the current situation, he had guessed it in his heart.

According to the known plot.

After Tony Stark escaped from the terrorists with the iron suit Mark 1, he wanted to research a more powerful iron suit, so mark 2 and mark 3 were born.

Tony Stark thus truly became Iron Man, and appeared in the United States wearing an iron suit, attracting the attention of all parties.

Obadiah, who had always wanted to monopolize Stark Industries, noticed the appearance of the iron suit and began to secretly research the suit in cooperation with terrorists.

In the end, he successfully created the iron suit "Iron Monger" and became a super villain in the Marvel world.

After that, Obadiah and Tony Stark started the final battle.

If Luo Bai guessed correctly, the man wearing the black steel suit should be Obadiah.

After understanding the current situation, Luo Bai naturally had no reason to stay here.

After all, this was an internal conflict of Stark Industries, and it was not easy for him as an outsider to intervene.

Although Tony Stark had a good relationship with him, it was not impossible for him to help as a friend.

But the steel suit Obadiah wore was a high-tech weapon.

Not only could it fire machine guns, six-round missiles and anti-tank rockets, it could even fly at high speed because it was equipped with rocket propulsion.

Luo Bai, a novice mage, asked him to resist missile attacks? !

Too much, this is really too much!

He still wanted to stay and grow more.

Who knows how long the goddess of luck will protect him!

Thinking of this, Luo Bai immediately decided to open the portal and leave.

He focused on imagining the villa in his mind, and then began to draw circles with his hands.

Seeing that they seemed ready to leave, Obadiah roared: "Want to run?! Both of you will die here!"

After saying that, he raised his iron right hand and prepared to fire the machine gun at Luo Bai.

Although Tony Stark had previously complained that Luo Bai was disloyal, that was a joke.

Seeing that he was in danger, he rushed over without thinking.

Originally, he wanted to help Luo Bai delay time so that Luo Bai could leave as soon as possible.

But Obadiah had studied and upgraded Tony Stark's iron suit when making "Iron Overlord", so the performance of "Iron Overlord" in all aspects is much more advanced than mark3.

Tony Stark's suit couldn't withstand the attack of "Iron Overlord" at all. After being hit by a machine gun, he completely lost his combat power.

Looking at Tony Stark who was lying on the ground and couldn't move, Obadiah showed a winner's smile on his face.

"You seem to care about this kid named Luo Bai? Then I'll let him go to hell with you, no need to thank me~" Obadiah said with a smile.

At this time, he was crazy.

"He is innocent! Obadiah!!" Tony Stark roared.

He wanted to stop it, but he couldn't.

He could only shout: "Go!"

But at this time, Luo Bai's attention was focused on opening the portal, and he didn't hear Tony Stark's reminder at all.

When using magic energy, you must concentrate highly, especially Luo Bai is now just a novice wizard, so he is naturally more focused.

Fortunately, with the previous successful experience and because he was in danger, the portal was opened very successfully this time.

Although it took a little time, it was much smoother than before.

At the moment when the portal was successfully opened, Luo Bai heard a loud shout from behind: "Be careful!"

Then a black shadow flashed quickly in front of Luo Bai's eyes and entered the portal.

Luo Bai was stunned.

Just when he wanted to check what had slipped into the portal, he didn't expect that the portal had disappeared in the moment of distraction.

Luo Bai: "!???"

Tony Stark: "???"

At this time, Luo Bai and Tony Stark were both a little confused.

"Did a big black rat get in just now?!" Luo Bai asked.

"Uh... it was Obadiah." Tony Stark answered, with a bit of bewilderment in his tone.

"So why did he get into the portal?!" Luo Bai asked again in confusion.

Tony Stark replied with a slightly confused tone: "I don't know either. He wanted to attack you just now. But for some reason, he disappeared directly."

Tony Stark's tone was a bit unbelievable, and the expression on his face was very wonderful.

He didn't seem to have fully recovered.

But Luo Bai did figure it out.

So just now when he was concentrating on opening the portal, Obadiah wanted to sneak attack him.

But the goddess of luck showed her power and sent Obadiah into the portal? !

Tsk tsk.

He is the son of luck!

Is he so easy to be sneak attacked? !

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