American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1055: Iron Horses and Ice Rivers Come into Dreams: Chagatai Khan (Ten)

【To some extent, there has always been a huge gap between the authentic Terran Astartes and the Astartes of the mother planets of each legion. 】

【This gap caused by regional discrimination was not obvious in the early and middle stages of the Great Crusade, but as the Great Crusade entered the later stages. 】

【Especially after Horus became the Warmaster, this long-standing gap became a huge contradiction that gradually tore apart each legion. 】

【Not only the White Scars, but also the Raven Guard had similar things, and even the secret source of the Dark Angels was caused by this. 】

【Right now, Tolhan Khan, who is leading a part of the traitor Astartes of the White Scars and continuously attacking the Glorious Queen-class battleship "Blade Storm", is a classic epitome of this. 】

【As one of the leaders of the rebellion, he was born in Terra. From the day when the other party accidentally learned about the Astartes, he dreamed of becoming a member of the Luna Wolves, and was full of admiration for Horus, the Primarch of the Luna Wolves. ]

[However, even though Tolhan's ideals and ambitions were very ambitious, due to his own combat quality problems and the allocation of Astartes soldiers and other factors, he was directly transferred to the understaffed White Scars Legion, which completely shattered his dream of joining the Horus Legion. ]

[Although Tolhan eventually found his own position in the White Scars Legion and even changed his past name to Tolhan, he never lost his admiration and respect for Horus in his heart. ]

[If it were just that, it would not be a big deal. ]

[After all, because of Horus's own personal charm, and the Emperor's repeated efforts to establish a Primarch model and promote Horus to inherit the position of Warmaster, there are countless Astartes who worship Horus more and more. ]

[However, when this deep-rooted admiration gradually led to the establishment of a large number of secret warrior associations, and when Horus incited rebellion and many other unexpected factors were accidentally superimposed, the unstable factors in the past quickly transformed into a time bomb buried deep in all legions! 】

【From the perspective of these Terran veterans, they do not think they are carrying out an intolerable rebellion, but rather they think they are choosing the right position for the Gene Father and planning a more enlightened and prosperous future for their brothers who fight side by side. 】

【However, they have intentionally or unintentionally forgotten the more important point, that is, all the honor and power they have now come from the great cultivation of the Emperor and the Empire. Without these, they are actually worthless. 】

【Boom boom——】

【At this moment, a large number of Terran White Scar veterans from the Moonlight Brotherhood are launching a continuous and fierce attack on the loyalist boarding team surrounding the outer perimeter of the bridge hall. 】

【Countless bombs and heavy firepower weapons are flying back and forth in the air in the passage, and a bunch of power weapons with decomposition fields are constantly slashing at the past fighting brothers. 】

【"Khan Shiban! Let the Astartes of your Storm Brotherhood surrender! You have no chance of victory. Lord Haxi has successfully occupied the bridge hall, and the only way to maintain the empire and justice is to surrender to Lord Horus!" Khan Tolhan's low words were quickly transmitted to a group of boarding troops who were fighting desperately in the gaps between countless bombs. 】

【"Tolhan! I am ashamed to be with you! You and I were brothers who fought side by side, but now you are just a traitor! A forever traitor!"】

【Khan Shiban, with his eyes wide open, wielded a power Guandao, and with a fierce attack, he chopped a traitor wearing a Terminator power armor heavily onto the metal floor! 】

【In an instant, the tail of the long handle of the power Guandao suddenly turned around and deeply inserted into the eye socket of the fallen Terminator's helmet, completely ending the opponent's life! ]


[However, at this moment, an extremely accurate bombardment made Shiban Khan, who had just won a battle, step back heavily, and countless ceramic steel armor splashed out, making a crashing sound! ]

[Buzz buzz buzz——]

[At the critical moment, an extremely thick psychic shield temporarily enveloped Shiban Khan's burly body, temporarily eliminating the threat of the bomb that followed! ]

["The great Chagatai Khan and the little Rorschach Khan have successfully returned to the flagship! You damned traitors, why don't you surrender!\

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