American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1080 The final fantasy salvation plan!

When Rorschach's huge body was wrapped in endless psychic power, he arrived at the middle cabin where the roaring sound came from with an almost teleporting shadow step.

He was heavily surrounded by several patrolling Astartes teams and several pharmacist brothers.

The wild wolves Rorschach and Sef Rorschach, whose injuries and condition were extremely miserable, were pouring the panacea into their mouths like jelly beans.

Looking around, almost only the upper body of Wild Wolf Rorschach's entire burly body remained.

Among the large number of broken intestines and scarlet organs that were being squirmed and repaired, a thick arm wrapped in a broken infinity gauntlet had been twisted into an extremely weird angle, and the other vibranium mechanical arm had long since disappeared.

And Sephorosha on the side was not much better.

The left half of his burly body seemed to have been melted out of thin air. You could even clearly see a complete spine and countless broken ribs. If it weren't for a pink illusory creature that looked like a snake but not a snake, it used a lot of energy to temporarily block this path. With an extremely tragic fatal wound, Sefolosha might not be able to persist until now.

Buzz buzz——

In an instant, Rorschach, whose expression became increasingly grim, clenched a huge palm tightly together.

As a large number of invisible shadows and even the power of Magnus were released from the huge body, countless psychic powers imitating the Emperor were also poured into the remains of Wolf Rorschach and Seph Rorschach. !

Just a few seconds later, Sef Rorschach, who was recovering rapidly from his tragic injuries, gathered some of his energy first. He looked at Rorschach who was close at hand with a very solemn expression, and said word by word:

"Thanos was forcibly cultivated by the creation gods to become some kind of transcendent being above the local universe! The power of the infinite gems of the wild wolf cub and the power of the goblin that devours all things under my control actually managed to fight with it. A tie! To be more precise, if the two of us weren't interested in fighting, then Thanos, who is thoroughly familiar with all fighting methods, would be even stronger!"

Sefrosia just finished speaking.

The lower body is gradually growing out, and the wild wolf Rorschach is also gradually relaxing.

He glanced down at the broken Infinity Gauntlet filled with six Infinity Stones, and said to Rorschach in a solemn tone:

"In fact, not only that, as far as I know, the ambitions of the five creation gods and Thanos himself are far beyond your imagination."

"The reason why I know this is because when I was forced to enter the hypercube maze to escape the crisis, Thanos, who captured me, didn't seem to have any hidden thoughts. Instead, he talked about many things to me alone!"

"Just outside the edge of the universe that no mortal life can detect or even set foot in, is the infinite crystal wall that surrounds the entire universe. If we describe it in a state and even perspective that we can understand, then the entire local universe can be seen as a lonely star. A crystal ball floating in an ocean of nothingness.”

"The five creation gods are the five drifters who are above the crystal ball, but cannot escape from it. They not only need to protect the local universe where they were born, but also drive away anyone who can harm the crystal in the vast ocean of nothingness. The unknown enemy of the ball.”

"It is said that the five creation gods once encountered several groups of drifters that were far more powerful than they combined into one. They saw the extremely glorious multiverse with their own eyes, and also saw some lonely drifters who were far weaker than them. Those who have seen those crystal balls that are guarded alone.”

"From some of Thanos' words, I subconsciously inferred that the universe we are in, that is, the entire Warhammer Universe, should be in the same shape. The only difference is that our Chaos Gods are more evil."

"But when the Chaos Evil Gods chose to go to war with the Creation Gods, the five Creation Gods seemed to have found an opportunity to upgrade. They planned to directly push the local universe and the Warhammer Universe, both of which are single universes, into a world that transcends time and even space. The vast ocean of nothingness collides and merges into a multiverse, creating a new world where only gods like them can survive!"

"This is a super doomsday that is enough to destroy two universes. Countless alien races and even the human empire will not be spared. In my opinion, those aloof Chaos Gods may not choose to compromise, because as long as If the multiverse can be successfully integrated, then the characteristics of the Supreme Heaven will inevitably become one of the basic rules of the new multiverse. Even after the creation gods are re-embellished and give birth to countless new lives, they can completely become in the same boat. Comrades, go and gradually devour other single universes, and even become one of the strongest in the vast ocean of nothingness!”

At this moment, the low roar from the wild wolf Rorschach resounded in Rorschach's ears.

It was these words that caused some emotion to appear on Rorschach's bronze face, which was originally devoid of any emotion.

"I see, no wonder the Sixth Chaos Evil God has been forcing me to step onto the Chaos God's throne as soon as possible, and even the Emperor showed no sign of opposition. I always thought that this eternal war between gods was five gods versus five gods. Now, It seems like it’s two gods versus eight gods!”

Rorschach couldn't help but take a deep breath and murmured to himself.

His entire mind began to spin rapidly, and then he asked the wolf and Seifer:

"Brothers, what do you think about this? If the information you know is true, then even if I ascend the throne of Chaos God immediately, I will not be able to completely solve this problem! The number of gods on our side is too disparity!"

It was at this moment that Sefrosia, who had mostly recovered from the melted half of his burly body, suddenly raised his chin.

He turned towards Rorschach thoughtfully and said:

"Primarch, to be honest, this is no longer a situation that a mere human empire can solve. Except for the Great Devourer of the Hive Mind who cannot communicate effectively at all, my suggestion is to immediately try to contact the Ark Eldar and Green-skinned Orcs. The major clans, as well as the many dynasties of the Necron, and all the alien groups that can provide us with combat power, such as the Tau who can also communicate with each other!"

"The local universe also uses the same method. The Human Alliance is the main force to unite the alien races that have not taken refuge in Thanos or even the creation gods, and tell them all the truth about the imminent destruction of the universe. In any case, I do not believe that even if these alien races face In this situation, we must choose to fight to the death!"

"If everything goes very smoothly, then we may have some possibility of resisting or even killing the gods! Thus saving both universes!"

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