American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

134. Eternal Wolf: Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights, Cardo Diego (Part 2)

[You subconsciously want to throw away the power axe in your palm. Google search reading]

[But your rationality makes you hold the 'Frost Fang' that has become a Chaos weapon tightly. ]

[You slowly get up from the ground. ]

[You vaguely feel that the Astartes body covered under the fine power armor has become stronger out of thin air. ]

[You first glanced at the active volcanoes standing around, then lowered your head and pondered for a moment. ]

[You were forcibly infused with the blessing of Khorne, but you still maintained your loyalty to the Emperor. ]

[You narrowed your blue wolf child slightly, and gradually grinned out the fangs in your mouth. ]

[You raised your arm, carried the Chaos weapon 'Frost Fang' on your shoulder armor, and walked forward. ]

[As you continued to go deeper, the number and scale of countless volcanic eruptions gradually increased. ]

[For the first time, you also saw those brass skulls that kept rolling in the depths of the hot magma. 】

【Those brass skulls, like cannonballs, surged into the scarlet sky along with the erupting magma, and occasionally penetrated an invisible barrier and disappeared completely. 】

【You drove the broken fine power armor to jump over the lava river that flowed freely. 】

【The number of bloodletters you met along the way increased. 】

【After each battle, the violent surge of power will arrive as promised, strengthening every inch of your flesh and blood. 】

【And the warp fire will burn and squeeze, completely emptying the blessing from Khorne.

【With the accumulation of small things, even the 'Frost Fang' in your hand has undergone earth-shaking and drastic changes. 】

【The size of the power axe seems to have become larger and heavier. 】

【An old brass skull appeared at the end of the axe handle, and two lines of endless scarlet tears flowed from the empty black eye sockets. 】

【The originally smooth and bright metal axe surface seemed to gradually emerge with fine lines like blood vessels. 】

【Every time your axe blade slashed at the bloodletter, the power axe would emit an extremely piercing and terrifying scream. 】

【After a long time, you had to stop swinging the Chaos weapon and use your huge fist covered with armor to deal with the remaining Khorne demons. 】

【At the same time, the demons you encountered became more powerful. 】

【First, the quality and number of bloodletters increased exponentially. 】

【From a maximum of fifty to gradually breaking a hundred. 】

【The hell blades and combat skills of these bloodletters have been strengthened and honed for countless years, which are enough to cause great trouble to you. 】

【If you say that endless fighting and fighting can be dealt with by will and courage. 】

【Then the gradually damaged fine power armor cannot be restored to its original state. 】

【And with the increase in the number of battles, and the complete destruction of the power armor. ]

[You can only rely on your physical strength that is far superior to the past to forcefully drive the scrapped fine power armor.

[Soon after, some huge scarlet smoke columns rising from the erupting volcanoes attracted your attention. ]

[You changed your route without hesitation. ]

[You unexpectedly discovered a number of forges belonging to Khorne. ]

[You took off the Chaos weapon 'Axe of Khorne', which is as large and heavy as a two-handed power axe, from your back. ]

[You lowered your head and remembered the 'Frost Fang' that had long disappeared. ]

[You rushed towards the nearest forge. ]

[You encountered a huge flesh hound that looked like a canine, but its body was covered with scales and had three huge heads. ]

[You launched a fierce charge towards the flesh hound. ]

[You wielded the 'Axe of Khorne' with one hand. 】

【The blessing of Khorne after countless battles has brought your physical strength to a terrifying state. 】

【Your feet stomped heavily on Khorne's territory, and your mouth with bared fangs roared for the Emperor. 】

【The terrifying scream passed through the air, and the jumping flesh hound tried to dodge, but you still chopped off a huge head. 】

【Then, you swung the "Axe of Khorne" hard and chopped off one of the flesh hound's heads again. 】

【You faced the constantly spurting demon blood, and your broken shoulder armor hit the chest of the flesh hound heavily. 】

【Accompanied by the painful roar of the demon, you raised the "Axe of Khorne" expressionlessly and completely ended the opponent's life. 】

【You stared at the huge body of the flesh hound slowly dissipating, as if returning to the scarlet sky. 】

【You know that it will return as a Khorne demon. ]

[You also understand that your endless killing is just useless. ]

[But at the same time, you also think that the Emperor may have his own arrangements. ]

[The only thing you can do is to try to survive before that. ]

[You carried the huge 'Axe of Khorne'. ]

[After the battle, the blessing from Khorne came again. ]

[You slowly raised a palm and aimed at the 'Axe of Khorne' on your shoulder. ]

[With the rising and burning of wisps of warp flames, a trace of blood-red surging power was squeezed out of your tough body and continuously poured into the Chaos weapons. ]

[You can now barely drive the direction of the warp flames in your body. ]

[You unexpectedly discovered that Chaos weapons are extremely afraid of warp flames. ]

[You narrowed your blue wolf boy's eyes slightly and bared your fangs. ]

[You swaggered into the foundry that was in operation. ]

[You grabbed a Khorne forger who had no time to escape and asked him if he could make power armor. ]

[After getting a negative answer. ]

[You grinned at him and crushed the twisted skull of the Khorne forger with your five fingers. ]

[The headless corpse fell heavily to the ground. ]

[You shook the sticky juice on your hand. ]

[Your blue wolf boy stared at the forgers who were holding weapons and roaring, and bared his fangs. ]

[Soon after, you mentioned the last Khorne forger. ]

[The other party trembled and pointed out to you the forging factories that could cast power armor. ]

[You put him down gently and patted his shoulder to comfort him. ]

[You grinned and swung the 'Axe of Khorne', splitting the relieved forger in half. ]

[You were about to turn around and leave. ]

[You unexpectedly saw a bunch of crude unfinished bolters on the flowing production line. ]

[You stepped forward to inspect it, picked up two bolters and hung them on your waist. ]

[You carried the 'Axe of Khorne' and walked out of the empty foundry. ]

[At this moment, a gray and dim passage suddenly appeared on the volcanic rock ground not far from you. ]

[The strange Astartes Brother you met a long time ago showed a tall figure. ]

[However, the other party's eyes like bright stars just noticed you. ]

[The Sword of the Goddess of Vengeance, which he held in one hand, was instantly raised, and a very powerful psychic light burst out. ]


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