American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$140, Eternal Wolf: Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights, Cardo Diego (VIII)

【However, just as you looked at each other. 】

【When you were about to launch an attack and seize the initiative. 】

【A huge figure wearing well-forged blood-red armor and blood-red flesh wings on its back landed heavily behind you and Diego, completely blocking your only way out. 】

【Its huge palm tightly grasped a terrifying Khorne axe, and the other forearm was wrapped with a silver chain and held a bone whip that was constantly burning with blood-red flames. 】

【It was obviously a more powerful bloodthirsty demon, and it was also a leader among countless Khorne demons. 】

【Khorne's lieutenant, one of the leaders of the Blood Legion of the Lord of Slaughter, a bloodthirsty demon whose size alone was enough to overwhelm all demons. 】

【You quickly adjusted the direction you were facing. 】

【You and Diego stood back to back. 】

【"Do you know who I am? The new champion of Khorne, I am General Kabanha of Khorne. Thanks to the anger of my Lord, you and I are brothers..." The bloodthirsty demon named Kabanha shook the demon horns on both sides of his head and said slowly. 】

【Its low and terrifying demonic voice like the abyss is filled with endless anger and clear logic that is very rare among Khorne demons. 】

【You subconsciously clenched the "Axe of Khorne". 】

【A strong murderous intent flashed in your blue wolf boy. 】

【You slightly bared the snow-white fangs in your mouth and spat at the bloodthirsty demon Kabanha. 】

【"Hold that magic sword tightly and truly accept the blessing of my Lord's ascension. In this way, you can enjoy endless battles and fights..." The bloodthirsty demon Kabanha seemed to turn a blind eye to your provocation. 】

【While speaking, it raised the ‘Khorne Axe’ in its huge hand and pointed it at the more distant bloody sky. 】

【“On the bronze throne, my lord is still waiting for your submission and kneeling... Or, as long as you choose to stay and are willing to serve my lord for a short time, I will retreat immediately.” The bloodthirsty demon Kabanha flapped his huge blood-red flesh wings, and his scarlet eyeballs seemed to be surging with strands of blood-red anger that was difficult to extinguish. 】

【You took a deep breath and repeatedly tightened the ‘Khorne Axe’. 】

【You chose to give the answer with the violent roar from the muzzle. 】

【As the roar of the grenade gun resounded through the mountain, eight Khorne demons suddenly burst into a deafening roar. 】

【They brandished demonic weapons and set off a violent charge that shook the earth in your direction. 】

【Diego, with deep eyes, took a deep breath. ]

[With his gray beard trembling, he held up a heavy storm shield, wielded the sword of the goddess of vengeance, and released a series of blazing psychic flames. ]

[Unfortunately, the terrifying psychic flames can hurt the Khorne Demon, but they are not enough to produce an overwhelming combat advantage. ]

["The fixed passage is just below the cliff at the top of the blood waterfall... young boy, I will buy you time to leave!" A familiar voice hidden in the psychic energy suddenly passed by your ears. ]

[Diego, with a solemn expression, released a powerful psychic flame again. ]

[He drove the Holy Shield Terminator without hesitation and crashed into eight Khorne Demons head-on.

[You didn't have time to turn around to support. ]

[You launched a fierce and powerful charge against the bloodthirsty demon Kabanha. ]

[In the servo mechanical arm above the power backpack, a series of explosive bombs were also ejected rapidly. ]

[However, the explosion shock that ordinary Khorne demons could not bear was like a mosquito bite to the Khorne Demon. ]

[The bloodthirsty demon Kabanha, with a pair of scarlet eyes, did not even make any defense. ]

[It stood there and completely resisted the continuous shooting of the grenade launcher with its blood-colored armor and extremely strong body. ]

["Then let me weigh the strength of you, the champion of Khorne..." The bloodthirsty demon Kabanha shook his demon horns, and it suddenly raised the white bone whip burning with blood-colored flames. ]

[In an instant, the brass whip head of the white bone whip fell heavily on your power armor 'Steel Shell'. ]

[Accompanied by the harsh sound of metal distortion, the solid shell of the 'Steel Shell' actually showed clearly visible horrible scars for the first time. ]

[Your charge was also completely interrupted by the opponent's attack. ]

[You stumbled and fell heavily to the ground nearby. ]

[A servo-mechanical arm quickly extended out, firmly supporting your tall body. ]

[You twitched your nose. ]

[The other two servo-mechanical arms suddenly lifted up and threw the heavy ammunition box in the direction of the bloodthirsty Kabanha. ]

[At the same time, the storm bolter roared violently again. ]

[The completely detonated ammunition box burst into a huge flame, almost drowning Kabanha's huge figure. ]

[You took advantage of the brief gap to readjust your body posture and charge at the opponent again. ]

["I'm really disappointed... Is the new Khorne champion such a weakling?" The bloodthirsty Kabanha's low and angry voice quickly dispelled the burning flames. 】

【Its two huge feet crushed the rocky ground, and its huge body holding the axe of Khorne rushed towards you. 】

【You held the 'Axe of Khorne' tightly in both hands. 】

[You drive the power armor 'Steel Shell' to burst out the ultimate power you have never tried before. ]

[Your soles crushed the rocks heavily. ]

[You jumped up from the ground. ]

[You subconsciously let out a roar that resounded through the top of the blood waterfall. ]

[You swung the Khorne Axe and slashed at the Khorne Demon fiercely. ]

[The next second, the Khorne Axe of the bloodthirsty demon Kabanha collided with your Khorne Axe quickly. ]

[The confrontation between the two of you burst out with an extremely terrifying metal collision sound. ]

[At the same time, a series of sharp bursts of air as sharp as blades also crossed your face, leaving bloody wounds. ]

[The bloodthirsty demon Kabanha opened his scarlet eyes wide, let out a roar filled with endless anger, and swung the Khorne Axe outward. ]

[Instantly, the incomparable force caused your tall body to fly backwards into the air. ]

[While you were still in the air, the remaining servo mechanical arms behind the power backpack quickly opened up, and supported the "iron armor" that was about to fall to the ground. ]

[At this moment, a hot wall of fire composed of countless psychic flames suddenly rose up, blocking you and the bloodthirsty demon Kabanha. ]

[The hoarse roar from Diego quickly reached your ears. ]

["Don't fight, break through as soon as possible--" ]

[You turned your head and looked back subconsciously. ]

[You saw the tall figure with scars on the heavy metal shell of the Holy Shield Terminator. ]

[At this moment, the storm shield set up by Diego was also covered with many broken cracks. ]

[Even when he swung the sword of the goddess of vengeance, the speed of releasing psychic flames had slowed down a lot. ]

[You even saw that the chapter flag on the opponent's power backpack was broken and inserted into the deep eye socket of a Khorne Daemon, constantly bursting out wisps of psychic flames, burning the opponent's terrifying head. ]

[Eight to one turned into six to one. ]

[The Grey Knights' Supreme Grand Master, Cardo Diego, relied on his superb combat skills and fearless courage and will to put eight Khorne Daemon into an embarrassing situation of one death and one serious injury in a very short time. ]

[However, this seems to be the limit of what Diego can do. ]

[I'm afraid he can't hold on for long. ]

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