American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$180, Steel Expo, the real ‘Avenger’!


Two dazzling pulse beams spurted out from Stark's palm laser cannon.


With a soft sound, the pulse beam instantly hit an invisible protective force field.

The energy impact was abruptly shattered into countless tiny light spots that scattered in all directions and dissipated in the air.

Chi chi chi——

Immediately afterwards, two scorching white and blue fireworks suddenly erupted from the jets under the feet of the steel armor.

It quickly rose with its heavy metal body, trying to completely widen the fighting distance.

Boom, boom, boom!

At this moment, Rorschach, who had already prepared for the attack, drove the Terminator armor and launched a rapid charge.

The heavy steps covered the distance of several meters between the two sides in the blink of an eye.

He suddenly raised a metal palm that was heavily wrapped in a thick shell, and quickly grabbed one of the metal feet of the steel armor!

Rorschach exerted a little force, and instantly crushed the flying jet port of the steel armor with his clenched palm, preventing the opponent from continuing to rise!


Accompanied by the contraction and drive of the electronic muscle bundles inside the Terminator armor.

Trying to maintain balance on one foot, Stark tried to counterattack with the palm laser cannon, but was forcefully lifted up by Rorschach's thick arm and fell heavily to the ground!

In the blink of an eye, a huge pit accompanied by cracks and gravel appeared clearly in Rorschach's eyepiece field of view.


At this time, Stark, who had landed on his back, let out a short cry of pain from his steel armor.

He subconsciously raised the metal foot that was not damaged yet.

Another jet that was constantly surging with hot white and blue fireworks was aimed at Rorschach's Terminator armor, increasing the output power.

At the same time, the inverted triangular 'Ark Reactor' on the chest of the steel armor also hummed and glowed as it gradually charged up.

He seems to be looking for an opportunity to fire a powerful pulse light cannon at Rorschach!


Rorschach let out a cold snort from inside the diamond-shaped helmet.

He grasped the opponent's soles of the feet with strong arms and lifted them up again.

The next moment, even Stark, who was wearing steel armor, was being tossed back and forth several times like a rag doll.

It fell to the ground repeatedly!


Until the fireworks in the jet were completely extinguished, the light cannon on the chest of the steel armor also gradually disappeared.

Only then did Rorschach let go of the huge palm holding the opponent's metal sole.

"The first lesson on the battlefield is to never point your gun at your 'teammates', even temporary 'teammates' with evil intentions..."

A low voice slowly came out from Rorschach's diamond-shaped helmet, echoing around the silence.

He stood in front of a pit filled with rubble.

Looking down through the eyepiece, Stark looked down at the steel armor covered with collision scratches.

"Ahem, cough, cough...strange 'friend'! This is just a small misunderstanding. This is entirely 'Jarvis''s combat reaction. Everything is to blame on 'Jarvis'..."

At this time, Stark's weak voice floated out from the inside of the steel armor.

His words focused on friends and attempts to blame the artificial intelligence 'Jarvis'.

"Oh? Since you think I am a friend, then I won't be polite to you."

Rorschach, whose face was hidden in a diamond-shaped helmet, smiled slightly.

A servo robotic arm located behind the power pack quickly extended and stretched.

The three-clawed mechanical pliers were forcefully inserted into the chest of the steel armor.

He grabbed the inverted triangular ‘Ark Reactor’!

"Ouch! Friend! Wait!"

For a moment, Stark, who barely maintained his composure, seemed to be in a real panic.

He explained to Rorschach in a hurried tone:

"This Ark Reactor is the source of my life. Once I lose the energy gathering and traction of the Ark Reactor, countless tiny shrapnel will flow into my heart... Dear stranger, we are 'friends'!"

"Tsk, I almost forgot the fact that you are still a disabled person."

Rorschach's diamond-shaped helmet shook slightly.

His eyes were locked on the chest of the steel armor through the eyepiece, and he repeatedly explored it.

Subsequently, the servo manipulator embedded in the titanium alloy shell was quickly pulled out and changed the direction of grabbing.

The servo robotic arm actually grabbed the neck of the steel armor and slowly lifted Stark, who was lying in the pit, in front of him.

At the same time, the other two servo robot arms controlled the fire array, and the dark muzzles were aimed at the head of the steel armor.

"Let's make a simple and clear exchange of equal value. Is Ms. Pepper's life worth a new model of 'Ark Reactor'? Dear Mr. Stark?"

Rorschach's deep voice clearly penetrated the inside of the steel armor.

"It's worth it! It must be worth it! But, my friend..."

Stark, who was sweating in his steel armor, glanced at the dark muzzle and said in an anxious and cautious tone.

" seems like it's not worth it in your subconscious mind."

Rorschach forcibly interrupted Stark's quibble.

He pretended to think deeply for a moment and suddenly said:

"As a friend, we can't take anything by force. I want you to give me the 'Ark Reactor' willingly. After all, I'm not a third-rate robber. I personally prefer to convince people with virtue..."

"Haha... using morality to suppress others? This cold joke of yours is really funny."

Hear Rorschach's words.

Stark in the steel armor subconsciously made a cynical laugh.

However, the next second, his already forced and awkward smile froze on his face completely!

In an instant, the whole person felt like he was falling into an ice cave!

"Tony Stark, do you want to know the truth about your parents' murder?"

"Parents? The truth? Murdered?! Obadiah told me that they just encountered an extremely tragic car accident! It was just a damn car accident!"

"Who the hell are you! What do you know!"

In an instant, Stark, whose emotions fluctuated violently from uncertainty to hesitation and anger, suddenly raised a palm.

He grabbed the servo mechanical arm at the neck and struggled hard to break free.

However, Rorschach's cold words without a trace of emotion.

But it made Stark quiet down again.

Only his metal palm wrapped in a red shell shook slightly.

"At 19:00 on the evening of December 16, 1996, your father drove your mother on the tree-lined path back home... At the same time, a poor assassin who had been brainwashed by various complicated means was assigned an assassination mission of "sanction, retrieve and leave no one alive". In fact, the real purpose of their organization was to retrieve a box of special items stored in the trunk of your father... several bags of super soldier serum."

The voice was not finished.


Stark, whose steel mask suddenly opened, stared at Rorschach's diamond-shaped helmet with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

The metal palm that was originally holding the servo mechanical arm suddenly fell powerlessly and continued to shake violently.

"Just for these worthless and outdated things?"

Stark gradually opened his eyes and grinned at the corners of his cracked mouth. He slightly moved his lips a few times and asked softly.

"Hundreds of people have died for these things, Tony, let's finish the story."

"The assassin on a motorcycle blew up the tire of the vehicle, and your father had no time to react. He could only drive the vehicle into a tree stump on the side of the road... Your father struggled to get out of the car to seek help, but the assassin broke the bones of his face... In the end, he disguised the murder scene as an accident caused by a vehicle collision..."

Rorschach, wearing a diamond-shaped helmet, slowly told the whole story.

The specific information came from the incomplete images in his memory and the fragments of the story described by Bucky himself.

"Where's my... mom? Where's my mother?"

The next moment, Stark, whose breathing became increasingly heavy and whose eyes were faintly shining with crystal light, stared at Rorschach's dark eyepiece with a pitiful look that was almost pleading.

"As for your mother... she was trapped in the seat and unable to move due to the serious injuries caused by the vehicle collision, and was eventually strangled to death in the car by the assassin himself."

Rorschach hesitated slightly.

Still decided to tell the other party the truth.


Instantly, Stark, with bloodshot eyes and a distorted, almost insane expression, let out a heart-wrenching, crazy roar.

He kept raising his metal palm and slapping his head repeatedly, and there was no sign of stopping even though the steel mask was completely destroyed.

Rorschach's thoughts turned quickly.

The servo mechanical arm released the mechanical clamp holding the steel armor.

Then, Stark, who regained his freedom, did not launch any attack on Rorschach.

He did not destroy anything around him to vent his anger.

Stark, with a ferocious expression and trembling all over, knelt heavily on the ground.

He could not suppress the painful roars repeatedly.

Drops of sparkling water kept falling from the corners of his eyes.

A few minutes later, Stark, who seemed to have vented his emotions, suddenly raised his pale face.

He stared at the tall Terminator armor in front of him with a pair of blood-red eyes, and shouted word by word:

"Who is the murderer?! As long as you tell me who the murderer is! I will personally build you a set of steel armor! I can even give you the complete technology of the Ark Reactor! Just tell me who the murderer is!"

"Tony, you must have heard of this name since you were a child, but more importantly, do you want to kill a brainwashed killing tool... or do you want to destroy the behind-the-scenes organization that issued the order to assassinate your parents?"

"Whether it is the murderer or the behind-the-scenes organization... I want them all-"

"Hehe, the only truth I can tell you at present is that the so-called behind-the-scenes organization is the Hydra that has never been destroyed... By the way, they can also be called "SHIELD" to the outside world now!"

"Oh, Tony, don't look at me with that look, the "Strategic Science Corps" that your father built with his own hands and put a lot of effort has now been completely infiltrated by Hydra..."


[Starting Point Test: The next chapter will be updated at 16:00 on August 11]

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