American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

228. Open the door, courtroom! (I)

Rorschach, who was busy, almost searched the entire equipment room and material storage room.

He even entered the foundry workshop again, which was hot in both temperature and atmosphere.

He used the simulator page, which was invisible to outsiders, to scan everything in front of him one by one.

However, Rorschach's sneaky behavior not only aroused the curiosity of Reditus, who was arguing with the ancient machine spirit in the power fist.

And the cordial condolences from the Iron Man David.

He never successfully triggered any prompts from the simulator.

Rorschach frowned slightly as he kneaded his chin repeatedly with a few fingers subconsciously.

According to the rules he guessed and gradually figured out.

Either, everything he had now had similar concepts and was no longer worthy of being extracted by the simulator.

Or, he didn't look carefully enough and accidentally missed a certain inconspicuous gadget.

In short, Rorschach, who originally planned to unlock the new functions of the simulator in one go, had to give up temporarily.

Maybe when collecting loot or collections from the battlefield and enemies in the future.

The rarer and more bizarre the things are, the more he should pay more attention to them.

Rorschach returned to the brightly lit hall of the base with a calm expression.

He sat down next to the metal round table again.

He flipped through the imperial books for a while, which were more like a book about merchants and vagrants having sex than a record of the universe.

At this moment, Rorschach took a deep breath and suddenly put down the book in his palm.

He stood up and walked towards the lounge.

He planned to conduct the next simulation in advance.

See if he could get something new from it to make up for his mood.

So, Rorschach returned to the lounge and took a careful bath.


with a solemn expression, he lit a stick of incense and inserted it into the water cup in front of him.

Accompanied by wisps of faint green smoke rising gradually.

Rorschach closed his eyes slightly and prayed silently to the emperor in his heart as usual.

[Simulation starting --]

[Current identity: Space Wolf Blood Claw (Webway? Gomo)]

[Please select your identity first]

[If you refuse, you will descend immediately]

[Identity selection has been refused]

[Simulation starting --]

[You have descended into the Warhammer universe]

[Time: Unknown]

[Location: Unknown]

[You have successfully descended into the middle cabin of a Cobra-class destroyer...]

[You slowly opened your tightly closed eyes. ]

[You find yourself in a dimly lit private cabin. ]

[Right in front of you, an Ogryn who is several times larger than a normal person is sticking out his fat ass, almost half exposed, and cleaning up the garbage in the corner of the room. ]

[You blinked your dry eyes. ]

[You subconsciously raised a heavy hand wrapped in cold metal. ]

[You unexpectedly found that you were wearing a force feedback power armor. 】

【"Hmm? Boss, are you finally awake? Don't worry, I'll be done cleaning up here soon." As if he had noticed the movement behind him, the Ogryn turned his round head that was almost full of flesh and shouted to you incoherently. 】

【You blinked your dry eyes again, but didn't speak immediately. 】

【You turned your eyes and looked at the other person carefully. 】

【At this moment, the Ogryn, who was clumsy but insisted on cleaning up, was wearing a set of heavy carapace armor that covered most of his strong body. 】

【The underwear under the carapace armor was a clean, almost white red and black robe.

【The hem of the robe was also branded with a faint golden Tribunal logo, which was clearly visible even in the dimly lit room. 】

【"An i plus three horizontal bars, and a skull as a decorative symbol, the Order of the Heretic... Is it the Inquisition? This time it seems to be the identity of the Inquisitor..." You slightly widened your always sore eyes and muttered to yourself. 】

【"Boss? Why are you sick again? I said that there was something wrong with the mechanical transformation technology of those little guys..." The Ogryn, shaking his fat belly, walked in front of you. 】

【It was nearly three meters long and slowly squatted down, staring at you with a pair of dead fish eyes of different sizes. 】

【You blinked your dry eyes that did not secrete lubricating fluid, and couldn't help but look at each other. 】

【Time passed slowly, just when you wanted to ask the other party about something. 】

【The Ogryns with different sizes suddenly raised a pair of thick lips and repeated to you. 】

【"Boss, you are an inquisitor serving the Inquisition of the Human Empire. Your dream is to be loyal to the Emperor one day..."】

【"I am your deputy and bodyguard, a smart guy among the Ogryns. My name is Zhuagenbao. We are now on a large ship controlled by Cobra, and are about to go to a planet where angels are stationed to conduct an investigation mission to slap someone in the face..."】

【"You said you like to eat meat and don't like fish. Of course, I don't care what kind of food it is. Meat is naturally the best..."】

【You narrowed your eyes slightly. 】

【You just wanted to interrupt the smart guy Zhuagenbao's slurred chatter. 】

【But the other party who had entered the recitation state did not give you any chance to interrupt. 】

【"Boss, you usually like to use an ancient flamethrower to deal with heretic enemies. I heard that it was the only relic left to you by your old lover in the battle sisters. You always complain to me that the superiors did not give you a promotion as a diligent inquisitor, but I heard another story from others. You have not been promoted for so many years because you offended a great inquisitor... In my opinion, why don't you just follow her? It is said that she may be a little older, but at least you can get a promotion." 】

【"By the way, boss, you should have fulfilled the power weapon you promised me last time, right? Although I also like the sledgehammer I am using now, I have already blown away the xx of the ant bull. If you don't give it to me, how can I lead the entire Ogryn team in the future?" 】

【You listened numbly to the continuous chatter of the smart head of Ogryn, who is known as the root treasure. 】

【You sighed subconsciously. ]

[You raised a heavy hand wrapped in cold metal and slapped it on the top of your head, which was throbbing violently. ]

[You unexpectedly heard a crisp sound of metal collision. ]

[You quickly got up from the metal bed in the private cabin and drove the power armor past the blank-looking Smart Head Zhuaganbao. ]

[You walked to a clean mirror. ]

[You stared at the reflection of a shiny head covered with silver metal on the upper half of the skull. ]

[You couldn't help but gasp. ]

["Boss, why don't we find a chance to let the knowledgeable medical nun take a look at the situation? After you went through the mechanical transformation to repair your near-death injuries, your forgetting of time and memory loss are getting worse and worse..." ]

[The huge Smart Head Zhuaganbao slowly got up from the metal floor, and a hint of worry appeared on its fat and ugly face full of flesh. ]

[You rolled your dry eyeballs that could not secrete tears to lubricate them, and a faint smile slowly appeared at the corners of your mouth. ]

[You turned around and comforted the worried Smart Head Zhua Gen Bao. ]

[You hesitated for a moment, but continued to ask him about the specific details of the Inquisitor's mission. ]

[The Smart Head Zhua Gen Bao, whose sorrow was fleeting, seemed to notice that you had returned to normal. ]

[An unusually innocent smile appeared on its fat and ugly face. ]

[Smart Head Zhua Gen Bao quickly sat on the metal floor, and it broke its thick knuckles and stumbled to tell you again. ]

[You barely completed the cause of the whole incident through the other party's simple description and your own understanding of the investigation. ]

[A chapter of Astartes monks named "Truth Seekers" repeatedly rejected the transfer orders of the Inquisition. ]

[And they threatened not to carry out any counter-insurgency missions from the Inquisition. ]

[For an Astartes Chapter, especially one with a founding legion background, this is not a big deal. ]

[If the Inquisition has the guts, it can just bring the Empire's troops to the door and see who suffers the most losses in the end. ]

[But the Truth Seekers Chapter is an exception. ]

[Not only is its founding background unclear, but even the number of Astartes is only more than 200. ]

[More importantly, the Truth Seekers Chapter is actually an Astartes force that has served the Inquisition for a long time. ]

[For a thousand years, they have completed the difficult tasks assigned by the Inquisition countless times. Even though the entire chapter has suffered several terrifying crises and huge losses that were close to extinction, there has never been such a blatant heresy of disobedience. ]

[Therefore, several Grand Masters and Grand Inquisitors of the Inquisition have carefully discussed and studied it. 】

【We have decided to give the Truth Seekers a chance to prove their loyalty in consideration of their long service to the Inquisition. 】

【As the elite Inquisitor closest to the other side's stationed planet and with sufficient qualifications, you have no choice but to undertake this investigation. 】

【And according to the final order issued by the Inquisition. 】

【If you accidentally discover that the other side has any heresy or signs of rebellion. 】

【You will be able to mobilize a complete team of battle sisters and any imperial troops stationed in nearby galaxies. 】

【Personally help the Truth Seekers wash away their shame and offer their final loyalty to the Emperor. 】

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