American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

252. Superhero? Super stupid!


Accompanied by the subtle sound of mechanical valves turning inside the heavy metal door.

The expressionless Rorschach drove the blue power armor and slowly stepped out of the base.

At this moment, the visor of the armor was lifted.

Tony, who was devouring a cheeseburger, skillfully waved his arm wrapped in armor.

He quickly swallowed the mouthful of food in his mouth.

He said to Rorschach, who was several heads taller in front of him:

"Hmm... Hi, friend, I brought you a cheeseburger. You must try this chef's craftsmanship. It's really amazing..."

"Tony, I'm not in the mood to tease you right now. What do you want to do?"

Rorschach, with an indifferent expression, turned his eyes.

He lowered his head and looked down at Tony, who was standing not far away.

He asked with no emotion in his tone.

"I've been staying in Stark Tower for too long recently, and Jarvis suggested that I go out and bask in the sun... It just so happened that I noticed your flying vehicle flying back and forth over the city a few times, so I wanted to pay you a visit. Come on, after all, we are neighbors now, right? It’s just that I like high-rise buildings and you like underground facilities..."

Tony lifted a large pile of cheeseburgers in his other hand and raised his eyebrows slightly.

He stared at the blue powered armor that was so close with a smile and continued:

"Oh, actually I think the battle armor looks pretty good when painted blue, and the appearance looks more concise and capable than the last one. Are your technocrats also planning to update it?"

Hear Tony's words.

Luo Xia, with indifferent eyes, suddenly stepped forward and took a few steps.

He stared at Tony condescendingly and said calmly:

"Tony, I told you, I'm not in the mood to make fun of you right now. You can talk to me if you have something to say. It's okay... just get out of here!"

"Tsk... friend, it seems that you are in a really bad mood right now, so I won't go around in circles... I just want to go out to change my mood. I'm afraid that after staying at home for a long time and reading too much top-secret information, I'll feel like... Go and destroy the current S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately!”

"Also, I really wanted to pay a visit. Jarvis suggested that I seriously make a few friends...and I guess you may have encountered some problems now. As the world's first superhero , As long as it’s not just murder and arson, how about I work for you for free?”

Perhaps he noticed Rorschach's indifferent expression.

The mood swings are like a volcano about to erupt.

Tony, whose expression gradually became more serious, said in a serious tone.

And after listening to Tony's explanation.

Rorschach, who looked at the other person carefully with squinted eyes, took a deep breath.

He was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said to Tony:

"Tony, you can come in...but don't regret what you are about to see!"

"Regret? What is there to regret?"

"If you do good things, I will try my best to help you...If you do bad things, I will fight with you. No one stipulates that superheroes must succeed in every mission...right? Friend?"

Tony, who was smiling playfully, raised his chin slightly and said to Rorschach.

The neatly trimmed mustache seemed to glow with a faint fluorescent light under the light of the passage.

Rorschach, with an indifferent expression, gave the other party one last look.

He drove the power armor and turned around and walked towards the inside of the base.

However, the open metal door of the base was not closed immediately.

Tony, who was wearing armor, glanced left and right.

He shrugged helplessly.

He walked into the base carrying a lot of cheeseburgers.


Fifteen minutes later.

Tony, who was sitting next to the metal round table, stared at Iron Man David with a solemn expression.

A series of battle images projected from the eye sockets.

That was the information screen left behind when everyone was evacuated from the slums last time.

At this moment, it has been explained repeatedly by Blade Warrior and Iron Man David.

Tony, who knew exactly what was going on, subconsciously wanted to chew on his fingernails.

When he found that his fingers were still wrapped in the armor shell.

Tony, who was frowning, couldn't help but sigh:

"Ah, my dear friend...I suddenly remembered that I forgot to turn off the natural gas pipeline in Stark Tower. Can I leave for a while?"

"What do you think? Superhero?"

Rorschach, who swallowed a cheeseburger in just one bite, stared at the other person expressionlessly and said calmly.

Maybe it's because of other people's anxiety.

Rorschach's super appetite actually developed.

He picked up another cheeseburger, tore off the wrapper and took a bite.

Then, he said to the frowning Tony:

"In a few hours... my men will reach the edge of the slums, and the evacuation operation will officially begin... If you have any better means and plans than what you have now, you are welcome to speak freely, and we will all listen. "

"Let me think about it... with my business connections and my status as a superhero, I can launch a large-scale joint operation through the official and... SHIELD. Faced with supernatural monsters, they should be able to put aside their differences in the past... …”

Tony frowned and thought for a moment.

He quickly organized his words and spoke to everyone.

However, Tony didn't wait for him to finish speaking.

Rorschach couldn't help but sneered and stopped stuffing the cheeseburger into his mouth.

He stared at the other person and said coldly:

"Ha...Tony, the officials here want all Mexicans to die! And the slums are full of poor people and gang members. They spend countless money and manpower to save a group of poor people who have no profit at all? After saying this, you Do you believe it yourself?”

"Time! What we lack most now is time! The people in the Blood Worship Sect are not NPCs in the game. They all have legs! Some people have wings... Once they find that the battlefield situation is not conducive to them, those guys will not take action. Just run?"

Rorschach's words caused the expression on Tony's face to change several times.

The next second, Tony, who seemed to have been inspired to resist, took a deep breath and continued to quibble:

"...There will always be people among the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents under Nick Fury who are willing to help, right? Even Hydra doesn't want to occupy a world occupied by vampires, right? Hydra's philosophy is to be occupied by them The order under control is not the chaos caused by monsters! We can definitely make use of their manpower..."

"Okay, even if the above plan doesn't work, we can also recruit some guys with super powers. This time, both good and bad guys can join in. The good guys can use the pie of saving mankind to persuade, and the bad guys can directly give They hire money, and I can bear all the costs of the operation!”

"Tony Stark! Wake up the fuck! And put away that condescending and disgusting attitude of yours!"

"It's a slum with a population of one million! There are half a million tainted believers alone! How many people can you recruit? Twenty? Fifty? One hundred? It's a drop in the bucket. It's useless. !”

"A group of men with no training or discipline can easily step onto the battlefield to die! Let alone deal with a group of damn aliens!"

At this moment, Luo Xia, whose expression turned ferocious, suddenly stood up.

His hands were placed on the metal round table.

A pair of cyan wolf eyes stared at the expressionless Tony and growled:

"My decision to let you into the base was a huge mistake!"

"A fucking superhero? I think he's super stupid!"

"This is a life-and-death war! A war to eliminate aliens! It's not a heroic trick that you can show off in style!"

"Do you understand? Mr. Tony Stark!"

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