American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

026, Caiaphas Kane, Jurgen and You (Part 2)

[You have finished warming up. After a brief conflict, all the 'rebels' surrendered.

[You think this small group of defense forces in front of you are not rebels, they are just a group of mortal troops who were frightened by the billowing greenskins. 】

[Because, even their battle cry is that they don’t want to be sent to the front line to die by the imperial political commissar. 】

[You once again killed several 'rebels' who tried to incite the soldiers. 】

[Comrade Jurgen also took up the heavy melta gun that he never gave up, and a brutal massacre was about to begin. 】

[Political Commissar Kane stopped you and Jurgen’s ‘barbaric’ behavior in time. 】

[Kane stood on the top of a Chimera infantry fighting vehicle. He gave an emotional speech to the frustrated defense forces who had abandoned their armor and armor, about retreat being an attack. His words were full of impassioned words. 】

[You are non-committal about this, but before the speech is over, political commissar Kane is surrounded by warm support from all the defense forces. All the soldiers are high-spirited and morale-boosting, as if they want to fight the green-skinned orcs for another three hundred battles. 】

[Political Commissar Kane miraculously obtained the command authority of this small defense force. 】

[You were puzzled and found Kane to ask. Political Commissar Kane replied with a smile: He just gave them a hope of living. 】

[In the third week, you who entered motorization with both feet met more local refugees on their escape journey, as well as more defense forces defeated by the greenskins. After careful consideration, Political Commissar Kane relied on his extremely excellent eloquence to win over They defeated the defeated army, calmed the frightened local refugees, and formed a huge fleeing team.

[You and Jurgen secretly dealt with some unconvinced thorns, and at the same time took on the arduous responsibility of protecting local refugees. 】

[However, with the increase in numbers and equipment, your huge and bloated escape team seems to have attracted more attention from the greenskins. 】

[They ride on tattered junk motorcycles, brandishing machetes and oversized firearms, and begin to chase and intercept your fleeing team. 】

[In the fourth week, the situation of the fleeing team is not good. Although there is no shortage of food supplies, weapons and ammunition, more and more green skins have become a more deadly problem. 】

[Political Commissar Kane believes that the orc warlord must have discovered your fleeing team and issued an order to stop the pursuit. You and Comrade Jurgen are gradually tired of dealing with the frequent green skins.]

[At the suggestion of Political Commissar Kane, you temporarily put down your laser gun and began to clumsily try to command the defense forces that were completely integrated by you. You reluctantly became an officer, and your perspective also increased from the battle to the entire battlefield. 】

[You led the defense forces to attack everywhere, struggling to resist the incoming greenskins. 】

[The escape team briefly repaired, and Political Commissar Kane found you who was resting.

[Kane thinks with a solemn expression that if you cannot get rid of the large number of greenskins behind the team, it may be difficult to successfully reach the empire's sphere of influence. 】

[You cheer up and express your willingness to lead a death squad composed of defense forces to try to guide the greenskins' attack direction. 】

[Commissar Kane smiled slightly and declined politely, saying that the Valhalla 597th Regiment did not have the battlefield custom of abandoning its comrades. 】

[In the fifth week, you, Political Commissar Kane, and Comrade Jurgen, plus a group of defense forces who volunteered to join the death squads, chose a Chimera infantry fighting vehicle with a stable machine soul to start a fight with the greenskins behind the fleeing team. Engaged in a fierce blocking battle. 】

[Your mission is very simple, attract the attention of a large number of greenskins and buy time for the escape team, which is mainly local refugees. 】

[The brutality of this battle was beyond imagination. More than half of the ten kamikaze defense forces were killed or injured. You barely completed the mission and attracted a large number of greenskins. 】

[In the speeding Chimera infantry tank, you lowered your head to deal with the injuries on your body. You looked at Political Commissar Kane, only to find that the other party was unscathed. It was incredible...]

[In the sixth week, under the leadership of Political Commissar Kane, the remaining eight of your death squads started a guerrilla war with the greenskins. The greenskins stopped pursuing and took a rest. You stepped forward to harass and throw grenades. The angry greenskins got up to pursue. You relied on the mobility advantage of the Chimera infantry fighting vehicle and fire interception to get rid of the greenskins. 】

[Due to the increase in the number of battles, the combat quality of the five defense troops in the death squads has improved a lot. None of them are afraid of the green skins. Instead, they see the green skins with their eyes shining, waiting for a beating. 】

[Fortunately, you are gradually approaching the empire's sphere of influence. Comrade Jurgen believes that victory is just around the corner, and even you have to agree with this idea. 】

[Unfortunately, the orc warlord who has been waiting for a long time is blocking your way. 】

[The sudden encounter caught you off guard. The death squad instantly lost three members. You were surrounded by countless greenskins. The mobility advantage of the Chimera infantry fighting vehicle was completely lost. 】

[Facing the disaster of annihilation, Political Commissar Kane put forward a plan to capture the thief first and capture the king without changing his expression. 】

[You didn’t hesitate at all, you just silently carried a few terrifyingly powerful melt bombs. 】

[The suicide squad members rely on the firepower of the Chimera infantry fighting vehicle to attract other greenskins. You, Commissar Kane and Jurgen attack in the direction of the orc warlord. 】

[Comrade Jurgen's heavy melta gun once again played its role, and the powerful firepower briefly cleared a passage to face the orc warlord. 】

[You charge ahead of Commissar Kane, firing the laser gun at will. Almost every shot will knock down an greenskin. 】

[However, the number of greenskins never decreases, and they surge towards you two like a tide. ]

[You and Commissar Kane are trapped by the greenskins, and the heavy melta gun operated by Comrade Jurgen beside you is about to go out of service. ]

[At the critical moment, you show Commissar Kane the melta bomb you carry. ]

[Commissar Kane hesitates, but then nods heavily. ]

[You take advantage of the passage that Jurgen's heavy melta gun has cleared again and launch a final death charge towards the orc warlord. ]

[You are seriously injured when you are five meters away from the orc warlord. You have to detonate the melta bomb in advance to try to cause damage to the orc warlord. ]

[You are instantly melted into ashes by the extreme high temperature. ]

[You are dead. ]

[This simulation ends, which takes forty-two days. ]

[This simulation obtains the option to keep. 】

【1. Imperial Infantryman's Introductory Manual (full set)】

【2. Melta Bomb (one)】

【3. Caiaphas Cain's Chainsword (finely crafted)】

【This simulation has exceeded 24 hours, and simulator wear and tear has not been exempted. 】

【Cooling time: 42 hours. 】

【Current available cooling time: 160 hours. 】

【Do you want to consume cooling time? 】

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