American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

694. Knowledge is power: The Blood Crow Boys of the Primarch (VI)

When the roars used to boost the morale of the battle dissipated in the cold air.

Rorschach, who was thoughtful, simply divided everyone into two combat teams.

The combat team led by the captain of the third company, Gabriel and Cyrus, will carry all the whirlwind missile launchers and heavy firepower weapons as a long-range firepower support and roundabout sneak attack team.

The combat team led by Rorschach and the think tank director Orion will become the frontal assault team to attract the enemy's attention.

The next moment, everyone who had made a lot of preparations set out on the road to behead the plunderer lord Aragaster in the face of the biting wind and snow.


At this moment, in the long-silent communication channel of the Blood Crows.

A voice with a low tone, which was finally confirmed to be from the Blood Crows war captain Kailas, slowly came out.

However, when everyone subconsciously stopped their pace and listened to a few words.

Even Rorschach couldn't help but frown.

Because the other party had just come up and ordered all the surviving Blood Crows to abandon all current tasks and plans in a tough tone.

Prepare to take several Thunderhawk transport planes that have just landed on the surface to return to the flagship of the war group.

However, when the indifferent think tank director Orion first connected to the communication channel.

And hinted to the war group leader that the primarch existed.

The other party, who had a very tough attitude, suddenly cut off all the communication channel signals and fell into complete silence!

At this moment, Rorschach, who had been listening attentively, couldn't help but reveal a fleeting sneer from the corner of his mouth.

He had guessed something from the other party's strange behavior.

After the Blood Crows present looked at each other, they almost had the same thoughts and ideas as Rorschach.

That is, the war group leader of the Blood Crows, Kailas, may have committed unforgivable depravity!

So, in the end, it was Rorschach, as the primarch, who shifted everyone's attention back to the decapitation mission in front of them and continued to set off towards the target direction.


About a dozen hours later.

After a long journey, Rorschach and the Blood Crows came to a mountainous area with a large number of ancient fortress ruins standing in the sky with the sharp ice and snow flying back and forth.

According to the slow narration of Orion, the think tank director.

Rorschach then learned that this place used to be the monastery fortress of the Blood Crows.

This place not only trained countless brave and fearless Astartes, but also gave birth to more than one commander who was extremely loyal to the Emperor.

However, now this place has become a place for Chaos traitors to live, and the commander who should have been loved by many fighting brothers is also suspected of corruption.

When the Blood Crows around began to inspect their weapons and equipment on the spot.

At the same time, they recovered their physical strength and replenished their energy as soon as possible.

Rorschach, who squinted his eyes and looked at the surrounding mountains from time to time, suddenly raised his hand and waved in the direction of Cyrus.

The man who was swallowing a protein energy bar immediately understood and stood up. He quickly lurked in the direction of the ancient monastery fortress with a sniper rifle.

Just a few dozen minutes later, Cyrus, with cold snowflakes all over his body and a slightly solemn expression, appeared in everyone's sight again.

After he returned to the temporary camp, he immediately found Rorschach who was discussing the battle plan with Gabriel and Orion, and replied in a low voice:

"Master Primarch, the reconnaissance mission is complete."

"I risked being exposed and tried to sneak deeper into the fortress monastery. Through my careful observation, I found that there are no less than a thousand Chaos believers inside, as well as a larger number of Chaos demons, mainly bloodletters and plague bearers."

"In addition, there are several Chaos Astartes teams from the Black Legion. Although we haven't seen the beheading target, the current situation is no longer a situation that we can simply deal with with our small number of people."

"Based on my combat experience, if we want to achieve the final victory, we must find the beheading target and fight quickly. The longer the time drags on, I'm afraid it will be more advantageous for the Chaos enemy!"

At this moment, Cyrus's voice had just fallen.

Without waiting for Rorschach to speak.

Gabriel, the captain of the Third Company, who always maintained a solemn expression, nodded and said:

"It's a pity that the current situation does not allow us to mobilize more Astartes. Otherwise, the remaining manpower of our Third Company alone can greatly increase the chances of winning the battle. Moreover, even if we can get in touch with the flagship now, I don't think that the commander of the regiment, Kailas, will necessarily stand on our side."

"Brothers, no matter what, we must fight this battle."

"But the changes in the battlefield situation cannot allow us to rush directly towards the enemy in the previous way of fighting."

"Our current advantage is that the enemy has not yet learned of our movements, and before my stored ammunition is completely exhausted, our long-range firepower can be said to be endless!"

"Come on, brothers of the Blood Crows, let's give these Chaos traitors a storm baptism of whirlwind missiles first!"

Rorschach took a deep breath and paced back and forth in the Vibranium Power Armor.

He turned his head and glanced at the Blood Crows standing around, and said in a deep voice.

And Rorschach's words had just fallen.

When he waved his palm, hundreds of cyclone missile launchers were quickly extracted out of thin air!

Even because too many were extracted in a short period of time.

A large number of cyclone missile launchers were almost completely piled up on the thick snow within a radius of dozens of meters!

Soon after, every Blood Raven Astartes quickly took action.

They carefully deployed cyclone missile launchers around the rugged mountains where the entire fortress monastery was located.

And in order to achieve the necessary confusion and fire bombing effect.

Basically, every cyclone missile launcher has been modified by Cyrus and Technical Sergeant Gattus, changing the independent launch mode to a remotely controlled serial mode.

When the number of cyclone missile launchers approaching thousands almost covered several steep hills.

Along with everyone's team communication channel, the order issued by the Primarch Rorschach himself sounded.

Chi Chi Chi——

A large number of whistling and roaring whirlwind missiles even covered the biting cold wind.

With such a dense number that covered the sky and the sun, a terrifying fire bombardment was launched towards the fortress monastery on another mountain!


In an instant, countless ancient fortresses that were already in ruins were instantly covered by continuous explosions and flames.

In addition to the collapse of many buildings on the spot, more debris and broken walls also quickly fell to the bottom of the steep rock wall with a roar!

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