American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

906. The Dark Lord and the Night Haunter: Conrad Curze (VII)

Chapter 896 The Dark Lord and the Midnight Haunter: Konrad Curze (VII)

[You performed the Shadow Step in countless dark shadows as if you were teleporting in an instant.

[You suddenly swung the mysterious magic sword tightly held in your palm and fought with the Midnight Haunter Konrad Curze, who had extremely fast combat reactions. ]

[In a flash, two lightning-powered claws named Mercy and Forgiveness blocked the mysterious magic sword that was chopped down on their heads, and the dazzling sparks and shock waves from the collision swept around! ]

[At this moment, the balance of the two sides' gritting teeth wrestling was gradually tilting towards you. ]

[Only relying on the pure power between the flesh, Midnight Haunter Curze is not your opponent. ]

[Just when you were about to drive the adamantine power armor to step forward, you were completely within the opponent's close range. 】

【The Midnight Haunter, who had rich experience in fighting the Primarch, immediately raised a huge magnetic boot covered in heavy armor, and almost instantly attacked your chest and abdomen! 】

【You stared at Curze's gloomy face. 】

【You clenched your other huge palm into a fine gold fist, and it fell down with great force, hitting the opponent's legs and knees hard, forcing the opponent's entire huge body to step back several steps! 】

【Buzz buzz buzz——】

【At this moment, the Midnight Haunter Curze, who waved his hands back and forth with mercy and forgiveness, seemed to have a gloomy sneer on his face.

【He quickly changed his plan to fight you head-on, and instead quickly used stealth skills that were not inferior to Corax, allowing his entire huge body to completely dive into the depths of the shadows that were everywhere around him! 】

【But you did not have any negative emotional changes, and your entire huge body just adjusted its fighting mentality and became active again. ]

[Because the dark shadows covering hundreds of meters of space are basically your sensory tentacles extending outward. ]

[You can even clearly sense the huge body of the Night Haunter moving back and forth in countless dark shadows! ]

[You suddenly drive the adamantium power armor to perform shadow steps towards the edge of the shadow hundreds of meters away. ]

[As soon as your huge body emerged above the ground, the mysterious magic sword tightly held in your huge palm blasted towards the space in front with a piercing scream. ]

[Ding Ding Ding! ]

[In an instant, the huge body of the Night Haunter Coze was instantly interrupted by you in stealth mode, and he had to emerge from the depths of the shadow. ]

[Two lightning power claws wrapped in azure decomposition force fields suddenly lifted up, and collided violently with your mysterious magic sword again and again! ]

[Puff! ]

[Your huge body wearing the adamantium power armor suddenly lowered a lot, and the two magnetic boots stepped back and forth on the ground, making a huge roar.

[You seem to have relied on your past combat experience to vaguely grasp the habits and flaws between the opponent's offensive movements. ]

[The mysterious magic sword you held tightly in your huge palm suddenly turned the direction of swinging, and the sharp blade with a cold light quickly pierced through the lightning power claws that Midnight Haunter Coze had just separated, and forcibly inserted into the opponent's shoulder! ]

[However, at this time, the gloomy Midnight Haunter Coze seemed to be indifferent to the injury in front of him, or the previous offensive flaw was a trap deliberately prepared for you! ]

[The next moment, the two lightning power claws that suddenly crossed the dark shadow also penetrated the thick shell of the adamantium power armor one after another, and pierced deep into your waist and abdomen! ]


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