American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$910, Vision Control Organ Conrad Coates' Justice!

Chapter 900 Visual Control Organ - Justice of Konrad Curze!

[Instantly, shadow crows flew back and forth over the huge body of Midnight Haunter, and their sharp claws took away pieces of armor debris and flesh and blood fragments.

[Even if the opponent has a strong physique at the level of the Primarch, he cannot withstand the terrifying attack after your subspace essence is released again. ]

[Just a few dozen seconds later, the Midnight Haunter, whose body was covered with countless tragic wounds, fell heavily on the metal floor, making a dull roar. ]

[Your huge body also condensed from the crow storm that had not yet dissipated, and stood directly in front of Midnight Haunter. ]

[You leaned down slightly, and a huge hand lifted the seriously injured Midnight Haunter Curze in front of you. ]

[Your blood-red eyes stared at the other party's dark eyes, and said in a low voice. 】

【"Brother, do you still think you will die at the hands of the Callidus assassin? As long as I move my fingers, you will die in front of me! Therefore, your paranoid idea about psychic prophecy is meaningless! Wake up!"】

【As soon as you finished speaking. 】

【The midnight haunter with fine wounds all over his pale face suddenly laughed. 】

【He said to you in a low voice. 】

【"My brother, do you know what fate is?"】

【"I swear to you in the name of the Emperor, even if I can't resist, you can't kill me this time!"】

【"Hehe, maybe when I meet you next time, I will definitely give you 100% of my heart and soul to entertain you well!"】

【You heard the sarcasm and explanation of the current situation by the midnight haunter.

【You immediately recalled the memory of death when you first faced Curze. 】

【You took a deep breath and slowly raised the mysterious magic sword tightly held in the other palm. ]

[You have made the important decision to kill the Night Haunter completely. ]

[You subconsciously revealed a bloody grin from the corner of your mouth, and the sharp tip of the mysterious magic sword was slowly pierced into the huge body of Conrad Curze. ]

[Your blood-red eyes are staring at the cold eyes of the Night Haunter, as if both sides want to deeply engrave each other's appearance in the depths of their minds. ]

[You can clearly feel that the sharp blade that is moving is only a very short distance away from the other's two hearts. ]

[As long as you push a little harder, even the original body will die on the spot! ]

[Boom boom——]

[However, at this moment, the sudden violent shock and terrifying roar inside the ship made you subconsciously turn your sight. ]

[Just at the moment when you were slightly distracted. ]

[A fist landing craft that was constantly releasing hot melt beams to melt the metal bulkhead quickly penetrated the heavy deck above. ]

[The heavy and huge metal boat body, almost wrapped with a large amount of metal debris and melted liquid, hit your huge body heavily! ]

[And the Midnight Haunter, who was only one step away from death and held in your palm, took the opportunity to break away from your restraints and fatal threats. ]

[You were rubbed on the metal floor for a distance by the extremely huge impact force, and then you were hit hard into the metal bulkhead that was deforming and twisting! ]

[You were forcibly knocked out of the liberation form of the subspace essence by the landing craft.

[You clearly felt a large amount of light golden blood spurting out from your huge body. ]

[A large amount of metal debris and the hot melt beam that had not yet been turned off not only penetrated your adamantine power armor, but also forcibly destroyed the two hearts and other important organs in your body! ]

[You seemed to see the Midnight Haunter Conrad Curze, who had just landed gently from mid-air, staring in your direction with a twisted smile full of sadness. ]

[Even he himself did not expect that the so-called fate would solve the problem you caused in this way in order to let him embark on the established path. ]

[Your breathing rhythm slows down. ]

[You can vaguely see a large number of Astartes rushing out of the landing craft in your gradually blurry vision. ]

[You seem to hear the familiar roars of Titus and Tiberus from the crowd. ]

[You seem to have died unexpectedly at the hands of your own people. ]

[Your vague consciousness is leaving your huge body. ]

[You slowly exhale your last breath and lower your head helplessly. ]

[You are dead. ]

[This simulation ends, the time taken is unknown. ]

[The options that can be retained in this simulation are as follows. 】

【I. Adamantium Power Armor - Dark Lord (Primarch)】

【Note: "This is a gift carefully prepared by the planetary governor of Nostramo, the Star of Eternal Night, for the Night Haunter Conrad Curze. However, before the gift was delivered, the planetary governor died in an assassination attempt personally planned by the nine noble families."】

【Note: "This set of power armor is much stronger than ordinary Primarch-level power armor in terms of defense alone. This may be due to the huge increase brought by the special adamantium produced by Nostramo. Moreover, due to the destruction of the Star of Eternal Night, the adamantium of Nostramo has now become a precious mineral in legends. Perhaps some ancient weapons and equipment of similar materials can be found in the many warbands of the Night Lords."】

[Note: "Except for the basic functions, the rest of the power armor has not been fully developed. If we can find a great sage of the Adeptus Mechanicus who is proficient in casting and modification, perhaps the complete Primarch-level power armor can shine with a different brilliance.\

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