The roars and howls of countless Chaos Demons passed by Rorschach's ears.

A large number of Chaos Demons that would have had fierce conflicts with them in the past quickly dispersed, leaving an extremely wide passage for the three people who were running madly.

After Rorschach and others gradually approached the flesh and blood defense line composed of countless vampires.

The succubi with extremely fast running movements quickly surrounded the periphery of the Rorschach trio.

The wolf cub was obviously startled.

However, he was temporarily stopped by Rorschach and Cypher who did not move beside him, and did not attack the succubi.

In an instant, six Slaanesh demon keepers immediately jumped into the depths of the large number of space-time remnants that were impacting the flesh and blood defense line at a terrifying speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. They repeatedly waved their extremely sharp giant claws or flesh whips to minimize the threat posed by the space-time remnants.

Then, the eight Khorne demons who were originally responsible for supporting countless bloodletters also flapped their blood-red flesh wings fiercely, and rushed into the depths of the fierce battlefield with terrifying roars, clearing a suitable path for the forward route of the Rorschach trio.

Chi Chi Chi——

At this moment, Rorschach, who was driving the Vibranium Power Armor with all his strength, stomped on the ground and passed over the bloodletters who were swinging the Hell Blade.

The Blood Scythe, which was tightly held in his palm, suddenly swept out.

Almost instantly, dozens of space-time remnants with mutilated limbs were quickly chopped into countless shattered corpses that disappeared and scattered!

And just as Cypher and the Wolf were also dancing their palm weapons back and forth.

More space-time remnants that were rushing forward were forcibly blocked by countless rapidly dispersing Slaanesh Succubi!

So, the Rorschach trio, who were gradually accelerating, did not linger in the battle. They always knew what their mission was, and immediately drove the power armor to continue rushing towards the direction of the super space-time rift!

Just a moment later, the three Rorschachs, relying on the Slaanesh and Khorne demons to forcibly open the way, successfully arrived in front of the super space-time crack.

A total of fourteen Chaos demons immediately surrounded them in the center to prevent more space-time remnants from turning around and attacking and posing a threat!


However, just as Rorschach quickly raised a huge palm and tried to touch the super space-time crack.

With a deafening roar.

Rorschach and others standing under the super space-time crack saw it with their own eyes.

A giant mist palm with a size of hundreds of meters actually slowly penetrated the super space-time crack and completely descended into the huge cave filled with black and white mist!

The next moment, the giant mist palm, which was extremely terrifying in both momentum and form, just slapped casually.

The six Slaanesh demons that rushed forward frantically and the eight Khorne demons who had no time to dodge were completely sent back to the depths of the subspace!


The ground of the entire cave seemed to suddenly crack open with a series of extremely shocking deep cracks.

The powerful shock waves that spread everywhere also caused countless Chaos Demons and the Rorschach trio to fall heavily to the ground!

However, just when this giant mist palm that covered the sky and the sun was about to turn around and slap Rorschach and others.

Rorschach, who reacted even faster, drove the vibranium power armor and swooped into the super space-time gap in a flying form!

Crack, crack, crack---

The next second, countless vibranium armor shells shattered and scattered.

A tearing pain that Rorschach was extremely familiar with once again enveloped his huge body!

In an instant, Rorschach, who couldn't help but open his eyes wide, seemed to see through the overlapping illusory scenes deep in the super space-time crack.

I vaguely saw a person sitting between the colorful psychic thrones.

The whole body was almost completely shrouded in black and white mist, and there was no trace of a terrifying human figure at all!

"Who are you--"

At this moment, Rorschach, whose thinking and consciousness were gradually becoming dull, struggled hard.

He roared and screamed at the unknown terrifying existence.

Then, Rorschach's scarred body could no longer support himself, and he fell into a coma!

Almost at the same time, visible terrifying space cracks continued to spread to the entire war-torn world of Caliban!



Rorschach's huge body trembled suddenly.

He couldn't help but slowly exhale a long breath from his mouth and nose.

Rorschach suddenly opened his tightly closed eyes.

But he saw a very familiar empty room at a glance.

There were also Lord Cypher and the Wolf Cub standing not far away, as well as a large number of Dark Angels Inner Ring veterans lying on the metal floor.

Just a few dozen meters away, the three subspace artifacts that had been separated from the fusion state were quietly scattered on the surrounding metal floors.

And the Supreme Grand Master Azrael, with a solemn expression on his resolute face, just dropped the power sword tightly held in his palm.

"Master Primarch? Master Primarch, are you okay? We are a little late..."

At this moment, Ezekiel, the Grand Master of the Think Tank holding the Power Scepter, asked Rorschach carefully.

Rorschach was stunned for a moment when he heard the other party's words, and then immediately frowned.

He raised his hand to signal the other party not to speak.

The huge body quickly drove the Vibranium Power Armor to come in front of Cypher and Wild Wolf, who also looked doubtful.

"Seph, wolf, what is your last memory?"

Rorschach asked the other party with an extremely solemn tone.

"Caliban's underground cave... With the assistance of the Chaos Alliance, we are trying to close a super time and space rift. I believe there will be no problem with my memory, but what is the situation now?"

Cypher, who narrowed his eyes, said to Rorschach in front of him while trying to remember.

"Could it be that what we just experienced are just illusions or false memories imposed on us by the three subspace artifacts?"

"Tsk, if it's an illusion or a false memory, then why did half of my arm disappear?"

The wild wolf cub couldn't help grinning after hearing Seve's words.

He raised his left arm, which was missing half of his forearm, into the field of vision of Rorschach and others.

"But my metal ten rings and the gun-forging heart are still there. I have clearly given them to Lion King Ryan and have not taken them back from him."

Rorschach lowered his head and glanced at the thick arms and power armor waist, shook his head, and said in a low voice.

"There are two possibilities at the moment. Either what we have just experienced is really just a false illusion caused by the accidental impact of the three subspace artifacts, or the super space-time rift that threatens the past and future of the entire galaxy has completely disappeared. Now everything has been successfully restored to the right track..."

"Based on my experience, I am actually more inclined to the latter. Our successful return to the current timeline may be due to the Emperor and his elders."

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