American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

$949, ​​Children of the Forest: Lion's Jonson (VI)

Chapter 939 Son of the Forest: Ryan Johnson (VI)

[Boom boom——]

[Just as you were having a detailed discussion with the wolf cub.

[The ceiling of the entire old square seemed to have collapsed extremely severely. ]

[The next second, Lion King Ryan, holding two power swords, and the fragmented bodies of Chaos Astartes fell heavily to the ground. ]

[You immediately drove the Vibranium Power Armor and stepped forward. After the bruised and swollen wolf cub calmed down for a while, he also came to the side of Lion King Ryan. ]

["The main force of the Ten Thousand Eyes War Gang is not on Kamas. There are only seven damn Chaos traitors here... The Chaos smell on your clone is getting stronger and stronger. Do you need my help?" At this moment, Lion King Ryan, with his cold eyes turning, recognized the wolf cub he had seen before. ]

[You shook your head slightly, rejecting Lion King's proposal, and raised your hand to stop the bad words that the wolf cub wanted to say. ]

[Perhaps it was because of the deep friendship between the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels in the past that the wolf cub always seemed to be at odds with Lion King. ]

[In the following period of time, Lion King, who successfully obtained a power sword named "loyalty", and the two of you explored the entire enemy station together.

[Although the Chaos Astartes left here by the Ten Thousand Eyes War Gang have been cleared out by you, the intermittent communication calls from Zabril still led you to the deeper part of the huge castle. ]

[After you explored the armory and many tragic rooms full of mutilated mortal corpses one by one, you reunited with Zabril who had been waiting for a long time. ]

[And a secret dungeon accidentally discovered by Zabril also became your last target of exploration. ]

[As soon as the four of you drove the Vibranium Power Armor and stepped into the interior, you saw nine Blood Angels Astartes who were forcibly tied to the wall by a large number of heavy chains. ]

["There are still survivors here?" The wolf cub, whose swollen face had recovered a lot, carried the Furnace Breaker warhammer with his Vibranium arm, and said without turning his head. ]

[You carefully observed the nine Blood Angels whose eyes were dark, and the whole person seemed to have lost all reason. Only the desire to suck blood remained on their twisted faces. You sighed subconsciously. ]

["The blood thirst and black anger in their bodies broke out at the same time. There is basically no possibility of saving them." The wolf cub said to Zabril beside him with a solemn expression. ]

[There was not much emotion on the old face of Lion King Lion. ]

[He casually drew out the power sword called loyalty, and his huge body slowly drove the power armor forward, intending to give the nine Blood Angels a relief.

[Just like the Dark Angels have a little secret of the inner circle, the blood thirst and black rage of the Blood Angels are also the troubles and haze that accompany all their descendants throughout their lives. ]

[At this moment, you vaguely remembered something in your memory and immediately drove the Vibranium Power Armor forward. ]

[When Lion King just raised the power sword, you told him that you wanted to try to save these Blood Angels. If you failed, it would not be too late to take action again. ]

[Lion King Lion turned his head and stared, then nodded and agreed to your request. ]

[You are not 100% sure that you can restore the Blood Angels to their sanity. ]

[You just happened to remember that you once forced the Weepers who burst into black rage to return to normal. ]

[Your huge body stood closer to the nine Blood Angels, listening to their roars and roars, and slowly closed your eyes. ]

[The next second, a pair of blood-red transparent wings that looked extremely illusory suddenly extended from behind your broad back! ]

[Except for the wolf cubs who knew some secrets, the lion kings Ryan and Zabril who were present subconsciously opened their eyes wide and stared at your every move. ]


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