American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

954, Children of the Forest: Lion's Jonson (XI)

【Countless beastmen roared and screamed deafeningly, and those flesh and blood bodies that had undergone chaos mutation were either shattered by bombs or split open by the power swords that were swung over.

【Lion King Ryan instantly raised his hand and fired plasma balls. As soon as they arrived in front of Serafax, they were completely blocked by an invisible and heavy psychic shield. 】

【You saw the Chaos Wizard Lord with a blazing flame burning between half of his face and head smiled coldly at Lion King Ryan, and the other party immediately drove the ancient power armor and quickly fled to the back. 】

【Lion King Ryan, holding the sword of loyalty tightly in his huge palm, took heavy steps without any hesitation. 】

【He tracked the prey like a ruthless and experienced hunter. 】

【You just wanted to drive the vibranium power armor to act with Lion King Ryan. ]

[You immediately saw a group of burly Obliterators swaying their twisted and mutated Chaos bodies into your field of vision. ]

[You shook your skull helmet slightly and took a deep breath through your mouth and nose. ]

[The Blood Scythe you held tightly in your huge palm suddenly trembled, and your entire huge body rushed towards a large number of Obliterators with a low roar! ]

[You must get rid of them before the Obliterators launch a large-scale firepower coverage. ]

[The number of Astartes under your command with Lion King is already scarce, and it is not worth it to follow the two Primarchs to fight but unfortunately die here.

[And as a Primarch, you don't think that a mere Chaos Wizard Lord requires you and Lion King to use all your strength, even if this is a trap that the other party has been planning for a long time. 】


【The blood sickle you held tightly in your huge palm flashed green light, and the sharp blade shattered the huge chaotic bodies of the Annihilators one by one. 】

【Before you could wait, the mutated gun barrels on the Annihilators were aimed at the front of your huge body. The large number of dark shadows wrapped around the body instantly turned into shadow clones, completely tearing the dozen Annihilators who kept roaring into pieces of flesh and blood. 】

【At the same time, the wild wolf cub, who was wielding the furnace breaker war hammer and the living metal whip, also joined your battle. 】

【The wild wolf cub, whose physical strength was almost the same as yours, suddenly knocked the three Annihilators with broken heads to the ground one after another, and the living metal whip, whose length suddenly changed, instantly bound the five Annihilators firmly in place! 】

【Seeing that more than 20 Annihilators were instantly eliminated, the remaining few Annihilators and a large number of beastmen no longer posed much threat to your team. ]

[You immediately briefly explained to the wolf cubs and Zabril and others beside you, and then drove the vibranium power armor towards the direction of Lion King Ryan.

[You quickly passed through a large area of ​​ruined forests corrupted by chaos, and stepped into a group of ancient palaces that had been destroyed for a long time. ]

[Hundreds of beastmen and cultists occasionally jumped out of the shadows, trying to launch a sneak attack, but they were wiped out into countless white bones in the blink of an eye by the dark shadow power you casually threw over! ]

[You will also accidentally step into some chaos witchcraft traps that seem to be set up by Serafax himself. ]

[But now you are more like a melee mage, extremely sensitive to psychic fluctuations, and the shadow armor that suddenly appeared on the surface of your huge body is enough to offset a large amount of chaos witchcraft, so these tricks of the opponent are not worth mentioning to you. ]

[Soon after, you drove the vibranium power armor to the front of a castle with a larger building scale. ]

[You immediately saw a magnificent gate that was forcibly destroyed by Lion King Ryan. ]

[You immediately drove the Vibranium Power Armor forward and entered the interior of the huge castle. ]

[You carefully and quickly crossed a silent corridor full of blasphemous runes and dirty blood on the ground and walls. ]

[You just took a heavy step and stepped into an empty room similar to the throne room. Lion King Ryan, whose huge body was temporarily bound in place by countless metal chains, appeared in your field of vision. ]

[You also noticed that a huge silver mirror was reflecting everything below on the top of the entire room. 】

【"Don't struggle, my father. These metal chains are made of iron from countless mortals, flesh and souls sacrificed in the furnace. You may be able to break free with brute force, but I believe that the toughness given to it by Chaos is enough to bind the Emperor's extraordinary creation."】

【Serafax, whose huge body was suspended in the air, said to Lion King Lion with a smile. 】

【You subconsciously clenched the blood sickle in your huge palm, and the dark shadow shaking back and forth on the surface of your huge body seemed to foreshadow your upcoming call. 】

【However, Serafax seemed to have no fear of your arrival. 】

【He glanced at you from a high position, and then said to you and Lion King Lion in a deep voice. 】

【"Primarchs, wake up, the entire galaxy is torn apart, the corrupt empire is only a facade, and there is no hope except Abaddon's endless expedition!"】

[“The light of humanity will eventually burn out, and the cold stars will be reoccupied by the alien bastards we wiped out ten thousand years ago... A mere Chaos Wizard Lord cannot stop this, and even you, as the Primarch, cannot stop this!”]

[“Because there is only one person in this world who can do it, and that is the Emperor!”]

[At this moment, the low voice of Serafax, who was suspended in the air, became more and more fanatical, and even the raging flames between half of his face and head seemed to burn more vigorously. 】

【"The chaotic warp has told me many things, some of which are unbelievable, but some of which are true..."】

【"One of the many mistakes of the human empire is to imprison the Lord of Mankind on the Golden Throne! If He can die completely, then the High Heaven will be shaken upside down!"】

【"And what I have to do now is to choose one of you two Primarchs as a parasitic body. I will use your power to personally send the Emperor on the Golden Throne to break free from the shackles of the broken body and embark on the great road of becoming the Supreme God of the High Heaven!"】

【"Four of the eight thrones in the High Heaven have been lost, and our Lord of Mankind will become the fifth. He will return to the galaxy with a destructive force that will destroy countless alien races and lead mankind to another great expedition!"】

【At this moment, the whole empty room is constantly echoing with the future fantasy of Serafax. 】

【However, the other party's voice has just fallen. 】

【A low sneer from you completely interrupted all the actions of the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes! 】


【"What are you... laughing at?" Serafax asked you with a very gloomy expression. 】

【"Nothing, I just suddenly remembered something happy."】

【You also said to him with a very sincere expression. 】

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