American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

965, Great victory and new conspiracy!

However, when Rorschach was full of fighting spirit, he was like a human-shaped meteorite.

When it forcefully penetrated the layers of thick metal ground in the giant hive city.

The first thing that caught his sight was the Great Daemon of Slaanesh who was slaughtering the Primaris Shark Veterans, repeatedly fighting the scarred Giant Raven Guard, and causing heavy losses to the Iron Hands clan brothers. Keeper of secrets!

"Why is there only one great demon of Slaanesh here? Where is the demon-ascended blessing that I have been waiting for so long?"

Rorschach, whose thoughts were spinning rapidly, immediately adjusted his depressed mentality.

His huge body wrapped in countless dark shadows suddenly sank and swept towards the great demon of Slaanesh!

The next second, the Great Demon of Slaanesh, who had just discovered the arrival of the Primarch Rorschach, had no time to react.

The opponent's thick neck was firmly restrained by a huge hand transformed into a dark shadow, and even the huge body that was more than ten meters high was forcibly lifted into the air!

"Tell me, where is the Ascension Demon Blessing Root? Could it be that the corruption of Slaanesh sweeping across the entire sub-star region has nothing to do with it?"

At this moment, wisps of dark shadows were spreading all over the vibranium power armor. The jumping Rorschach seemed more like a demon prince than the Slaanesh Demon in front of him.

His low voice, like a hell roar, fell into the ears of the Keeper of the Secret of Slaanesh through the extremely ferocious skull helmet.

"Ah! Dear Lord of Natural Disasters, what are you talking about? I really don't know anything!"

"The invasion of the Wushouya sector is a great plan that I have been brewing for hundreds of years to complete. As for the big figures like Fulgen who enjoy the personal attention of Lord Salish, they are not ranked outside the three digits like me. The secret keeper can spy at will!"

At this moment, the great demon of Slaanesh who had been slaughtering the Astartes wantonly seemed to be facing a terrifying existence that could take his life and death away from him.

Even though Rorschach's huge palm has been deeply embedded in the opponent's chaotic flesh and blood.

But the Slaanesh Demon with an extremely stiff face still spoke without hesitation.

The other party just finished speaking.

Rorschach, whose huge body was suspended in mid-air, suddenly fell silent.

He seemed to have thought wrong from the beginning, and even always suspected that this war was a trap deliberately set by Fulgen.

However, the Great Demon of Slaanesh in front of him directly admitted that everything was done by the other party and had nothing to do with the Ascended Demon Fulgen.

To a certain extent, the Keeper of the Secrets of Slaanesh is not the Great Demon of Tzeentch after all, and there are not so many twists and turns that require thought.

"If that's the case, then what's the point of keeping you?"

Rorschach's mind was spinning and he thought of this.

To some extent venting his emotions, he suddenly transformed his huge body into countless shadow crows and enveloped the Great Demon of Slaanesh!

And the Great Demon of Slaanesh, who had just thought that he might have escaped, didn't even have time to launch a counterattack.

The huge body, which was more than ten meters high, was repeatedly cut and torn apart by a large amount of dark shadow power.

Until the opponent is completely turned into a pile of broken chaotic flesh and blood!

There was a ruckus——

Wait until a large amount of dissipating chaotic flesh and blood crashes to the ground.

Rorschach, who had re-condensed into a human form from a large number of shadow crows, landed heavily in front of the subspace portal that was constantly emitting chaotic spiritual energy fluctuations.

He stretched out a huge palm without any hesitation.

Countless dark shadow powers poured out from the palms of their hands and instantly completely enveloped the entire subspace portal!


After just a few breaths, the subspace portal located within everyone's sight gradually shrank, and finally disappeared into the bloody air!

Rorschach, who slowly turned around with his vibranium powered armor, stared at the Astartes who were fighting with the remaining Chaos Demons and a large number of rebels.

He immediately gave the order that echoed in everyone's ears.

"The Great Demon of Slaanesh is dead, and the warp portal has been closed!"

"From now on, I want to leave no one alive in the entire Sadinus or even the Vaiya sector, whether they are Chaos demons or rebels!"

"The Scourge Legion, the whole army attacks!"


Deep in the native universe that no one can successfully reach.

Among countless bright and dark giant stars.

On a huge planet belonging to the golden clan, the Sovereigns, there are countless gorgeous and exquisite golden palaces, but the interior of them is filled with residual traces of chaotic spiritual energy.

Looking around, countless naked Sovereign corpses were lying on the ground in a mating posture.

It even extends from the inside of every gorgeous palace to the surface of the entire planet!

If anyone could see it from above.

You can find that in the center of this carpet of corpses paved with the lives of all Sovereigns, a purple egg-shaped embryo several meters high is beating weakly and brightly!


The next second, a humanoid palm with pale golden skin penetrated the flesh and blood barrier of the egg-shaped embryo with force, and successfully entered the slightly thin cold air outside!

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure who kept breathing violently from his mouth and nose suddenly tore apart the remaining flesh and blood barrier. The almost perfect humanoid body fell heavily to the ground, but there was a burst of metal collision. The weird sound that only one can have!

"Ho ho... Ha ha, Sir Shalish's smuggling plan was indeed successful. My little brother, I hope you won't be too surprised when I lead an army of Slaanesh to your hometown..."

Fugen, who could not help but sneer, muttered subconsciously from his mouth.

Even that handsome pale golden face showed cruel and cold twists and turns from time to time.


However, at this moment, Ascension Demon Fulgen, who was trying to move this perfect body, suddenly felt a cold and piercing terrifying murderous intention sweeping through his whole body!


The extremely quick reaction of Demon Shengfugen stood up instantly.

Countless pale golden surging energy suddenly surged out of this perfect body that once belonged to Warlock Adam.

A series of terrifying energy beams powerful enough to destroy small meteorites were continuously launched in the direction of the terrifying murderous intent!

Ding ding ding——

But what Ascension Demon Fulgen expected was.

The purple giant standing not far away just waved his huge palm, completely making his energy beam completely useless!

"You seem to be in good condition, and it's not in vain that I allowed all the Sovereigns to believe in the Chaos God... I remember that purple represents Salish, right?"

At this moment, the purple giant slowly put his hands on his back and stared at the extremely vigilant Fugen with interest and said lightly.

"You know, it took five living planets and the bloody sacrifice ceremony of the entire Sovereign clan to get a powerful guy like you. I hope you can bring me some good news... If I guessed correctly, You must be a certain Primarch who has taken refuge with the Chaos Evil God, right?"

The other party just finished speaking.

Ascension Demon Fulgen, who was constantly adapting to and even condensing the terrifying energy in his body, growled at the opponent with increasing vigilance.

"Who are you? You are not a believer of Lord Salish at all!"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My enemies call me the Mad Titan, and my friends and subordinates call me Master, but I prefer my current identity, a savior hero trying to save the future of the universe..."

"I am Thanos, and I am here to get something from you under the will of the five gods."

"A small piece of your broken soul, all your memories, and the coordinates of the universe where your true body is!"

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