American Comics: My Warhammer Simulator

982. The Iron Hand of Surrender!

Chapter 972 The Surrendered Iron Hands!

The size of the Medusa planet is much larger than that of Holy Terra.

The entire planet is surrounded by a ring of extremely ancient iron and steel.

At the same time, this is also a world with a very harsh living environment. Not only is there a lack of plant and animal communities, but even the sun that occasionally appears in the sky through the clouds is a blue supergiant.

And due to the uncertainty of geological structures, there are quite frequent geological activities and volcanic eruptions.

It is these multiple factors that gradually shaped the Medusans into a way of survival similar to nomadic migration.

They belonged to different clans and relied on incomplete weapons and equipment excavated from the interior of the Medusa planet, physical enhancement and even mechanical technology knowledge to survive tenaciously for a long time.

When Ferrus Malus came to Medusa.

He destroyed countless terrifying monsters for the Medusans.

The most famous of them is the undead dragon Asnos, and it was the other party's living metal that gave Ferrus his indestructible iron hands!

And this is the specific origin of the name of the Iron Hands Warband.


Inside a huge metal palace on the planet Medusa.

Rorschach's huge body slowly drove the vibranium power armor and sat on the throne at the top.

Not long ago, he had just met with the Iron Council of the Iron Hand, that is, the Iron Fathers from various clans.

"Kadan, have you thought about why I came?"

At this moment, Rorschach, with a huge hand slightly supporting one side of his face, stared at the Iron Lord Cardan standing below and asked.

When the two sides met for the first time inside the Scourge Fleet, in addition to the daily greetings.

Rorschach also asked the other party a question.

That is to let Cardan think clearly about why he, the Primarch, came.

At this moment, facing the faint question from the Primarch.

The Iron Lord Cardan, who bowed slightly, did not seem to show any extra emotional fluctuations.

He organized his words a little and said:

"I saw the group of Astartes who went to the Worryfree Sector to quell the rebellion in your fleet, and Chief Think Tank Tehra was among them. If I am not mistaken, it is probably related to an ancient legend circulating on Medusa."

Kadan's voice had just fallen.

Rorschach, who was sitting on the throne, asked the other party to continue.

"My father Ferrus's legacy, the 'Key of Hell', must be completely handed over to a Primarch for safekeeping, and that lord wears golden power armor all year round..."

However, Kadan's words did not make Rorschach show any unexpected emotions.

After all, he had already known about this matter from Chief Think Tank Tehra and others.

Rorschach stared at Cardan's burly body with an expressionless face, and said in a low voice:

"I am indeed here to receive the 'Key of Hell', but this is just a side thing. Have you really not thought clearly about the real important things, or do you not want to tell me?"

"I can give you some small reminders. Just outside the Iron Ring of the Medusa planet, there are thousands of spaceships docked. Tens of thousands of Astartes inside the Scourge have made preliminary preparations for landing operations, and countless heavy vehicles driven by mortals have also entered combat status."

"In addition, if there are no unexpected circumstances, the Hydra Sons from the Alpha Legion should have infiltrated deep into the Holy Land of your Iron Hands."

"Well, they just sent a message... The place where you store the 'Key of Hell' is the Mimir Vault in the Holy Land, right?"

At this moment, Rorschach's low words undoubtedly caused a great fluctuation in the indifferent mood of the Iron Lord Cardan.

I saw that the other party frowned, and even the rhythm of his breathing was slightly disordered.

Finally, along with the slowly lowered head, the words from the Lord of Steel Cardan resounded throughout the palace.

"Dear Primarch, some of the Iron Fathers in the Iron Council tried to reconstruct the brain structure of the Father of Genes with hateful intelligence, in an attempt to resurrect Lord Ferrus! Please give an order, Lord Primarch, and we loyal descendants must wipe out these traitors who dare to blaspheme the Primarch!"

Cardan's cold words quickly echoed in Rorschach's ears.

Rorschach, who slowly exhaled a breath, drove the Vibranium Power Armor and straightened his back.

He said to the Lord of Steel standing below:

"Go, bring me the heads of those people. If the attack encounters great resistance, I allow you to get assistance from the Scourge!"

Rorschach's voice just fell.

Lord of Steel Cardan immediately drove the power armor and turned to walk out.

A group of Terminator guards who had been standing outside the palace gate also quickly grasped the grenade launchers in their palms and followed behind them.

Rorschach, staring at the disappearing backs of the crowd, leaned his huge body against the throne and slowly closed his eyes.

In his opinion, Iron Lord Cardan and most of the Iron Fathers were loyal.

But a secret that even the chief think tank outside the mother planet knew, how could Cardan, as the commander of the chapter, not know?

Since the other party knew it but did not report it to the Primarch immediately, there must be some selfish motives.

As the blood descendant of Ferrus, which Iron Hand would not want to see the Father of Genes standing in front of him again?

However, it is a pity that if the methods of those fanatical Iron Fathers could be more realistic and even more useful.

Maybe even Rorschach would give them some opportunities to try.

After all, Rorschach, who has seen clones and ascended Primarchs, does not care about one more artificial intelligence Primarch returning to the human empire.


Not long after, the roaring roar from a large number of artillery fire and whirlwind missiles was faintly transmitted to the interior of the metal palace.

Five more burly giant Raven Guards performed shadow steps and came to the periphery of the palace.

They stood in front of the entrance like metal statues, as if guarding the Primarch.

When the sky of the Medusa planet gradually dimmed and the air was filled with countless cold ice crystals.

Iron Lord Cardan, whose heavy power armor was covered with various scars.

He came to Rorschach with six Astartes heads mixed with blood and oil in his hands.

"My Lord Primarch, I have successfully beheaded the six Iron Fathers who tried to resurrect Lord Ferrus. The Primarch's head and the only remaining Iron Hand of Lord Ferrus were not damaged at all!"

"The ordinary Iron Hands under each clan are not aware of the fanatical actions of these Iron Fathers, so please spare their lives, my Lord Primarch!"

The low words of the Lord of Iron Cardan echoed in Rorschach's ears.

After taking a deep breath and slowly opening his eyes, Rorschach also said to Cardan in a deep voice:

"What am I in your eyes? A murderous Primarch? Since the culprit has been beheaded by you, it means that the matter is over and everything will be forgiven."

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