The existence of Sanguinor is an extremely ancient legend for most of the Blood Angels and their descendants.

No one knew who or what he was.

Even Dante, the Chapter Master of the Blood Angels Chapter, a veteran who has dedicated thousands of years to the Emperor and the Empire, has barely seen San Guileno's weapons only a few times during critical moments of the Blood Angels. Golden figure.

The Chaplains of the Chapter secretly speculate that Sanguinor may be the embodiment of ideals and nobility that was accidentally split from the soul of Sanguinius when he was killed by Horus.

The members of the Holy Blood Guard speculated that the opponent might be Azkelon, the captain of the Holy Blood Guard 10,000 years ago.

In fact, even today's Rorschach knows very little about Sanguileno.

It is also limited to the few words that the Lamenters brought out from within the Blood Angels at the beginning of the separation of the sub-group.

Dong dong dong——

At this moment, Rorschach, who looked slightly solemn, drove the vibranium power armor and turned back to the huge throne in the upper hall.

The large number of Astartes and Dalian company commanders gathered around were obviously wary of the sudden strange presence.

Even though Rorschach had asked them to temporarily put down the weapons in their palms and retreat to the side of the hall to wait quietly.

But these loyal heirs are still ready to launch an attack first.

"Tell me, what are you? Some kind of subspace entity? Or the scattered soul fragments of my brother? Or the spokesperson of the Emperor?"

Rorschach subconsciously narrowed his eyes and looked repeatedly at Sanguirio standing below.

The opponent's golden armor, illuminated by countless bright lights from the upper hall, shone slightly, and seemed to emit wisps of spiritual light that did not belong to chaos.

At the moment, he has made guesses about all the identities of the people in front of him, because he himself is the most vivid example.

However, Sanguileno, who slightly raised his golden mask, seemed not to reveal his true identity.

The other party was silent for a moment and said lightly in the direction of Luo Xia:

"Primarch Rorschach, I come for the children of Sanguinius."

"They are now about to face an unprecedented disaster, on the home planet of the Blood Angels, Baal."

"The real main fleet of Leviathan's tentacles will arrive at the star system where the home star Baal is located at any time. Even if I believe that the angel descendants who are united can barely survive this endless disaster with their own strength, the number of casualties and losses they have suffered are still high. It will go far beyond the imagination of the empire.”

"I can't stand by and watch the descendants of Sanguinius reduced to Tyranids' biomass. I think you, as the primarch brother of Sanguinius, don't want to watch his descendants face such a scale alone. A fatal crisis?"

Sanguirio just finished speaking.

Rorschach, who frowned slightly, stared at the opponent's golden figure, as if he wanted to see through everything behind the golden mask.

Then, he took a deep breath and said tepidly:

"Leave aside the issue of whether the entire fleet can arrive in time, how do I know if you are lying to me? Maybe you are a part of Chaos sent to disrupt my follow-up plan?"

However, Rorschach faced a slightly tit-for-tat skepticism.

Sanguileno showed no emotion.

The other party seemed to lower his head and think for a moment, then raised his head and said:

"Because you have no choice. The body of Sanguinius himself is stored on the home planet of Baal. Once the Blood Angels and their descendants fail to protect Baal, the Tyranids will obtain information about the Primarch. All secrets, if the Tyranids that the Human Empire will face are terrifying existences comparable to the original body, then both the subspace and the real universe will be completely defeated!"

"I'm not being alarmist. As the original body, you naturally know whether what I said is true or false."

At this moment, Rorschach's expression finally changed significantly for the first time due to the calm words from Sanguinor.

Judging from his understanding of the Tyranids, the Great Devourer can indeed absorb various foreign genes and actively select and cultivate combat units that can face all devouring battlefields.

Even when facing completely different enemies, they will evolve special targeted Zerg units.

This is the racial talent of the Tyranids, and it is also one of their most difficult points besides their numbers.

To a certain extent, the Primarch is an existence that even the Chaos God would covet.

Even if there is only a broken body without a soul on Baal now, what if this body of the original body is unfortunately devoured by the Tyranids.

So from now on, I am afraid that the human empire and even the entire galaxy will become more and more hopeless, and the never-ending terrorist war will even continue until the entropy of the universe is destroyed!

"Sanguirio! Do you dare to promise me that there is not a single falsehood or lie in what you just said?"

At this moment, Rorschach, whose expression gradually turned cold, suddenly asked Sanguireno in a strong tone.

Wisps of dark shadows and viscous blood rose and fell repeatedly on the surface of his huge body, rotating endlessly.

"I swear to you in the name of Sanguinius that nothing I say is false in the slightest!"

"This time, without your strong support, I am afraid that Baal, the home planet of the Blood Angels, and countless angel descendants will become a swan song and cease to exist from now on!"

Sanguino's low voice echoed in the ears of Rorschach and the people present like a circling charming note.

After a very short thought.

Rorschach, who made a prompt decision, immediately ordered the captain of the Shark Company, Tiberus, who was standing inside the hall:

"Tiberus, notify the entire fleet immediately, change the current sailing route, and change the target to Baal!"

Then, Rorschach's cold eyes looked at the think tank brothers headed by the Shark Think Tank Chief Kahulangi.

"Kahulangi, you immediately take people to contact the Human Union Council of Terra, let the Iron Man David prepare large-scale war materials, mobilize the mortal guards except the defense forces, and remember to notify the Weeper Company stationed on Terra for a long time, the Holy Blood Angels Chapter needs the support of their sub-group!"

Rorschach's series of orders had just been issued.

Tiberus nodded heavily, and Kahulangi and others with extremely serious expressions immediately drove the power armor to the outside of the upper hall.

Rorschach, with spiritual energy rising from his huge body, once again glanced at the Astartes and many captains of the Grand Company present.

"My descendants, this time we will definitely encounter a terrifying battle of apocalypse level. This is a major test for the Scourge and a major test for me as the Primarch..."

"But I believe even more that you will definitely win this victory for me, and for the Emperor and even the Human Empire!"

"Because you are the Emperor's angels, the Astartes of the Human Empire! And you are also the loyal descendants with the blood of the Primarch flowing in your bodies!"

"For the Emperor--"

"For the Empire--"

"And for all mankind--"

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