American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1118: Father and Son (38)

Loki hugged Helen, and left the Asgard commercial street almost as if he had fled.

On the way to Asgard, he was in a trance, and his ears were full of sighs from Asgardians, praising the second princess who was as bright as moonlight, and insulting those damned Ke Li people.

Loki couldn't understand at all how things turned out like this. When he was in Asgard, no one looked up to him. As a result, after his death, he became the most perfect princess in Asgard's history.

Although Loki understands the human heart better than others, he has not studied psychology and sociology systematically after all. If he has an educational background in this area, he will know that creatures with humanity and wisdom always have a common characteristic , which can be roughly summarized as "the deified effect of social will".

People are always full of all kinds of beautiful fantasies about the things they don’t have. They have never really owned such things, but they are more active in praising them to others than those who have such things. In essence, it is complimenting the perfect image in your mind.

And this in itself is also an act of seeking value recognition: I beautify something in my mind to what I think is the most perfect, and if other people also think it is perfect, it proves that he agrees. If I understand my values, the two of us will have common topics.

This is the behavior of people seeking common values ​​in social interaction.

However, if you praise something that many people have and have mixed reviews, you will have a sense of insecurity that you may not be able to get approval.

Then, in order to gain recognition, in order to seek the sense of security of value recognition, it is the safest and easiest way to find recognition from other people to find something that is dead to deify and praise.

It is no longer possible to have other new manifestations. No matter how praised, they will not make bad performances that break people's illusions.

The part of people that yearns for a sense of security keeps telling them that it is the most appropriate and safe choice to choose this topic.

And go a little deeper, from a social perspective, the relationship between people is developed from having a common fantasy,

And when this common fantasy has spread to the vast majority of people, then it is likely to be deified in many ways to ensure that people have enough topics when they start relationships.

Essentially, when the common fantasy reaches this level of pervasiveness, deification becomes inevitable.

This is not the will of the individual, nor is it the will of ordinary people who need topics, but the common will of society produced by human nature.

When Sylvie was alive, she might indeed have been just a frail and sickly princess, Thor's younger sister and Odin's youngest daughter, but such a barren character set couldn't provide enough topics for the Asgardians.

As a result, her image was beautified again and again, both beautiful and kind, both gentle and strong.

Only in this way, when the two Asgardians who meet for the first time, or other members of the Nine Kingdoms, can they start the conversation with "the beautiful second princess is really too miserable" and end with "Damn the Kree" ending.

And the reason why they don't use Thor as a topic is because Thor is the actual person in power now. With her as the center of the topic, it is easy to touch taboos. At the same time, the living queen Thor can only accept praise, but she is dead. The second princess Loki, who has been married, can spread gossip.

Although people like to create gods, what they like more is to pull gods down from the altar. The more perfect the images they create, the more fascinating the gossip that is circulated in the market.

A perfect image can be used to open up the topic, but unofficial history and gossip are more likely to bring the relationship closer. In essence, people dare not disrespect the living, but the dead are fine.

After Loki, who was in a trance, returned to Asgard, Thor was still waiting for him in the living room, and Sylvie had been taken back to rest by the attendants. At this time, Thor no longer had a gentle temperament, and she sat silently. On the main seat, like a majestic statue.

"I guess, you should be full of doubts now, why does Loki have such an image in this universe?" When Thor spoke, her tone seemed a little indifferent, and she said:

"Because war needs a banner, the more perfect the second princess who was killed, the more damned the Kree people will be."

Loki stood behind the table in a daze, and Thor stood up with his hands on the armrests. When Thor stood in front of Loki, the ends of his long golden hair brushed against his cheek.

The Queen Thor has gorgeous features, but the most impressive thing is that there is always a suffocating killing intent in her eyes, as if years of fighting have turned her heart into a knife.

"I need my subjects and generals to go forward bravely for me, and I need them to die generously with grief and indignation." Thor flicked his cloak and turned around, turning his back to Loki and said:

"They would do this, not because they really recognized Loki..." Thor shook his head slowly and said, "When my sister disappeared, she was just a child. What kind of charm can I see?"

"6 Just because, I say, she's the perfect princess, so all must say, I'm their monarch, and instead of admiring Loki, they fear me."

Loki returned to his senses slightly, as if he had guessed what Thor was going to say, he set his eyes on Thor's back.

Thor walked back to the chair and sat down, then said, "You must have experienced the day when Odin called us both over and announced that I would be the only heir and you were nothing."

"That day, I can ask the questions you didn't dare to ask for you. If Thor is the heir, what about you? Thor will get the throne, what about you? Thor will be respected by everyone in Asgard ,how about you?"

Loki looked straight at Thor, the queen in front of him was very different from his brother.

The Thor he knew would never say such things to him, he was not so cruel, he knew it was a knife, but he still wanted to show it to see if there was blood on it, such a Thor, let He feels fear.

However, this weather-beaten queen, who has been fighting all her life, has long since abandoned useless tenderness. She just looked at Loki with a mocking look and said, "You dare not ask Odin's question, and I can do it for you." Ask, what is the difference between you and me?"

"You have spent half your life pursuing these questions, but the answer may simply make you feel stupid." Thor tilted his head, looked at Loki and said, "The answer is that there is no difference between us, they just because Afraid of Odin, but following the trend."

"When the king they fear says a person is good, then he is good even if he is not good, perfect even if he is imperfect, and he is not worthy to be an heir, but he can also be an heir... authority, enough to erase all shortcomings."

"Why don't you think about it?" Thor smiled and said, "At that time, was I really better than you? Is there really a big difference between us? This difference is really big enough, Have the Asgardians ignore and discriminate against you, but praise me in every possible way?"

Loki's expression froze for a moment, and then he fell into memory again, but soon, the change in his expression showed that this was not the case. ,

How much difference can two children of about the same age see? Even though their personalities and martial arts have their own emphasis, the two are inseparable. They do bad things together and do good things together. How much factual basis do other people have to judge them so differently?

"Loki, come here." Thor called to him. Loki didn't move at the same place, but he could see the expression on Thor's face gradually changing, and the muscles turning from sunny to cloudy made Loki feel his heart sinking gradually, so he moved instinctively and walked to Thor. in front of you.

Thor sat relaxed on the chair, but Loki's body stood upright, looking very stiff. Therefore, the difference in height did not reverse the positions of the two at all, so Thor could still speak the next words sharply.

"We grew up in the same family. We look very different, but we are actually very similar. Don't think I'm reckless, careless, partial, and you're no better."

Loki opened his eyes slightly, and just about to open his mouth to refute, Thor looked at him and said, "I was lost in the praise of the Asgardians, didn't you get lost in their indifference and exclusion?"

Thor stood up again, facing Loki face to face, his gaze stabbing into his eyes like a knife.

"Why didn't your smart, calm, logical brain remind you that their prejudices have no basis in fact, and why didn't they stop you from making yourself the same as their prejudices?"

"They say you are too introverted, and you become even more introverted. They say you are weak, so you give up martial arts completely. They say you have a bad personality, so you make more meaningless pranks..."

"Loki..." Thor gently stretched out his hand, touched Loki's cheek, looked at him and said, "Are you taking revenge on them, or are you using this as an excuse to indulge yourself?"

"Anyway, I can't get anything, why can't I do this?" Loki's eyes gradually cooled down, and he stared straight into Thor's eyes and said, "I became Martial arts, or learning to behave, what can I get?"

"Then what can I gain if I learn to calm down, recognize myself, and no longer indulge in honor?" Thor rolled his eyes and said, "Anyway, whether I change it or not, the throne is mine, forever. It won't be yours, so what right do you have to laugh at me, a reckless fool?"

You **** "Loki bared his teeth, and the next second, Thor pressed his hand on his cheek, and with a little force, his head was pushed aside."

Loki tilted his head and stood there silently, with black hair covering half of his face, while Thor walked to the back of the chair, put his hands on the back of the chair and said, "You are not the first Loki who came here. Kei, but it seems that you are the most special one."

"That's why I'm telling you this, Loki... Loki..."

Thor's voice suddenly became low, with a kind of sadness and tenderness that didn't match her temperament, but when her brows were lowered, those flamboyant flames gradually extinguished, leaving only a dry voice like firewood .

"Don't care about them, don't care about them, what do those courtiers who are afraid of power but not virtuous think of you? They are not one with us, and you are not friends with them."

"Wash off all the traces they left on you, take off all the labels they put on you, let them fear you instead of recognizing you."

"Don't rejoice in their approval, but let them be grateful for your approval."

"If you want to step on their heads, you must first feel that you have already stepped on their heads, or even disdain to step on their heads."

"And this is the only way you can gain power."

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