American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 1153: Professor (16)

Latest website: Bruce curled his lips and said, "Yeah, seeing a murder case, one can immediately think of the method of committing the crime. An 'ordinary person' who solved two serial killers in three days."

As soon as these words came out, Bruce's expression froze for a moment, and he found that the way he spoke now was really more and more like Schiller.

Schiller spread his hands and smiled and said, "Can't ordinary people be a bit special? However, you mentioned the key point. This is the biggest optimization of this version update."

"It's not just the serial killers, you and I are the same. Because of some inherently superior conditions, we are separated from ordinary people."

"Serial killers have weak emotions, can't empathize, can't understand the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of ordinary people. You have a high IQ and are very rich. You are destined to drift away from the society of ordinary people. And I was born with a spiritual aspect. disease, and unable to understand the world in a normal way.”

"We are all separated from the lives of ordinary people, and we can only speculate how they live through imagination. Even if you give up your identity as a rich man and go deep into the bottom, due to the difference in IQ and brain structure, it is difficult for you to completely See the world from the perspective of ordinary people."

"In your opinion, how can someone fail to learn calculus? How can someone fail to memorize three books overnight? How can someone fail to understand the mechanical structure of a machine? However, many ordinary people just can't .”

"So, Price began to wonder, are they really stupid, or are they just not willing to think hard?" Schiller looked into Bruce's eyes, but there was no indifferent smile in his eyes. Note, this shows that he is not mocking anyone.

But Schiller's words still hit the nail on the head. Bruce looked at Schiller silently, and he admitted that he had indeed thought about this issue.

When faced with the situation that ordinary people are puzzled by certain problems, Bruce is really puzzled, because in his opinion, this is not a problem at all, not even a problem, as long as you think a little , you can get the answer.

So why on earth can't they come up with an answer? Are their brains really trying their best? They show that they don't care about something. Is it because they can't think of an answer, or are they too lazy to think about it?

"I guess, the answer you came up with should be both." Schiller said the answer in Bruce's mind, and he continued: "Some people can't think of it, some people don't want to think about it, and some people don't like it." Because I can’t think of it, I pretend that I’m too lazy to think about it.”

"But there is no doubt that their performance has constructed your impression of ordinary people, which is chaos, confusion, and mess anyway."

"For them, the whole world is full of mysteries. Those who want to get the answer can't get it, what they want to do can't be done, they don't know where they came from, and they don't know where they are going, just like a lost ghost wandering in the vast land."

Bruce found that Schiller's eyes had become very different. In the past, when he looked into Schiller's eyes, he always felt that he saw an endless abyss. Schiller's eyes were always deep, as if filled with countless excavations The endless secrets are like an endless dam in a stormy sea.

But now, Schiller's eyes have become very clear. What he wants to say and the emotions he wants to express can be seen at a glance, like pebbles beside a garden pond.

"But it's actually not the case." Schiller turned around and gave an answer that surprised Bruce. In fact, Bruce had already agreed with Schiller's last sentence just now. In his opinion, ordinary people's lives are It is indeed like that, confused, ignorant, just looking at the present.

After Schiller sat back at the desk, the light came in through the floor-to-ceiling windows beside the desk. He looked at Bruce intently and said:

"You went to the slums and saw the scavengers struggling desperately on the food and clothing line, and the dock workers working hard just to make ends meet. Compared with your life of the rich and rich, their lives are extremely miserable. Their IQ And memory, and you are even more incomparable."

"So, you feel that in their lives, there are only these sufferings, as if they are walking in hell, it is so pitiful. You think they must be boring, stupid, and uncreative."

Schiller shook his head slightly and said: "The world of ordinary people is far more colorful than you can imagine. Everyone on the road has their own fatigue and hope, and although they often feel pain, You can always find happiness, each has its own boring, but each has its own humor."

"They each have their own characteristics and strengths. They are very mediocre in many ways, but occasionally there will be a flash of inspiration. They have no chance to embark on the road of art, but they can always use their abundant emotions. , creating stunning works of art."

"They don't know much, but they are very easy to be satisfied. They often feel frustrated and sad, but the solution is to simply fall asleep."

"Gavage pickers may be happy because they passed by a video store and heard their favorite songs, and dock workers may be happy because they tied a beautiful knot today."

"Bruce..." When Schiller called out Bruce's name, Bruce saw another person on his face, that used to be his nightmare, maybe his friend, the one who always wanted to make him smile .

"You think that ordinary people laugh because they have no other way to deal with the suffering in life, but this point of view is too serious and arrogant. Is there a possibility that they are just happy That's all?"

Schiller pursed his lips, showed a big smile to Bruce, and said, "You pity them, because their material life is not superior enough, and they pity you, because you are seldom genuinely happy."

Schiller leaned over one side of the armrest, looked at Bruce and asked, "What do you think about laziness?"

"I don't like being lazy," Bruce replied.

"Indeed, we all don't like laziness, so a long time ago, that is, when my temple of thinking was first established, I didn't have the personality trait of laziness."

"From the root, laziness is actually a manifestation of mental disengagement. For ordinary people, the time to fully concentrate is limited. When the time of concentration reaches the limit, they will instinctively start Distracted."

"However, the vast majority of people can't reach the limit time of concentration. Before that, there will be something that interferes with them, making them distracted in advance, and distracting their attention. This kind of thing is called laziness."

"If a person is very tired and goes to rest, it's not laziness, it's self-protection, and if a person is not tired, mentally and physically healthy, but just doesn't want to do something, it may be rejection and avoidance. "

"If a person is not tired and wants to do something, but in the process of doing something, he finds that he is always unable to concentrate and go all out. There is always something blocking him from exerting his best effort. , This kind of thing is called laziness."

"The fundamental reason is that ordinary people cannot precisely control their own thinking, and they cannot make the thinking parts that generate power work with maximum efficiency, while the parts that generate obstacles do not work at all."

"But we can do it." Schiller tapped the table lightly with his hand, looked at Bruce, Bruce walked over, came to sit opposite him, and he also wanted to know, what is Schiller's personality like? How did it come about.

"Whether one can shield one's lazy thinking is the key to a person's ability to execute. Some people have a high IQ, and there are no problems with the plans they make, but they always give up halfway and fail to do a thing because they have no A way to block the lazy thinking in your mind."

"On the contrary, the existence of people like you and me may be due to the natural super high IQ, or it may be because of the natural mental illness, laziness does not exist for us."

"6 As long as our physical and psychological conditions have not reached the limit, and we want to do something, we must be able to consistently execute all parts precisely."

"Our thinking is like a precision machine, which part we let rotate, which part will rotate, and there will never be any part that we can't feel or don't know where it came from to suddenly rotate to hinder our movement. action."

"So, in my thinking, there is no such thing as laziness, and when my personality is broken and countless trait fragments are produced, I naturally don't have this fragment."

"So when did you show up?" Bruce asked.

"After I received professional psychotherapy," Schiller replied, and he went on to explain to Bruce: "Before that, I didn't know what other people were like. me too."

"6 Therefore, when some people give up halfway, but feel regret after giving up, I will feel very confused. I don't understand. Since they want to do it, why don't they do it? Why do they give up after doing it? ? Give up and why regret it?"

"I didn't understand what was holding them back, and then a doctor told me that it was laziness." Schiller stared into Bruce's eyes and said, "He also told me that not being lazy is not a completely good thing." .”

"The parts that make people motivated will produce a variety of positive emotions in the process of completing one thing, such as excitement and anticipation before starting to do something, calmness and calmness during the process of doing something, and after the completion of the task. sense of accomplishment."

"When these emotions are generated, our brains need to make corresponding responses. When the excitement is too hot, we should cool down, when calm thinking leads to depression, we will add fire, and when the sense of accomplishment appears Self-affirmation, giving higher value."

"And lazy parts will cause people to have various negative emotions in the process of failing to complete one thing, such as hesitation before starting to do something, boredom during the process of doing something, and regret after giving up halfway~www and the denial of self."

"When these negative emotions arise, the brain also needs to make corresponding responses, such as urging when excessive hesitation, calming the mind when bored, comforting oneself when regretting, and trying to balance when self-denying. "

"If a person has only parts that generate motivation and can only produce positive emotions, then his brain is always working on balancing positive emotions, and it is likely to overcorrect."

"For example, if the brain is always suppressing excitement and anticipation, and exercises this part of the ability to be particularly strong, it is very likely that when the excitement and anticipation are not so high, all positive emotions will be erased, and people will always be in a state of depression. In a state of depression and disappointment."

"In a state of rational thinking and low emotions, raising emotions too high can lead to irritable and even violent behavior."

"When the sense of accomplishment appears, excessive self-affirmation leads to arrogance, narcissism, and inability to listen to other people's opinions."

Schiller looked at Bruce with a smile, and said with an accent: "Such a person is scary, isn't it, 'Bruce'?"

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