American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 117: Spider and Bat (middle)

Peter's complacent mood didn't last long, as he found himself in big trouble.

Since that time, his name seems to have spread within the vampire group. Everyone knows that there is a man named Spider-Man. Peter, the vampire who wants to fight the world alone, doesn't know who he is who spread it to him. Great reputation, he clearly just wanted to single-handedly kill a vampire in a small stronghold, and he has successfully achieved his next plan. His next plan was to kill another slightly larger stronghold. Like the Rat's Nest, as long as he appears in New York as Spider-Man, there will be a swarm of giant bats chasing him and biting him.

Peter was flying between the buildings in Brooklyn, and there were two or three bats behind him, but at this time, Peter's mind was very clear, he made a sharp turn in the air, turned directly around a corner of a building, and let the leader The bat slammed into the corner of the wall, then he released the spider silk and quickly fell, and the other bats also fell with him. As a result, when it was less than two meters from the ground, Spider-Man launched a spider silk, directly He swung again, and the bats behind him fell to the ground because the brakes were not timely. Peter found that he had changed a lot. He was now full of tactical plans, and the terrain of half of Brooklyn was scattered in his mind. where it can be used to get rid of the pursuers, where can it be used to hide oneself,

Everything is clearly visible.

Although he used to wander around this block a lot in the past, but the terrain was forgotten after reading it. Who knew that when it was going to come in handy, they all surfaced again. This feeling fascinated Spider-Man and made him feel that he was in control of everything. Using a similar tactic to get rid of two bats, Spider-Man stopped on the building, but a black fog suddenly appeared behind him, a sharp claws attacked him, the spider sensed a move, and Peter rolled away. Then he half-knelt on the ground, staring at the black fog.

The black fog condensed into a figure, and a man with long white hair appeared in front of Spider-Man wearing a medieval dress. He was as pale and gloomy as other vampires, but he looked more arrogant. He said:

"Spider-Man, that is what you want to do with the great vampire.

"Blood? You are nothing but a group of mice with wings."

Spider-Man stood up slowly, and he found that his voice was lower than the other's: "Don't you think that the leader of the mice is more noble than other mice?

This sentence angered the other party, and the white-haired vampire directly turned into a black mist, and flashed in front of Spider-Man in an instant. Peter's spider sense sounded again, and he rolled away again, and a spider silk was launched to the top of the building. on the box,

A bunch of boxes were thrown out, and the black mist had to transform into a human shape and resist it with his arms. .

In this instant, Spider-Man disappeared.

Spider-Man, who was hanging in the air, said to himself, "Why did I scold him just now? That's too cruel, isn't it?"

He touched his face and said, "Is this really me? Is that what I would say?"

Although Spider-Man is chatty, he mostly uses trash talk to disturb his opponents, and he rarely gets so upset. Peter doesn't actually scold people very much.

But the high-level vampire was almost mad at him just now. Peter thought it was a little weird, but also very cool.

He thought that what he said just now was really great, so what if he knew magic? Isn't it also a mouse with wings?

As soon as he returned to Queens, Peter found that a street in the center was flickering with fire. He quickly swung over and found that it was a street not far from Midtown High School. At this time, there was a mess, and the police were fighting with the vampire fire. .

Spider-Man scolded secretly, he knew that he should be in the game, no wonder the big bats that chased him before, kept driving him out of Queens, but fortunately he had a clear mind and didn't get too much entangled with that senior vampire , otherwise let them succeed.

Peter was about to go down to help when he saw Gwen and her father George near the fire zone. George was blocking Gwen with his arm. Getting more and more dangerous.

Peter was very anxious and wanted to go down to save people at the time, but the high-level vampire he had disturbed earlier caught up.

This kind of vampire is different from ordinary vampires, they will use the magic of teleportation and sticking claws out of the black mist.

Teleport is not a big threat to Peter. After all, he has spider sense. Once the other party approaches, Peter's spider sense will warn him, and then he can avoid it.

But the magic skill of sticking out claws from the black fog caused Peter a lot of trouble.

Spider-Man mainly relies on spider silk to move in mid-air, and that high-level vampire is not stupid. Seeing this situation, he directly aimed the magic at the spider silk. Every time Peter wanted to swing over, he was directly attracted by the sharp claws magic. Cut the spider silk, so he had to change direction quickly. Under this kind of interference, Peter couldn't rush to save his girlfriend and her father as soon as possible. As the line of fire pushed back further and further,

The people on the ground have almost reached the point where there is no way to retreat, and behind them is the school district. Peter knows your character, George, and he will never allow these monsters to rush into the school.

Peter felt anxious and regretted that he had not increased the strength of the spider silk. As several vampires surrounded George and Gwen, the anxiety and anger in Peter's heart almost engulfed him, and as the spider silk was cut again, Peter felt , something started surging on his arm.

With instinct, Peter shot the spider silk once, this time, the spider silk was no longer white, but black mucus.

After the black spider silk sticks to the wall, facing the attack of the magic claws, it seems to be alive, just cut off a little,

There was more mucus pouring up, until the silk became so tough that the claws of magic couldn't cut it.

In this way, Peter quickly came to the scene of the exchange of fire, stuck a car with black spider silk, and swung it hard, like the few vampires that the police had oppressed, and were directly shot out and shot against the wall. All the police and George and his daughter were stunned. The angry Spider-Man picked up another street light pole. The vampires in the back saw that the situation was not good and wanted to turn into bats to escape, but Spider-Man swung the street light, one stick at a time. , beat them all down, and the policemen also slowed down after the initial shock, and rushed forward to make up for it.

After venting, Peter turned around and saw that George and Gwen were out of danger. He wanted to go up and care about them very much, but in the end, he hesitated, and fired spider silk to leave.

When he calmed down, he realized that he looked at his arm in surprise, but there was nothing unusual there. Peter said to himself, "What's going on? What was that black spider silk just now?

He fiddled with his wrists, removed the miniature spider silk launcher on the battle suit, opened the box inside, and found that the raw materials there had not changed. He tried again, and it was still white. The spider silk has aroused strong curiosity in Peter. Could it be that he has unlocked some new talents? This made him start to try to use various movements to launch spider webs. To outsiders, he looked like a weirdo in tights, doing all kinds of sand sculptures on the roof, which was very funny.

After tossing for a long time, Peter was so exhausted that he still couldn't successfully launch the black spider silk.

Peter felt that maybe his posture was wrong. Just when he was about to try a handstand, a voice finally sounded in his mind unbearably: "Don't try! Are you mentally handicapped?

Peter was startled, he almost bounced on the spot, then looked left and right and said, "What?? Who are you?! Where are you talking?!"

"I'm in your head! Didn't you notice it at all?"

Peter widened his eyes in shock and said, "In my head? Who are you? My second personality? Am I suffering from a split personality? My God! I have to go to see Dr. Schiller!

"No no no! Don't go! You don't need to see a doctor, I'm not your personality, oh, **** it! Stop!! Don't run there!!!"

Peter hesitated, stopped, and said, "Who are you then?"

"I am an unlucky alien symbiote, my name is Venom, as for the rest, your brain may not understand, you just need to know that I am here to help you.

"Alien symbiotes? Are you an alien? That's cool too! But why are you in my body?"

"Because you're a weak chicken with a bad brain. If I hadn't helped you just now, you would have died...

"How can you say that to me? Even without you, I'll find a way!"

"Don't you think that these recent methods are all your own thoughts?"

"Is not it?"

It was only then that Peter came to his senses. Recently, he seems to be a little different. No matter what he does, he will start to think about plans first, and sometimes it is not enough to make a plan. He will prepare several plans in his mind, and he will react on the spot. The ability and the ability to formulate tactical plans in times of crisis have suddenly improved a lot.

So is that what you did? ' asked Peter, 'are there such amazing aliens? Not only can live in my body, but also help me find a way

...Wait, were you sighing just now? Why are you sighing? I'm not as smart as you, but I'm not stupid, right? Not to make you sigh? ,

"Don't worry about those irrelevant How are you going to deal with these people's pursuit?"

Peter hesitated for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "Anyway, they generally can't catch up with me. I'll get rid of them in a few rounds."

"Are you going to play with them like this every day?"

"Isn't it? I have a lot of free time anyway."

"But I'm not idle!!!" Venom roared: "You quickly get rid of them all! Then we'll eat people's heads!!"

"There are so many of them, how can I solve it... Wait, what did you say you wanted to eat?"

"Listen, you're the dumbest human being I've ever met, no one," Venom said.

"Now use your not-so-smart brain to figure out a way to get above the pass line, and then catch them all in one go, and we can have a vacation!

"Do aliens also need a vacation?" Peter asked. "Why do you seem to be in a hurry? Do you have any business goals?"

Venom seemed a little manic. He said, "Why are you so rambunctious! You obviously have a lot of time to make a foolproof plan to defeat all the enemies. Why are you staying here?"

"Can you hurry up? Go to a room, think carefully, make 200 battle plans, and put them into practice right away! Right now! Quick!!!,

Peter's head was buzzing. He said, "Can you keep your voice down? You remind me of my head teacher."

"Besides, I'm not going for the final exam, I just want to settle the two strongholds in this block. Now that my goal has been completed, I plan to go on a date with Gwen tomorrow..."

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