American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 166: long easter (6)

"The situation of the patients in room 2 still needs to be observed. In addition, the doses of the two patients on the 4th floor have changed yesterday. You can go to Nurse Jenny to get the prescription. Also, focus on room 13, when he was struggling yesterday. , the arm joint is dislocated..."

Schiller, who was wearing a white coat, walked quickly through the corridor, explaining to the nurse behind him as he walked. When he walked into the office, Brand was leaning on the sofa and squinting for a nap. After sneezing, he said in a hoarse voice, "Are you here? How is the patient's condition?"

Schiller shook his head, put down the medical record book in his hand, and said, "Not very optimistic. Five more people were admitted to the hospital yesterday. One of the boys has very serious symptoms. I have to go there later."

"You go, leave it to me here."

With that said, Brand stood up, walked to the coffee machine, and planned to pour himself a cup of coffee. Schiller said, "Give me a shot of espresso... two cups, I'm a little sleepy."

"You're only feeling sleepy now? I'm so thankful! Have you been working more than 50 hours straight?"

Schiller yawned and said, "Fortunately, I'll go to sleep when I've dealt with the boy's situation."

With that, he took the coffee from Brand and left.

Came to a ward on the 5th floor, pushed open the door, a boy on the bed was like a beast that was suddenly awakened, and began to struggle frantically on the bed. If his arms were not tied to the guardrail, he might have jumped up now. Throwing in front of Schiller.

Schiller didn't care about his reaction, but walked over to his bed and watched his reaction with a frown.

Schiller knew that he could not diagnose according to normal psychiatric cases, because all the patients admitted to the hospital had the same symptoms overnight, which was obviously not a natural onset.

If it is not a natural disease, the cause may become very bizarre, and it may also be mixed with some occult elements. There is almost no way to analyze such cases with modern medical methods, but so far, Schiller has not found a good solution. method of diagnosis and treatment.

While Schiller was thinking, a brain wave came from the gray fog in his body: "I can..."

"What? What can you do?"

"You want to check, right? I can do it..."

Schiller asked suspiciously, "How are you going to check?"

"You touch him with one hand..."

According to what the gray mist said, Schiller stretched out a hand and touched the boy's shoulder. The boy twisted his head desperately, trying to bite Schiller's hand with a ghastly face, but as the faint gray mist drifted in. His body, the boy gradually quieted down.

A series of brain waves fed back into Schiller's brain, allowing him to understand some functions in the human body from another, more intuitive perspective.

He said to Gray Fog in his head, "When did you do this?"

"Take your hand away."

Schiller hesitated for a moment, and after taking his hand away, he found that he suddenly had another person's perspective, that is, the boy's perspective, than he was looking at the ceiling at this time.

Schiller said in surprise: "You split?"

A series of negative emotions came from the symbiote. Then, a wisp of gray mist floated out of the boy's body and returned to Schiller. The second perspective disappeared, as if it never existed, and the symbiote did not change. There is no other consciousness.

"I'm different from them." The symbiote's voice came: "I am the fog, and the fog is not a whole..."

Then, in the brainwaves from the symbiote, Schiller understood that the gray fog is very different from other symbiotes because of its different forms. Since its own form is fog, he cannot split, or Said he was split all the time.

Other symbionts are also made of symbiont factors, but Venom's symbiont factors are glued together and, once separated, become two separate individuals.

But the symbiont factors of the gray fog are not connected together, they are scattered. Even if they are cut apart, at most, they will be farther apart, and they will still be a whole.

"Then you can't reproduce like other symbiotes?"

"Yes, as long as I voluntarily give up that part of the factor, I will become another symbiote."

Schiller nodded, and then said, "That is to say, you can attach to others, and the part that attaches to others still obeys your instructions, and I can indirectly control others through you?"

A certain brain wave came from the gray fog. He said, "But the factor has limited control and cannot make precise movements. He can only understand his state. The farther the distance, the weaker the information returned."

"Why didn't you say it before?" Schiller asked.

"It didn't work before. Recently, there is rice everywhere. I'm so full, so it's ok."

"There's rice everywhere??" Schiller asked suspiciously, "Could it be the rain? That rain also has an effect on you?"

"It's the same as wine." The symbiosis question gave the answer: "Like fear venom, it's delicious and full."

Schiller touched his chin, he thought, rain is also useful for the symbiote, which means that there are certain substances in the rain that can stimulate the symbiote.

He thought again, Venom, that unfortunate bastard, is really unpalatable. If you follow him back to Gotham, the whole city is full of food, why are you still thinking about those chocolate balls? Gu Lu

Afterwards, Schiller let the gray fog attach to the boy's body and conducted a comprehensive examination. After that, he found an unknown substance in the boy's blood, which was the culprit that caused his madness and excitement.

Schiller didn't act rashly, because he didn't know what the cause of this substance was. With a responsible attitude towards the patient, he felt that it would be safer to find out the culprit first and then start treatment, so he still took back the gray fog. , intend to observe again.

While Schiller was trying to soothe the patient with the gray fog, Victor's phone called again, and he said on the phone, "Come here, something happened.

Hearing Victor's serious tone, Schiller knew that there was a high probability of death. He went back to the office to change his clothes and headed to Gotham University.

As soon as he entered the school gate, he saw two police cars parked on the avenue. Going forward, a group of people formed a circle, and the police pulled the cordon and shouted: "Get out of the way!! Get out of the way!! !"

Schiller walked over, and the young police officer was about to stop him when an older police officer next to him grabbed his colleague and said, "Professor Rodriguez? Sheriff Gordon will be here soon, you go in first. ."

Schiller nodded to him, and then quickly walked into the cordon. He saw Victor standing next to a police car, and a policeman was questioning him.

Schiller walked over and asked, "What's going on?"

With that said, he glanced at the back of the police car. There seemed to be a scene of a fall. There was a figure lying on the ground, and blood was splattered everywhere.

"Seldon is dead," Victor said, looking back at the scene of the fall. "Falled from the balcony of his office, the height of the eighth floor, and died instantly."

"What's going on? Tell me about it."

Victor shook his head and said, "I don't know either. You should know that there is a shortage of staff recently, and many students are sick. While I am busy subduing the patients, I have to trace their commonalities."

Victor glanced at the police officer who was writing and continued: "I was so busy that my head was dizzy, and Principal Seldon suddenly called me and asked me to go to his office, so I had to put it down. With the work in hand, rush to the administrative building..."

"I went into the administration building as usual, just when I was on the 4th floor, I saw from the window in the corridor, a shadow fell down, and then I heard a loud 'bang' When I looked down from the window, I saw Seldon's body."

"To be honest..." Schiller patted Victor on the shoulder and said, "This statement of yours has increased your suspicion by 30% out of thin air. When Gordon arrives later, don't say that."

"But I'm telling the truth..."

"You can beautify this process a little bit. For example, you and Seldon had a good chat on the phone. He strongly asked you to go to his office for a small gathering. You can't do anything but go to the administration building..."

"And because the building cracked, resulting in a power outage, the elevator could not be used, you could only climb the stairs, because you are a researcher with no strength, and when you climbed to the third floor, you were already exhausted, and you were out of breath. I climbed to the fourth floor and rested against the window sill, only to see an unknown shadow fall."

"You turned pale in shock, and the two were fighting, so you ran out of the corridor without thinking and called the police."

"Don't forget..." Schiller reminded Victor: "You are a foreigner, not a Gotham native, only Gotham natives are so calm about murders."

"I found out after I came here that this ghost place is quite suitable for me." Victor shrugged and said, "I don't know why, but I don't feel anything about corpses and blood, and I'm a little too calm."

Soon, another police car stopped, Gordon rushed out of the car door in a hurry, and then he saw Schiller at first sight, Gordon took a deep breath, and then walked forward quickly , he first stretched his head and glanced at the corpse, then walked over to Schiller and looked at him suspiciously.

"I didn't do this, the witnesses are here." Schiller pushed Victor a step forward, and Victor explained to Gordon: "It's like this..."

Victor repeated what Schiller told him, and Gordon frowned as he said, "You're a little too outrageous, how could it be... oh, wait, you're an out-of-towner, right? ? . . . That's reasonable."

"When the natives of Gotham see someone falling from a building, they only scold me for shit, and then they keep complaining to me that blood and brains have stained the ground, and they want us to wash the floor quickly..."

"Anyway, let's go and see the scene first."

Several people bypassed the police car and came within the cordon, where Seldon's body lay in the middle of the road.

Schiller glanced at him and said, "His luck is not very good, he just fell on a sharp corner of the cracked road, otherwise there is a little chance of surviving."

Gordon waved, and a group of police officers began to investigate the crime scene, and then moved the body to the car and brought it back for autopsy.

Gordon stood on the spot where Seldon fell, looking up, the lights were still on on the 8th floor of the administration building, he turned his head to Schiller and Victor and said, "I'm sorry, two, but according to the normal procedure for handling cases, take the You can't take part in what's coming and the witness Mr. Victor Fries needs to come with us..."

"As for you, Professor Rodriguez, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for the summons."

What surprised Gordon was that neither of them showed any dissent. Victor cooperated with the policeman and got into the police car. Schiller did not have to participate in the case, but turned and left.

Before leaving, Schiller also said to Gordon: "Although I am happy to cooperate with you in your investigation, there are too many patients at Arkham Psychiatric Hospital recently, and I have to put their lives first..."

"I heard before that a lot of Gotham students get sick at the same time. What's going on?" Gordon asked Schiller.

"I have a clue, but I haven't figured it out yet... don't look at me like that, I don't need to cause trouble for myself, and it's not me who will treat them after they go crazy? I haven't slept for 50 hours in a row. ."

"Professor Rodriguez, I have to remind you that no matter what, I will find out the truth of the murder..." Gordon said this, paused, and then continued: "I hope I will follow the clues in the end, and I will not repeat the It's you."

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