American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 171: long easter (end)

"My father was a tyrant, a dictator who would not allow anyone to question him. I tried my best to fulfill his demands and be the perfect heir, but he was still wary of me and didn't want to tell me anything."

"I know clearly that he can rule Gotham underground for so many years, not only with his ability and wisdom, I know..."

"He is not the real king of Gotham, someone else is secretly controlling Gotham, a mysterious organization, a great organization..."

Batman looked at Alberto silently, the direction of the muscles on Alberto's face changed completely, like a stranger Batman had never seen before, the tone of his narration of these things was resentful and resentful, this is also Batman. An emotion that Xia had never heard in Evans' tone.

"But in Evans' mouth, the Godfather is not."

"He? What does he know? Yeah...he's Carmine's perfect son, and Carmine made him just because he didn't think I was perfect..."

"So what happened to your death?"

Alberto snorted coldly, and he glanced down. There didn't seem to be the reaction he wanted in the crack of the church, so he seemed to pass the time and said to Batman, ""I accidentally learned that, Gotham is a city that cannot be saved, and those who do not belong here will eventually leave. "

"It's all because of a great organization that secretly controls Gotham, who controls the city and makes it turn for their will."

"Godfather? That's just a lingering survivor. He never ruled Gotham. He failed in the confrontation with this force. It was this mysterious organization that let him go before he could become the godfather."

"During a quarrel with him, he inadvertently revealed clues about this organization. I secretly pursued it to no avail, but inadvertently came into contact with their believers."

"That is the great dark power I have never seen..." Alberto's tone began to reveal fanaticism, he said: "His wings have always protected this city, and we will all bow down to him..."

"So, you joined this organization?"

"No, no..." Alberto said nervously: "They don't allow me to join, I don't understand..."

In his frantic self-talk, Batman seemed to see a group of black night owls standing behind him, snickering and saying in Alberto's ear: "You are the descendants of the rebels. . . . you must make atonement, for your blood... go, go..."

Alberto fell to his knees again, he began to tremble all over, his tone became slurred, and he seemed resentful and frightened, he said: "They gave me a knife, a hard and sharp knife, and I used it stabbed at..."

Alberto's tone began to become painful, as if everything he said was different from what he remembered.

"You want to kill your father?" Batman asked.

"No, I don't... I just want to atone, I want..."

"You just wanted to kill him, but in the end you failed, right?"

Alberto's tone became full of unwillingness and resentment again: "Carmine is obviously prepared for me, I am late!"

"And then he killed you and created Evans?"

"It's not him, it's that..." Alberto paused and said with some difficulty: "It's that priest, they are a group, they know everything..."

"It seems that it was indeed a farce. Falcone's eldest son didn't die at all, he just changed his identity."

"But I'm a little strange. How can this be hidden from everyone? You have the same appearance and the same age. Someone will recognize it, right?"

But as soon as he said this, Batman reacted and said, "That funeral?"

"...Yes, Carmine invited everyone who saw me to my funeral, and then they all died, including that little Cobot's father."

"Anything to do with umbrellas?" Batman muttered to himself.

Alberto sneered and said, "It seems that you know a lot."

"It's about umbrellas. You think Carmine doesn't know anything about them? You're wrong... No one knows them better than the godfather, but he never says it."

"Carmine took advantage of the loophole. He manipulated the raw materials for a batch of umbrellas, so that the umbrellas would not be delivered on time, and on a rainy day, he called everyone out, and they all died."

"He claimed that the idiot was my younger brother, who had lived abroad with his mother since childhood, so he replaced me as the godfather's youngest son."

"For a long time, I was indeed dead, and only Evans existed."

"He became a devout believer and often went to church to pray, but he didn't know that this was exactly what Carmine did to make me disappear completely."

"That priest has superhuman powers, I don't know what that is... But he seems to really be able to affect people's spirits."

"Every time Evans came into contact with him, the personality became stronger and Alberto slowly dissipated."

"But fortunately..." Alberto smiled and said, "In this disaster, the church was destroyed, the priest had to leave, and Evans has not prayed to him for a long time."

"So you were resurrected?"

"In the beginning, I couldn't control this body activity alone, only vague consciousness, but I am the real master of this body, and soon, I can control this body when Evans is asleep."

"I had something to do and I managed to get Seldon under control so that no one else would find out."

"But in the end you killed him, why?" Gu Kun

"That's a selfish idiot, short-sighted, and only interested in immediate interests. I wanted to use his position to get the students of Gotham University to gather together at the Easter banquet, and then make an Easter egg explosion, and those special Easter eggs are also for the purpose of These students are prepared."

"But that stupid headmaster thought it would damage his reputation, he didn't use the easter eggs I gave him, so I had to change the method and send them to various grocery stores for sale, or to those gang bosses ."

"Why did you do this? Just to make some trouble?"

"I'm doing experiments."

Alberto's answer was beyond Batman's expectations, but he instinctively thought of a question, he asked: "What is the maddening substance in the easter egg?"

"It's the immortality factor."

"Eternal life... what?"

"That's something that gives one immortality, one that never dies, you understand?"

Batman didn't say anything for a while, he looked at Alberto like he was looking at an idiot, Alberto felt his eyes, and he said like he was angry: "You don't understand at all!! This is the great force Something to live on! I've been investigating for a long time..."

He took a deep breath, then calmed down and said, "My contact with them is not for nothing, I know that they cultivate those powerful killers, relying on something called 'wine'.

"'Wine'? What is that?"

"In their records, this factor has the same properties as wine, which can make people crazy and intoxicated, and it can also make people immortal."

"They used this factor to create powerful killers, and I firmly believe that this is the greatness of Him, the gift and reward He gave to mankind, and I, I will get this reward..."

"Abandon your bizarre and absurd theories, there is nothing in this world that can make you immortal."

Alberto showed a crazy smile, and he turned his eyes to the crack in the center of the cathedral, where a faint green light loomed, and he said: "Thanks to that priest, thanks to that idiot named Evans, I noticed the church s difference……"

Batman also cast his eyes there, and he said, "Don't tell me, this thing is under the church."

"After the church was damaged, this precious wine seeped out from the cracks. I collected some. According to the records of the mysterious organization, the wine must be mature before it can be drunk, but I don't know when it matured."

"For that, I had to do an experiment to get an answer, I diluted them, made a spray, and put them in Easter eggs."

"Not well-brewed wine can drive people crazy, but that's okay...I got the answer I was looking for."

Alberto took a deep breath, he half-kneeled, lying beside the crack, staring at the light in the crack, he said: "Wine needs to be fermented and aged, just tonight, it will ripen, as long as I With access to the purest wine, I can live forever..."

Then he looked up at the crucifix in front of the church, and said with a trembling tone: "Just like Jesus, I will be resurrected this night, and I will return to the kingdom of heaven and become a god. Those who make me suffer will pay the price... …”

"Stop dreaming." Batman's cold tone interrupted Alberto's imagination, he said: "First, I think this so-called fine wine is a scam, and second, I will not give you a chance to let you get it. ."

"You can't stop me!" Alberto saw that in the brighter and brighter moonlight, that green light began to brighten, and a strong aroma of wine came out, like some kind of fruit that was beginning to ripen.

He lunged forward like crazy, trying to jump into that crack.

First a shot hit him in the shoulder, the recoil took Alberto back, followed by two darts hitting him in the knee, making him incapacitated.

Alberto was lying on the ground, like being subdued, but Batman still cautiously did not walk over, but came around the crack, Alberto's rear, approached him from behind him,

Just as he was about to approach Alberto, he saw a tricky smile in the shadow cast by Alberto's hair.

Batman stepped back in an instant, and a violent explosion sounded from Alberto's body. In an instant, the floor of the church burst open, and the long crack was expanded into a large hole by the explosion. Between the dust, all the floors of the church were not damaged. re-exist.

Batman stood on the edge of the collapse, looking down, he saw that the church floor had become a large swimming pool, filled with an unknown green liquid, the liquid shimmered and smelled like high alcohol, even if Just inhaling a little, it makes people a little dizzy.

Batman took a few steps back, shook his head, and a cold wind blew past, and he felt better.

Since the last fire, Batman has added a gas mask to his mask. He pulled the mask to cover his mouth and nose, then stepped forward and looked down into the green pool.

He didn't see Alberto, but Batman remembered that during the explosion, Alberto fell along with the collapsed church floor, probably into this green This kind of liquid is too weird for Batman to deal with rashly, and he doesn't have a suitable salvage tool in his hand. Just as he was about to turn around and leave to prepare the tools, he heard "gurgling" bubbles coming from behind him. Voice.

Batman looked back and saw the shimmering green pool, with a series of bubbles floating on the surface, like something was blowing air underneath.

Immediately afterwards, a pale hand stretched out from the edge of the pool, Gotham's icy moonlight shone on the back of his hand, and the knuckles and blood vessels on it protruded like a mummified corpse that had been stored for many years.

The moonlight was brighter, the wind was lighter, and the air around the cathedral was condensed into a piece of ice. In this freezing atmosphere, in an instant, the crucifix hit by the explosion collapsed and shattered into several pieces.

During this long Easter, **** was not resurrected, but completely dead.

Instead, it was resurrected in madness, Gotham's eternal nightmare—


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