American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 187: Street Lamp and God (Part 2)

"God, you are finally here." When Natasha came out of the room, her face was very bad. You rarely see this kind of irritable and helpless expression on the face of this female agent.

"Oh, Captain Steve, why are you here? Didn't I just call a psychiatrist?" Natasha just closed the door, and when she turned her head, she saw the tall Steve, and Steve was a little embarrassed "Actually, the psychiatrist didn't come, only me."

"Only you? Then what are you going to do with that mental patient? Don't blame me for not reminding you, he is really sick." Natasha was obviously a little angry, she said: "A masculinity-headed idiot, really So stupid, he actually said I'm not strong enough??? Let me find a strong warrior to talk to him???"

"Didn't you let him experience the power of Black Widow?"

"You'll know when you go in." Natasha glanced back at the door and continued: "But I still want to say, try not to conflict with him. Nick just called me and said that he is very important, and I hope the agent can get along with him. He communicates rationally."

"Don't worry." As Steve pushed open the door, he turned to Natasha with a smile and said, "I'm not that violent."

As soon as he walked in, he saw an extremely tall blond man retching against the wall. Obviously, the Black Widow, who was very angry with him, gave him some anti-wolf spray.

Steve clicked his tongue. The SHIELD anti-wolf spray is not the kind of small-power product that is circulating in the market. Anyone with a nose will definitely be disgusted.

He pressed the earphone in his ear, then said to the tall man, "Hello."

Hearing the movement, the man stopped retching and turned around, he pushed the long golden hair around his ear, looked Steve up and down with his eyes, and said in a buzzing voice, "This is not bad, it's worth fighting. "

"Human! Say your name! I'm Thor Odinson from Asgard!"

His voice was so loud that Steve had a headache, but he smiled kindly and said, "My name is Steve, Steve Rogers."

Thor came over, grabbed the railing in the middle of the room and said, "The woman just now was so thin, and she dared to call me a patient!"

He shook the railing and said, "Let me out, human! You are disrespecting the future Lord of the Nine Kingdoms!"

"Let's not talk about that." Steve also looked Thor up and down and said, "Would you like to change your clothes?"

Thor was wearing medieval armor and a helmet on his head, but I don't know if it was because he landed face first. The tattered cloth strips are still stained with a lot of mud. When you come back from another soldier on the battlefield in the Middle Ages, you may not be in such a tragic situation.

Thor snorted coldly and said, "Heroes on the battlefield never care about their appearance, they only talk with the enemy's head!"

Steve didn't understand the sentence because Thor's English was mixed with Old English accents and some coined words from nowhere that sounded like a transliteration from another language, Steve It has only been sleeping for decades, not thousands of years. This kind of tone that has been eliminated by the human language system sounds really annoying.

"Okay, then can you tell me how you got here?" Steve spread his hands and said, "You suddenly fell from the sky and smashed a lot of houses, and your weapons still occupy a family's house to this day. The yard, and more importantly, 13 people are still in the hospital because of your fall."

Thor waved his hand impatiently and said, "That's because you humans are too weak, you are not warriors at all, and you have no belief in giving up your life at all. In Asgard, either die or get up. Continue fighting……"

Even if Steve only heard a little bit of understanding, his face was still gloomy. Captain America has always had a good temper, and there are not many things that can make him angry, but it is obvious that this Thor has stepped on his minefield. over and over.

He opened the door that separated the railing of this room and walked in. In fact, Steve was not as tall as Thor, and he was not as burly as him, but the two of them had a similar temperament, and Thor clearly saw this. , he asked: "It seems that you are also a warrior, and one of the more heroic among humans."

As soon as Steve's face softened a little, Thor continued: "But that's meaningless. When I came here a long time ago, I found out that you will only point the butcher knives at your own people. This is true in Asgard. Shameful, your record is not worth boasting about."

Steve took a deep breath. He pressed the earphone and said, "Dr. Schiller, can you start the diagnosis? I'm afraid that if it drags on for a while, I really can't help giving him a punch."

Schiller's voice came through the earphones, and he said, "I'm afraid you'll have to hold on for a while, his information is useful."

Thor stood in the room with his hands on his hips, stared at Steve and said, "What are you muttering? Don't do those little tricks! That's useless to the warriors of Asgard!"

Thor's voice was really loud, and it made Steve's ears ring a bit, but he followed the prepared question and said, "That hammer about 7 kilometers away is your weapon, right?"

"Yes, that is Mjolnir, born in the dying sun and dwarf fire! The branches of the world tree give it new life! The blessing of the father of the gods gives it strength!"

Steve skipped the aria that he didn't understand at all, and he continued: "Okay, that doesn't matter, I told you before, that hammer is still occupying a family's yard, if It's your weapon, please take it away immediately."

Thor opened his mouth, as if he was a little embarrassed, but he was too embarrassed to say it. In the end, he sighed and said, "Well, the great **** can't lie, I can't take it up."

"But isn't that your weapon?"

"The reason is very complicated!" Thor looked a little impatient, "I had a quarrel with the father of the gods..."

"So you and your hammer came here?"

Steve paused and said, "I'm assuming this is true, not some psychopath."

"The father of the gods in your mouth should be your biological father. After you quarreled with your father, he threw you out of the house..."

"The only question is, what does this have to do with the earth? What does it have to do with human beings? He wants to kick you out of the house. The so-called nine kingdoms are so big, why do they have to throw you on the earth?"

Unexpectedly, this made Thor open the box and began to vomit bitterly: "I am the biological son of the father of the gods, the prince of Asgard, and the future master of the nine kingdoms, but at my coronation ceremony... "

"...Forget it, you humans don't understand this anyway. Anyway, I broke into Jotunheim and made a fuss, but what's the point?"

"...I can't figure it out, even if he throws me on the ancient battlefield, why is it in this remote and desolate corner of the earth?"

Thor, clearly **** off, slammed his hand against the wall and exclaimed, "There aren't any warriors here at all! I'd be bored to the point of being mad here, and that would satisfy him, right?!"

Steve finally knew why Natasha showed that helpless and irritable expression. The big man in front of him was thinking like a steel bar, completely revolving around words such as war, heroism, warrior, the great Asgard, etc. Turn, no matter what you talk to him about, it will come back to these few words in the end.

Steve watched Thor getting angry, he pressed the earphone and said to Schiller: "You told me before that this is an alien with a bad mind, I still don't believe it, after all, a race that can travel in space can be so stupid Where are you going?"

"But now it seems that upgrading all abilities to muscles is also a way out."

Schiller's response came through the headset: "Indeed, if you don't have enough subtle intelligence to build a spaceship, you can just jump on the spot and jump to Mars."

After speaking, both of them laughed.

But this was misunderstood by Thor as laughing at him. He waved his arm vigorously and said angrily: "Mortal! Even if the **** of Asgard loses his power, it is not something you can laugh at!"

Steve took a step back. Obviously, Captain America knew that it was not a good choice to have a military confrontation with the big man at this time. He said to Schiller in the headset: "So what do we do now? It seems that he is completely Can't communicate."

"Let's give him some psychological treatment first. If it doesn't work, think of other ways. You do this first..."

Steve asked Thor: "It looks like you don't understand your father's decision, and I actually think it's a bit too much to drive you so far because of a fight..."

As if he had found a bosom friend, Thor said, "I didn't expect a human being to understand me, everyone around me said I was wrong, and they all stood on Odin's side, but I didn't do anything at all! "

He exhaled heavily from his nose and complained, "I have made so many military exploits and contributed so much to Asgard before! But they seem to have turned a blind eye, just because of my In one impulse, they threw me out, and they didn't even let me use the weapon, which is simply an insult to a soldier!"

"Actually, is there any possibility that it's not because of this incident, maybe you and your father have a deep grievance?"

Thor pursed his lips and didn't seem to want to admit it, but he still said: "Actually, I think so too. I found out that Odin was a little dissatisfied with me before, but I thought that as long as I could achieve greater achievements, then he would don't get mad at me anymore..."

"I fought bravely on the battlefield and made many achievements, but he still treated me like this in the end." His voice finally weakened a little, sounding a little sad: "He drove me out of the home I have always guarded, I was born in Place, beautiful and holy Asgard..."

"Okay, but it's useless to be sad now. It's already like this. What are you going to do?"

"I have to get my weapon back first!" Thor said very distressed: "How can a soldier not have his weapon? This is a great shame!"

"But Odin deprived me of all my divine power in order to punish me. Without divine power, I would not be able to lift that hammer."

Thor sighed and said, "He asked me to study on Earth, but I don't know what I'm going to learn, even without my divine power, I'm stronger than everyone here, am I going to go with these fragile mortals? Learn how to fight?"

"In your opinion, your father is a very stupid king?"

"Of course not!" Thor retorted loudly: "The father of the gods is a very wise monarch. He has ruled the nine kingdoms for so many years and has been deeply loved. How could he be a foolish monarch?"

"Then since he is not a foolish king, but he made such a decision, haven't you thought about his deep meaning?"

Thor showed a painful expression. He said, "Why do you say that too? Someone has been whispering in my ear before, thinking about Odin's deep meaning, he must have other plans, other plans..."

"But that's not what I'm supposed to do! This kind of guesswork should be done by Loki, my brother is the best at it!"

"And me? I'm a valiant warrior! A vanguard of glory for Asgard! I hate waiting in vain, guessing every day to no avail..."

"That's what it said, it's the way it is now."

"As you said, you have been deprived of divine power and cannot afford weapons. There is neither your opponent nor your teammates in this place on Earth. You don't need to fight here, even if you don't guess, there is nothing else. It can be done."

Thor took a long sigh out of his nose and said, "Well, if that's what he meant, then so be it, take off your armor, put your weapons aside, and be a mediocre mortal living your life every day. Living a boring life without any faith or honor."

"If that's what he thinks, so be it, what's that word called? Yes, vacation... I'll take a vacation for myself, away from the prosperous Nine Kingdoms, and germinate in this corner that no one cares about. Grass……"

Thor stepped back a few steps and leaned against the corner with a decadent look.

Steve sighed, held down his earphones and said, "Every time I hear his adjective for Earth, I really want to punch him."

Then he said to Thor, "Since you think so, I think we can talk."

"What?" Thor raised his eyelids.

"First of all, you have no divine power, so you should also need food and drink, right?" Steve and Thor stared at each other, Steve said, "This is not a homeless shelter, we won't cover food and drink, you You have to figure it out yourself.”

"I am the prince of Asgard! The guardian of the nine kingdoms! How can you..." Thor began to shout again.

"Then you can try to see if this status can allow you to successfully find a job on Earth and support yourself."

Thor turned his head and muttered in a low voice: "When I came here before, I found that humans are cunning and stingy. They pay the shepherds a day, and even only have a piece of cake..."

"And the fall of you and your hammer damaged three houses and injured more than a dozen people. You have to compensate for these losses."

"Odin will..."

"We can't contact Odin, we can only contact you. In short, although you didn't do it on purpose, at least it was an accidental injury. If you can't compensate for this part of the loss, I'm afraid you will go to jail."

"Jail?" Thor raised his voice, he said incredulously: "I am the prince of Asgard! How can you send the future father of the gods to jail?!! That will be the life of my reign. The stain, you damned mortals..."

After speaking, he began to become irritable again, and even raised his fist to attack Steve, Steve took a few steps back and said into the earphone: "It seems that psychotherapy is not very effective, do you have anything else? way?"

"Of course, give him a punch."

"Wait, isn't this jump a bit big?"

"It's nothing, this is another therapy corresponding to psychotherapy, and it is also a backup plan for this communication. I call it physical therapy."

Steve weighed his feet on the spot, then rubbed his wrists and said, "Is this really okay? Will beating aliens cause a diplomatic incident?"

"That's something Nick Fury has to think just have to think a little bit about it."

"How much do you think is better?"

"My suggestion is 100%. Even if he has no divine power, he is still divine and can't be beaten."

"Human...what do you want to do?" At this time, Thor also noticed Steve's actions, and he said contemptuously, "Don't you want to fight two of Asgard's most heroic warriors? Then I I'll let you know, God, don't be provocative..."


Thor, who flew out, was directly embedded in the wall, and then fainted. Steve retracted his fist and said, "What a weak god."

At this time, Natasha, who went out to smoke, came back. As soon as she entered the door, she saw that Steve was standing in the room while Thor fainted. The female agent took a deep breath and said, "What is this? Now? That's what you do... psychotherapy?"

Steve turned his head, smiled, and said, "...this is physical therapy."

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