American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 415: Metropolis Doubt (1)

I think many people have not forgotten that in the last battle with the fearful laughing devil in the dream, Schiller used the characteristics of the lamp ring to amplify certain aspects of the emotions of Victor, Gordon and others. In turn, it attracted many colored lamp rings.

As I mentioned before, because the battle took place in a dream, those who were called to the Lantern Ring found that the host they wanted to contract was unaware, and the Lantern Ring was in the process of contracting, if they didn't get this People's positive response will not leave directly.

Therefore, the lamp ring abandoned its material body and let the energy enter the host's body, wanting to awaken the consciousness of these hosts, and then came to the dream space to fight against the fearful laughing devil, providing energy for several people .

However, the physical lamp rings are still waiting outside. Due to the loss of energy, these lamp rings have become ordinary metal rings, and there is no way to send them back to the lamp group.

After the battle, several people who woke up found a brightly colored metal ring beside them. Schiller greeted them in advance, so they collected the ring and gave it to them. Schiller.

Schiller has no interest in lamp rings. In his opinion, the so-called "emotional spectrum" is similar to explaining the truth of the world with simple materialism, so he put these rings in a box and threw them to Batman. .

It is also well known that as long as anything goes into the Batcave as a collectible, that is the day King Lao Tzu has come, and don’t even think about taking it back.

As Batman dumped the box of rings on the table, Hal's eyes were about to pop out. After wearing the green light ring for so long, of course he could tell that these were not fake souvenirs, but A real light ring.

"Where did you get so much? You..." Hal was at a loss for words, looking at Batman as if he were looking at a pervert with a special collection habit.

Looking at the light rings of different colors, I found that there was no green light ring, or in other words, with so many color light rings, there was only a green light ring. Suddenly, Hal seemed to have discovered some truth.

At the beginning, when facing the battle of the fearful laughing devil, Hal had doubts in his heart, because at the beginning, the monster's head looked a bit like Batman, but the battle was too fierce at that time, and he didn't have enough. Time to think about it, and now it seems, could it all be Batman's conspiracy?

Deliberately create a monster, attract the yellow light to come, gather all kinds of light rings, use their energy for their own use, and then leave the ring, deliberately transform the yellow light beast parallax into a human, and then seduce myself, Then let yourself fall into the trap...

Hal tightened his hands on the windbreaker jacket he was wearing. Although the coat was thick and warm as usual, the fireplace in the hall of Wayne Manor was burning brightly, and the wood was crackling, but he couldn't. Make him feel a little warm.

Batman fiddled with the lamp rings and asked Hal for information about the principle of the lamp rings and the history of the lamp group, but unfortunately, Hal didn't know much about this. From the current point of view, Hal is just an unintentional The lucky guy who got the green light energy, he didn't have a deep connection with the light group, and he didn't know any important information.

"I'm going to do a compositional analysis on these rings." Batman turned his head to look at Hal with a blank expression, and Hal immediately said, "I'll stay here, my ring is still in that kid's hand. ."

"Also, I don't want anything to happen to him, so I'll be watching him here until he's back to normal."

Batman doesn't care about Hal's guarantee, he just needs an attitude, Hal without the lamp ring is just an ordinary person, if Batman doesn't allow it, he will never leave Wayne Manor.

And from Hal's attitude, he is a mature and wise man, which means that for Batman, he is still useful.

A few minutes later, in the underground laboratory of Wayne Manor, Bruce in the bat suit was replaced, and he was playing with an instrument. He was trying to use scientific methods to analyze the structure of lamps and metals.

The laboratory located in the underground of Wayne Manor is not as big as the newly built Batcave, but the equipment is also readily available, and Batman himself does not know why, in the face of those tedious and complicated experimental data, stay here , making it easier for him to calm down.

Although it is not far from the Wayne Manor on the ground, and some noises from the ground can be heard, it is far less remote and quiet than the Batcave in the suburbs, but whenever Bruce wants to calm down and think about something When there is a problem, he still prefers to choose here.

In the dimly lit laboratory, Bruce placed his finger on the operation panel, and the cool light cast by the screen was like a circle of water marks.

"Da, da, da." The soft sound of leather shoes hitting the metal stairs came from behind Bruce. He didn't look back. A familiar voice sounded in his ear: "Master, it's dawn, go back and rest for a while."

Bruce's finger paused as he was about to press the next button, while the data on the screen continued to change.

Under the ground, time seems to flow more slowly, and day and night are less important to Batman when there are no windows to tell the change in light.

But Alfred obviously didn't think so. He walked up to Bruce, handed him a glass of water, and said, "Master Dick is a little tired, and that strange energy seems to weaken when he's down. , so he also went upstairs to sleep."

"I have arranged for Mr. Hal a well-appointed and thoughtful guest room, and I think he should be asleep by now, too."

"Miss Aisha has slept for a few hours, and maybe she will wake up soon. I have called and invited Miss Selena to come over. If you go up in half an hour, you should have time to have breakfast with them."

Bruce stood there, still looking silent and withdrawn, his thoughts suddenly returned to the dark cathedral, thinking of the somewhat dilapidated living room, the unexpected picture.

He turned his head and saw Alfred's old face with ravines. In his field of vision, time was rapidly rewinding. Alfred's face became younger, and his face shrank in the field of vision. A young man with a thunder hat and a shotgun was standing next to a straw pile in front of a wheat field, and took a photo with two other young friends.

When seeing this photo, the Bruces were not without doubts, because the three people in the photo looked a little too young, at this age, they should not have met together.

Bruce remembers, when he was very young, hearing his father once said that the Pennyworth family was the hereditary housekeeper family of the Wayne family, and the eldest son of the Pennyworth family would become the housekeeper of the Wayne family heir.

He once heard his grandfather complain that this Pennyworth child was out of line and didn't want to inherit the housekeeper's business. At that time, Bruce didn't know who he was referring to until he grew up. That's actually Alfred Pennyworth.

When he first met Alfred, Bruce felt a unique quality in him. He didn't know if it was an alarm from his always accurate intuition or just a fleeting illusion, but He was sure that when he first met Alfred, his first emotion was not shyness, but fear.

Bruce stood by the experimental bench, quietly recalling the years he didn't want to recall, but he found many clues from these memories, showing that the old housekeeper he was very familiar with still had many clues. Unknown secret.

Bruce knows what kind of person he is. In the face of all secrets, he wants to get an answer. This kind of paranoia has almost become a part of his life, except for Alfred.

Still, he was curious about the photo, about Alfred's life before he came to Wayne Manor.

He opened his mouth, as if he didn't know how to ask the question. The old housekeeper stood quietly behind him, his eyes did not stay on the screen of constantly flowing data, but looked forward, staring at the open space of the underground experimental base. .

Alfred always seems to be like this, Bruce thought, from the time he learned to do experiments, whenever he entered the laboratory, the old housekeeper was used to staring at the blank walls or open spaces, never looking at those precise instruments. .

But Bruce remembered that he once saw the look on Alfred's face when he glanced at some data, and he was sure that Alfred should understand.

So, he planned to start from this angle. He turned slightly and asked, "Alfred, are you from London?"

"Yes, sir, the Pennyworths have lived in London for generations."

"You..." Bruce wanted to ask Alfred if he went to school like a normal person, but he felt that this question was not smart enough, so he asked, "Which university did you study? What major?"

"Master, I graduated from King's College, Cambridge University, and studied mathematics at Cambridge University, majoring in pure mathematics and mathematical statistics."

Bruce's hand on the button froze. For some reason, he instinctively looked at the string of data on the screen, glanced from top to bottom, and he was relieved after confirming that there was nothing wrong.

Then he was stunned by the action of his own.

He took his hand away from the operation panel, rubbed his eyebrows, and asked, "This profession... I mean..."

"No, it's not as complicated as you think, sir, I don't have any extra interest in math." Alfred smiled, his voice relaxed Bruce a explained:

"Everyone in the Pennyworth family has a fixed route to study, studying at Yinton College, and then entering Oxford University. They can choose literature or philosophy departments, and at most they can only study art or drama. Everyone is related to science. Missing."

"Because whether it's mathematics, chemistry or physics, it's not very helpful to be a housekeeper. On the contrary, a housekeeper needs to have sufficient literary and artistic accomplishments to chat with employers."

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

"So, why did you..."

"At that time, my relationship with my family was not good. I refused to study at Yinton College, and I didn't want to go to Oxford at all. At that time, I liked stage plays and plays the most. I wanted to become an actor, but I was rejected by my family. Strongly opposed."

"So I thought, I'm going to do something amazing and surprise everyone, and I just moved to a grammar school, where I went to Cambridge on a full scholarship after a year and a half. University Mathematics Department."

"My family was really taken aback, but not because of my rebellious behavior, but because of my talent for learning."

"After entering university, my relationship with my family became more harmonious. Although they still did not accept my dream of being an actor, they also recognized my idea of ​​not inheriting the hereditary housekeeper career."

"Then why did you..."

Alfred lowered his head and smiled, and said, "The process is a bit complicated, but it's actually very simple..."

Bruce heard that Alfred said something that surprised him in a very nostalgic tone:

"Because of my excellent grades, in the fall of my sophomore year of college, I was specially recruited by the Sixth Bureau of British Army Intelligence and became an agent of MI6 D..."

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