American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 469: The three of us (top)

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After Schiller found the safe left by himself from the underground of the Metropolitan Manor, he got the "Philby List" that everyone was looking for from there. Medal, this proves that the original Schiller may have something to do with the Soviet Union.

And now, Schiller's former classmate Brand has personally admitted that Schiller is indeed a Marxist. He has not only been to East Berlin, but even lived in Moscow, joined the KGB, and even finally defected from the KGB. .

According to Brand, Schiller came to Gotham to take refuge, in fact, to avoid the KGB.

This makes sense in principle. Through clues, Schiller found that the original Schiller was not a simple person, and ordinary opponents were not enough to make him have to come to this sin city to avoid, but if If it is the KGB, even the current Schiller has to be cautious.

Many people may not know how powerful this organization is, because after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federal Security Service, which was transformed from the KGB, was not well-known, but in the Soviet era, the KGB was without a doubt the world's number one spy organization.

Because of ideology, the Soviet Union has always been an enemy of the whole world, and the KGB has also been an enemy of spy organizations all over the world. In the years when the Soviet Union existed, this espionage organization was always in the position of more than a dozen. In an unfavorable situation, but the final result is that all spy organizations in other countries can unite to stop its offensive.

Of course, because it is 1988, the contradictions within the Soviet Union are very serious, and the economic situation is not as good as before, so even the KGB is no longer glorious, but there is no doubt that it is still the best espionage organization in the world. one.

If the original Schiller is provoked by such a force, it is normal for him to choose to take refuge in Gotham.

But there is still a doubt in it. Before, Schiller had encountered a wave of people who came to him from the Metropolis in Gotham. These people were not very professional and did not pose any threat. Schiller guessed, This may be a tentative move by the KGB.

As the most powerful spy organization in the world, it is impossible for them not to know the special features of Gotham City. They did not directly put the agents in like the CIA foolishly, but chose to encourage some forces in the metropolis to come in. Pathfinder, that makes sense.

The only problem is that the killer who came later was not a KGB agent, but a death knell.

Schiller didn't think the KGB would hire a freelance mercenary to kill him, especially when Schiller was likely to have some information, but Deathstroke went all out, obviously wanting to kill him. It wasn't like the KGB would kill him. action taken.

If you want to know the answer to this question, you have to ask Death Knell to reveal the identity of the employer who hired him in the first place, but this seasoned mercenary is not easy to deal with, and more importantly, he is elusive and uncertain, and it is all luck that he wants to contact him. , Schiller has no time to look for him all over the world.

In addition to looking outside for clues, Schiller has an alternative, and that is to investigate his memory inward.

Schiller scoured the archives of the Hall of Thought for a long time, but he was very sure that he did not find any memory of the original Schiller about the espionage work, growing up, studying, graduating, working, and participating in those bizarre cases. The memory does exist, but it is not very clear.

Schiller wasn't sure whether this was caused by his crossing or whether there was something else hidden.

There aren't enough clues about the matter to make an accurate judgment, but since it's not a very urgent matter, Schiller isn't in a hurry to investigate.

Stepping back 10,000 steps, it is almost impossible to save the current Soviet Union. In three years at most, the country will disappear. No matter how big a grudge Schiller has with the KGB, after three years, everything will disappear.

In the office of the Arkham Psychiatric Hospital, Schiller slowly told Brand what had happened in the Metropolis.

"...that's about it, it's actually quite dramatic, isn't it?"

Brand rolled his eyes slightly, and said, "Only you can describe this dangerous incident of competition between various forces and frequent murders as a drama..."

Brand opened his medical record book and said, "I can prescribe some anti-anxiety drugs for you. You need to go back to adjust your schedule and relax yourself. I don't think I need to say the rest of the doctor's orders... "

"By the way, Hugo Strange, who took over my job, has become a patient. Who is the attending doctor at Arkham Hospital now?"

"Stop talking about it." Brand sighed deeply, he said, "After Hugo was admitted to the hospital, I went to the mayor and Bruce Wayne, hoping that they would be able to help this hospital again. Hire an attending physician."

"After you came here, you lost touch with your former teachers and classmates. If you weren't still publishing papers, they would all think you died in Gotham."

"Hugo is even more exaggerated. He has not been here for a week, and he has become a patient from a doctor, and he has completely disconnected from the original social circle."

"Not to mention, I have very little contact with the outside world in order to get out of those troubles."

"Among the three of us, you are the most famous, but Hugo and I are not bad either. All three famous psychiatrists are in Arkham Psychiatric Hospital. Who else do you think dares to come?"

Schiller supported his chin with his fingers, and he said, "As long as you give enough money, there should be a few who dare to risk their lives, right?"

Brand sneered twice and said, "Have you not found out yet? Gotham is not a normal place at all. Ordinary people with normal minds may become a little confused when they come here, while lunatics who are already mentally chaotic, come here. It can only be a patient here."

"Do you think those who dare to come to Gotham to take their lives are normal people?"

"It's going to take me a week to sort everything out and hand it over to the new attending doctor, but how long can he stay in this position? Three days? A week?"

"More importantly, thanks to your wise management plan, we no longer have any extra wards for the crazy attending doctor, and another crazy doctor will probably have to live in the bathroom. "

"So, Hugo is lucky?"

"Yeah, at least he got the last permanent ward, otherwise, I really had to put him in the bathroom cubicle."

Schiller pouted, he stood up, tidied up his clothes, and then said to Brand, "I think you can talk to the mayor. You should be paid a little more for your work as an attending physician?"

Brand didn't look up, just raised his eyelids, rolled his eyes, looked at Schiller and said, "When Victor called me before, I didn't think there was anything to be nervous about, now it seems that your The condition is getting worse again, hurry up and take medicine!"

Schiller shrugged and taunted Brand for a few more words, and was about to turn around and leave. Just as he turned around, Brand stopped him again and said:

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something. Yesterday, I received a strange phone call. The person on the other side didn't know how to make my phone receiver fly."

"He said he was your friend and wanted a fixed bed..."

Schiller turned to Brand and asked, "Don't tell me, that man's name is Constantine?"

"It's the name. He speaks with a heavy British accent and is drunk. He hasn't explained his condition and symptoms clearly. What's wrong with him?"

"If he calls again, you scold him and hang up."

As soon as Schiller said this, a crisp phone ring came from the desk, and both Schiller and Brand's eyes fell on the phone.

Brand shook his head and motioned Schiller to answer the phone. Schiller hesitated when he walked to the phone. He picked up a tissue from the side and wrapped it around the telephone receiver. Then he picked up the receiver and put it in his ear. side.


"Hello? Dr. Brand? It's me, I'm the Constantine that called yesterday, um... can I go to your place now? I'm a little..."

"Constantine, listen, if you want to buy medicine, go to the pharmacy on the east side of the wharf, there is no discount, if you want to find a lover, go to the red light district, there is nothing you are looking for..."

"Uh, Schiller? What about you? Are you back at work again?"

Constantine suddenly came to his senses, and Schiller heard a riot of troops on his side, and there seemed to be gunshots. He heard Constantine muttering to himself over there:

"Damn it, I'm following again... Wait, why is this magic circle drawn wrong? I drink too much?"

"Oh, wait, wait!...Batman! Don't do anything, I'm not doing anything, I'm just taking a break here! I'm not breaking the law, you can't..."

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Boom! Boom—whoosh... whoosh..."

There were a few more violent sounds from the other end of the phone, and with the sound of Constantine gasping for air, it was finally quiet.

Constantine gasped and said, "Fortunately I can run fast, that **** lunatic..."

"What the **** happened to you? I'll hang up if it's okay."

"Don't! Don't! Schiller, for the sake of our friends, help me! I'm fed up with this **** straitjacket freak!"

Without waiting for Schiller to ask, Constantine began to vomit:

"That guy named Batman is a lunatic, he's been following me since the beginning, like a peeping pervert, even if I go to bars and red light districts to have fun, he will follow me!"

"Recently, he's gone too far. He even started restricting my personal freedom, beating me, kidnapping me, He must want to kill me!"

" know?" Schiller interrupted him, and he first said in a low tone: "Actually, I always feel that Batman is very concerned about justice and crime fighting in Gotham. It's a bit too paranoid, and the method adopted is very inefficient..."

Just as Constantine was about to agree, Schiller suddenly changed into a tone of admiration and said:

"But I have to say, what he has done recently is really a Gotham hero. If he can kill you, I will erect a monument for him in the center of the center carousel."

"Don't be like this, Schiller, let me go and hide for two days. I really hide for two days. Once the two days are up, I promise not to disturb you..."

To Constantine's surprise, Schiller didn't immediately refuse, but asked, "What the **** did you do to **** off Batman?"

"I didn't... well, you know, I'm a very devout believer, so I go to church on the Sabbath..."

"The other believers should really thank you. God found that Constantine was in worship and left heaven with a cross overnight."

Constantine snorted and said, "Don't be kidding, I'm serious, when I went to the church to pray, I happened to find that the underground there is a bit strange. In order to ensure the safety of all believers, of course I have to investigate..."

"How much did you take?"

"Just a small bottle, you said Batman is... no, I didn't take it, uh... I mean, I don't know what you're talking about..."

Schiller smiled, and Konstantin laughed along on the other end of the phone, and then he heard Schiller say viciously:

"No way, can't be saved, just die."

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