American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 478: Talents come out of Arkham! (superior)

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As mentioned before, the first law of Gotham is that no matter how correct and normative the beginning of something, the people of Gotham must be messed up, and the second law of Gotham is that the people of Gotham don’t believe in any bullshit.

It's hard to say that the citizens of a city on the east coast of the United States are staunch materialist warriors, but the truth is that the people of Gotham think when they see anything they can't understand and don't exist in common sense. Yes, it was definitely not some supernatural event or divine punishment or natural disaster, and what they did would definitely not be screaming and fleeing.

When faced with this situation, every native of Gotham will have only one reaction, which is to find a gun, pull the trigger, empty the magazine, and then step forward to confirm that those things they can't understand, in the end Not dead.

This is actually a manifestation of natural selection, because people who can only run away at first glance cannot survive in Gotham City.

Therefore, after the first eyewitness Fisherman in the previous haunted incident, after shouting that sentence, all the gangsters in the corridor on the third floor of the mental hospital opened fire at the same time, and when the fire of the muzzle lit up, the windows at both ends of the corridor were straight Shooting out white light, like a large searchlight, it illuminates the dark night sky.

How to describe the intensity of firepower at the moment? To put it simply, Batman and the Joker were running around, the Penguin and the Scarecrow were rolling and crawling, and the **** detective Constantine almost got on the shuttle bus to hell.

The gangsters of Gotham, although they are not beautiful on the outside, their inner...

This night, I was awakened by a ghost inexplicably, and then a fierce fire was provoked. After a long fight, everyone found out that they had been tricked, and they had to work hard to sweep the building and trace it. This ghost, the gangsters have long been impatient.

Pulling the trigger and pouring bullets is the easiest way to vent the anger in your heart. Don't worry about whether you can kill the opponent or not. When the bullet bursts out with anger, the violent factor that is engraved in the bones of Gotham people. Being ignited, the anger grew stronger and stronger, and began to tend to be crazy, and everyone was attacking all the green things in their field of vision.

This didn't give the Green Lanterns who had just arrived here any time to react. They didn't even open their shields, but only resisted the bullets with the flashing green light on their bodies.

The green light energy attached to the body did block the bullet's attack for them, but it did not block the shock wave of the explosion. When the first rocket entered the stadium with a cracking sound, except for the long-awaited Hal, other Several people were blown away.

And after they got up, the first thing they did was not to fight back, but to escape,

It is true that the green light energy is very powerful, but the people who use this energy are still intelligent beings. As long as they have wisdom, they will feel fear.

The Green Lanterns knew in their hearts that human bullets and explosions did not exceed the range of Green Lantern's energy defense. In theory, even if they stood in the place with the most intense firepower, their lives would not be in danger, but theory is just theory,

For example, human beings know that geese are unlikely to kill themselves, but when a bunch of big geese rush towards you aggressively flapping their wings, they should panic as much as they should, and run as much as they should. .

As soon as the Green Lanterns landed, they encountered angry gangsters, who were driven like ducks, running around the corridor in a panic, like headless flies emitting green light.

"Don't run! Don't run! Come back and organize a counterattack!"

Adjutant Carroll shouted loudly, but the Green Lanterns who had never seen such a scene were indeed panicked.

In the end, it was Hal who used the green light energy to pull them all back through the wall, barely maintaining the line.

"Damn it! Didn't you just receive the training?!" Carroll shouted angrily: "Didn't the instructor tell you?! The first time you encounter an attack, organize a defense line and unite the shield!



But Hal, who was beside him, turned to him and asked, "They're 'just trained'? Don't tell me, they're all newbies??"

Carroll scolded and said, "I think you should be able to see that the legion commander doesn't pay attention to your words at all. The second team is all newcomers who have just taken office. They may not have experience with you!"

Howl said in desperation: "Don't run! Don't run! Hold your defenses! Joint Shield! Can't you take a look at the tactical manual in the ring?"

However, there are still several Green Lanterns who want to escape through the window. They all look young, obviously they have just become lanterns, and these lanterns look more like humans, obviously from a civilization that is similar in style to humans. Therefore, the danger of heavy firepower can be better understood.

Carol and Hal organized for a long time, and finally stabilized everyone. The green light is indeed a ring of willpower. It only took a few dozen seconds for this group of people to overcome their concerns about bullets and explosives. of fear, and reluctantly formed a joint shield at the end of the corridor.

After resisting the first wave of firepower, the next thing to do is to defend and counterattack. Soon, a light wave of green energy was launched towards the end of the corridor, directly knocking several gang members out.

The leading fisherman was so angry that he raised his gun and shouted: "The ghosts are fighting back! Punish them! Kill them! Let them go to hell!


All the gang members were extremely angry, pressing step by step, not caring about the loss of manpower at all, and just wanted to cause the greatest damage to the opponent.

The Green Lanterns who just arrived didn't know what was going on at all. They were faced with such a fierce attack. Even if the Green Lantern energy was very powerful, the gang on the opposite side not only had many people, but also more weapons and sufficient firepower. Green Lanterns The suppressed can only fight and retreat.

But even so, the gang still thinks it's not enough, the fisherman said to the people behind him while shooting: "Send someone upstairs, call everyone down, and let those boys deliver letters to the North District, we need to be more deadly. firepower!"

"Cobot has sent someone!" A voice came from behind him, and he said, "Master Falcone has called the godfather, and support will be here soon!"

Just as they continued to output, the Green Lanterns finally reacted from their panic, and began to no longer roam around, but attacked in an organized manner.

The fire in the hospital corridor is not a street battle in another sense. It is much smaller than the space for street fighting. The front line cannot be opened at all, and the height difference is almost equal to nothing. Therefore, many human weapons cannot be used, because Whether it's guns or grenades, there are friends who are injured.

The advantage of the Green Lanterns is that the Green Lantern energy has no friendly damage. Whether it is an energy shock wave, an energy weapon or an energy shield, it is only effective for those who do not have the Green Lantern energy. Therefore, they do not need to consider the arrangement of the gun lines. Just output before.

Soon, the situation began to get anxious, and then, the Green Lanterns gained the upper hand, and the gangsters began to waver, and then gradually retreated.

But at this moment, a ray of light fell from the sky, and Constantine fell in front of the Gotham gangsters.

His blond hair is windless and automatic, his windbreaker flutters, his hands flash with dazzling light, and with a wave of his arm, a huge silver shield blocks in front of everyone.

He waved his hands again, drawing a smooth arc in front of him, a complex magic circle lit up under his feet, and several magic missiles flew out of his hands, passed through the barrier of Green Lantern energy, and landed in the center of Green Lantern's formation.


With the low voice of Constantine, the magic missile turned into a chain and wrapped around the Green Lanterns. Carol was not to be outdone, the green light solidified and turned into a sharp sword. The Green Lanterns of the past followed suit and cut off the chains one after another.

But at this time, Constantine showed a wicked smile. The broken chain fragments turned into more magic missiles. When they bombarded Green Lantern, it was like a blizzard falling from the sky. Cover your eyes with your arms.

The gangsters pulled the trigger again, pouring firepower, and a gap was opened in the shield formed by the distracted Green Lanterns.

With a "boom", the ceiling on the third floor collapsed, raising countless smoke and dust, making the situation at the end of the corridor confusing.

The gangsters who lost their vision could only slow down the firepower output. Constantine waved his hand, and several cyclones flew out from his side, blowing away the dust.

The successive blows made it impossible for the Green Lanterns to maintain the shield with all their strength, and the gap on the shield healed very slowly. Carroll turned back and shouted: "All focus! Use the power of your will, the heretics, Fear my divine light! The green light is always bright, and the light is eternal!

"The green light is always bright, and the light is forever!"

Just as they were shouting slogans, the fisherman on the opposite side asked suspiciously, "What are they shouting, what kind of heretics?"

"They call us heretics???"

"They are ghosts, we are humans, and they actually call us a heretic chaos?? Are ghosts so **** arrogant now?!"

"Stop talking nonsense and shoot!


At this moment, the light of the green light was so prosperous that it turned the entire corridor into a faint green color. The Green Lanterns strengthened their beliefs, so their strength soared. They flew into the air one after another and began to attack with various energy light waves. Gangsters.

Adjutant Carroll charged forward. After floating into the air, all the bullets and explosives stopped and condensed in the air within half a meter of his body. His low roar echoed in the corridor with unparalleled power:

"For justice!"

The light became stronger and stronger, and the rich green light condensed on his right arm, and then he stretched out his hand and aimed at the gangsters in the corridor.

The originally small energy beam, with a "hum" sound, became incomparably huge, and it was expected that the scene where everyone was kicked out and fled in all directions did not appear.

Constantine raised his hands, magic radiance covered his whole body, the magic circle under his feet expanded again, and the color changed from silver to an evil deep dark red.

The billowing magma poured out from the center of the magic circle, but it disappeared in an instant, like a bubble that collapsed at the touch, and like a fleeting hallucination, but at the same time, a tall figure stood up and directly burst the ceiling of the two-story building. , that is a **** hater full of evil energy.

A sinister, deafening voice echoed in the hallway: "Who... summoned me..."

Constantine waved his arm directly, slapped the hater's calf with a slap, and said, "It's me, stop talking nonsense, beat them!"

"Damn, Constantine, why aren't you dead yet?! When are you going to die?!"

The tall hater lowered his head and stared at Constantine with the huge vertical boy. At this moment, the energy beam of green light just hit, the hater waved his hand, a flame barrier ignited, and the entire barrier flew out along the corridor in an instant.

As the flames swept across Carroll, the green light energy helped him resist the erosion of heat and dark energy, but it ignited cursed runes all around him.

This rune is not offensive, but it means that he is marked by the devil. Anyone who can communicate with the devil can follow this mark to find him, and because the mark has no attack power, the green light energy seems to be unable to disperse it.

The hater looked away from Constantine, and then looked at Carol. As he moved towards Carroll, he said, "Constantine, you better hurry up and prepare the sacrifice..."

As he said he spit out flames, and grabbed towards Carroll with his sharp claws surging with magma. Carroll was not to be outdone, the green shield lit up, and the energy shock wave swept the hatred. on the devil's eyes.

Just as the Green Lanterns and the haters were fighting, a burst of frantic laughter came from the hollow where the ceiling had collapsed before, and they heard a high-pitched voice shout:

"Joker's surprise! Cheers to it!"



! "

After a loud bang, the main building of Arkham Mental Hospital collapsed.

The Joker can be regarded as an expert in attacking various buildings with explosives. Even the sturdy buildings with layers of defense built by the Wayne family still cannot withstand the bombs arranged by the Joker, not to mention the From an old, battered psychiatric hospital?

At the moment when the joker's laughter came, Constantine moved everyone with them, and they appeared beside the road some distance from the psychiatric hospital.

Looking at the slowly collapsing building, Constantine smiled very unscrupulously.

But soon, he couldn't laugh anymore, because, in the dark night sky of Gotham, a meteor-like light slid from the end of the sky, and then, it became bigger and bigger in the field of vision, and the tail flame of the missile illuminated the whole sky. as the day.

In Schiller's manor, Merkel arranged a guest room for the two children who were staying overnight. Dick, who was just about to sleep, felt the floor under his feet shake.

He turned back curiously, his eyes widened in shock, outside the floor-to-ceiling window of the bedroom, on the city skyline, after the fire exploded, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

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