American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 490: Schiller's New Industry (Part 1)

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In the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps, in the office of the Corps Commander, Talon and Schiller shook hands.

Tyrone learned from Hal that shaking hands was a courtesy of the earth, and his willingness to take the initiative to make this action meant that he believed in Hal's judgment and believed that Schiller was indeed capable of helping them break through the current predicament.

Schiller made a "please" gesture, Tyrone and Hal were on both sides of the table, and Schiller sat in front of the table.

Hal turned his head and said to Schiller: "I have told you before, and now, the situation we are facing is very serious. The Guardians of the Universe want to create a Green Lantern Corps to limit the Green Lantern Corps."

Hearing that Hal didn't mention the kickback, Tyrone cleared his throat and said with a serious expression, "Yes, I heard from Hal that you are more experienced in handling such incidents..."

Schiller lowered his head and smiled and said: "I believe that there are many capable people in the Green Lantern Corps, and it's not that I have to. It's just that things can change at any time. There are too few people who can use it now. Just listen..."

"Okay, no need to be polite." Hal interrupted Schiller's civil servant-style remarks and said, "There is no surveillance in this room. We are all grasshoppers on a rope now. How are we going to break the game now?"

Schiller glanced at Hal, and the expression in his eyes was "Why didn't you tell me earlier?".

He directly restrained the smirk that didn't smile, and then took out two documents and handed them to Tyrone and Hal.

Tyrone narrowed his eyes and looked at the large characters on the cover of the document. He said, "Army expansion plan? What do you mean?"

"Literally." Schiller put his hands on the table and said, "To expand the army is to expand the army."

Tai Long was very confused when he looked at the plan. He said, "Expanding the army? However, the energy is not enough now. If we recruit more people, wouldn't it be even more insufficient?"

"Moreover, they formed the gendarmerie because they were afraid of us. At this time, we proposed to expand the army, wouldn't it irritate them?"

Hal also looked at Schiller and asked, "At this time, the fewer people the better, right?"

"Yes, but expanding the army does not mean expanding more troops, but expanding the establishment."

Tyrone was thoughtful. Obviously, he had been in contact with this field of work and had already thought of something. Then, he saw Schiller said while flipping through the information in his hand:

"As far as I know, so far, the universe is divided into 3600 sectors. According to the rules, there should be one lantern per sector, but in fact it is not the case..."

Tyrone sighed. He thought Schiller was still struggling with the question that Hal was struggling with. He explained:

"I think you should understand that the system of one lantern per sector is completely on paper. If we assign one lantern to one sector, even if we assign one lantern to ten sectors, we will need 360 lanterns. …”

"Not to mention the cost of making these lamp stoves, it is simply impossible to arrange their route to and from the headquarters to replenish energy..."

"Furthermore, if a lantern in one sector is unfortunate enough to die, and the sector he is in cannot immediately select another lantern, then the lantern in the next sector will definitely be required to take over."

"What about the original sector of the escrow lantern? If there are hundreds of lanterns who can't participate in the work at the same time, who will manage these areas? If one lantern is not enough to deal with some problems in the sector, it is necessary to People help, what should I do about the security work in the sector maintained by the Lantern who went to help?"

"This method simply doesn't work, so now the lantern group adopts a regional responsibility system, with about 100 sectors as a large area, setting up a resident team, and then around 20 sectors as a small area , set up a divisional patrol team..."

Schiller nodded and said: "Yes, this method is more scientific. Although it is still a little crude, it can barely work. The problem I want to point out is the problem of the logistics support system of the Green Lantern Corps."

"At least, in my hometown Earth, logistics is the top priority, but..." Schiller looked down at the information with some hesitation, frowned and said, "I didn't see the logistics in the Green Lantern Corps, you guys What about the logistical issues?"

"Logistics? What do you mean? Paperwork?"

"More than that, hardware facility maintenance, intelligence collection, medical treatment, exploration monitoring, etc., are there none of these?"

Talon spread his hands and said, "I know that on Earth, the army may have these personnel, and it is the same on my planet, but that's only because we are relatively backward surface creatures."

"Actually, the green light is very powerful, and the lamp furnace will not be damaged or worn out. The only engineers at the headquarters are mostly just maintaining those equipment around the lamp furnace."

"In the Green Lantern Ring, there is the Galactic Encyclopedia. All Green Lanterns can upload the information they have collected here for everyone to view."

"The Green Lantern Ring has its own healing ability, which can heal the injuries suffered by Green Lanterns anytime, anywhere. At the same time, it also has scanning functions such as creatures, terrain, space, and environment, and does not require additional exploration and monitoring."

"Green Lantern is an army alone, and a squad is almost worth the military armed forces of an entire civilization..."

To Tyrone's surprise, Schiller didn't refute this, he just nodded and said, "Yes, but that was the past."

Tyrone frowned, and then he heard Schiller say: "I saw in the previous combat report that we almost never won the war with the Yellow Lantern Corps?"

"Including this time in Gotham, I saw with my own eyes that after the energy of the yellow light swept the sky, all the Green Lanterns fell."

"With all due respect, this problem is already big enough to be seen by the naked eye, right? No one wants to investigate, what's going on behind this?"

Tyrone touched his chin and said, "Actually, I was a little confused, but I didn't say it, for fear of shaking the military's heart. I don't know why, when we encounter yellow light energy, we will feel fear, and that energy will dissolve our green light energy. , make us lose all power."

"You see, the green light ring is not a panacea, it doesn't give an answer to this question, it's all up to us to investigate."

Schiller changed his question and said, "Do you think, for the Guardians of the Universe, is the threat of the Green Lantern itself more important, or the threat from the Yellow Lantern Corps?"

Tyrone hesitated for a moment and said, "Of course it's the Yellow Lantern, although I don't know why Sinestro betrayed the Legion, but he seems to hate the Guardians of the Universe very much. If the Yellow Lantern Corps is made bigger, even if the Guardians of the Universe are very strong , may also be dangerous.”

"So, is there any problem with our military expansion?"

Talon's movements paused for a while, and he found that what Schiller said made sense. If it was justified to expand the army in the face of the threat of the Yellow Lantern Corps, it would make sense.

Schiller added: "And, as I said, we're not expanding combat troops, we're just expanding our logistical support staff."

Schiller took out a pen, tapped the table, looked down at the document, and said:

"First of all, in order to deal with the problem that the yellow light energy restrains the green light energy, we have to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the 3,600-sector lamp furnaces. On average, one lamp furnace needs to be equipped with three engineers and one inspector, and the overall lamp furnace is not important. It goes without saying that an entire engineering department is needed, with 300 engineers..."

"Considering that the Green Lanterns have different levels of civilization and different education, there is no way to directly take up their jobs. We also need a training base, and its supporting facilities and personnel..."

"In addition, we need to figure out why the yellow light energy dissolves the green light energy. Therefore, we need a whole team of experts to study this matter, and the team of experts cannot conduct research out of thin air, so we need a research institute, in order to prevent The possibility is missed, and about 20 research groups have to be established at the same time..."

"In order to maximize research results, we can link up with higher education institutions of various civilizations, accept postgraduate internships, provide school buildings, dormitories, laboratories, and supporting related facilities and personnel..."

"At the same time, the threat posed by Sinestro, who is still roaming in the universe, should not be underestimated. We need professional agents to investigate the movements of the members of the Yellow Lantern Corps..."

"Wait!" Hal interrupted him suddenly. He said, "Monitoring the movements of the Yellow Lantern Corps can be done by ordinary Green Lanterns. Even if some special agent skills are required, wouldn't it be enough to train them?"

Schiller shook his head and said to Hal, "Why do you think the FBI and the CIA should be divided into two agencies?"

"Supervise each other, check and balance each other, and prevent power from monopolizing." Hal said, while thinking.

Schiller said: "Now, all ordinary Green Lanterns are equivalent to the FBI, and they have internal law enforcement powers, such as regulating interstellar disputes, fighting space pirates, arresting wanted criminals, etc..."

"And the newly established secret service organization is equivalent to the Central Intelligence Agency. It has no law enforcement power within the scope of interstellar civilization. It only targets the foreign enemies of the Green Lantern Corps. At the same time, it also plays a role of supervision and warning for the internal Green Lantern."

Seeing that Tyrone's face suddenly changed, Schiller said: "Yes, this is actually the military police, but we will build it first."

Tyrone opened his mouth and said, "You mean, we can actually build an organization first to supervise us? However, if this organization is not under their control, they will not trust him."

"We don't need the Guardians of the Universe to trust this spy organization. When we establish this organization, he has the same powers as the gendarmerie."

"And at this time, if the guardians of the universe propose to establish a military police, then the most urgent thing is not us, but this organization, because once the powers overlap, their rights will be weakened."

"So, I propose to let Hal take the lead in establishing a secret service organization, give him the greatest power, select the best among all the Green Lanterns, select the most capable soldiers, go out independently, and become the external anti-yellow light and internal supervision. An elite soldier."

Tailong touched his chin and said, "I understand what you mean. Let's first establish an organization whose powers include internal supervision. If they want to establish such an organization, after their powers overlap, there will definitely be conflicts. , the firepower was diverted."

"But, why is it Hal?" Tyrone asked in confusion: "He is your compatriot, aren't you worried that the guardian of the universe is targeting him?"

Schiller glanced at Hal and said, "Captain Talon, what do you think is the relationship between the Guardians of the Universe and the Green Lantern Energy? Did the Guardians create the emotional spectrum?"

When it came to this question, Talon hesitated, and then said: "We said to the outside world that the entire Green Lantern Corps was made by the guardians of the universe, but in fact, from the information I have come across, the emotional spectrum should be born naturally in the universe. A kind of thing, the guardians just built lamps and rings to use this energy."

As he said that, he and Schiller looked at Hal together, and said, "Wait, now you don't need to use a ring to communicate with the green light energy, then you don't need to be afraid of the guardian of the universe at all..."

"That's right." Schiller nodded and said: "The ion shark, the lamp beast of the green light, was also born naturally. It represents the willpower in the universe. Now, the ion shark has chosen Hal, which means that Hal It is closer to the essence of the green light than the guardians of the universe, and there is absolutely no need to fear the guardians."

"Because of this, as long as he brings out a team and takes the powers of the gendarmerie team first, then the guardians of the universe want to build a gendarmerie team, they have to consider whether the gendarmerie team they have built can stand against it. Ion and his team."

"At the same time, we also occupy the righteousness. The guardian of the universe has established a military police force, which will inevitably lead to the suspicion of clearing dissidents. If we propose to establish a monitoring organization by ourselves, wouldn't it show that we are proud of ourselves?"

Tyrone and Hal looked at each other, then turned their heads to look at Schiller, feeling that the atmosphere had calmed down and Schiller raised his head. He found that the green light in Tyrone and Hal's eyes was not an illusion.

"Okay, the superficial work is done, now let's talk about the actual." Schiller changed the conversation again.

Tyrone stood up and wanted to leave, but he sat down again. He looked at Schiller with a little doubt and asked, "Actual? What's the actual?"

"Hal, didn't you tell me that you and the legion commander have already negotiated?" Schiller looked at Hal and asked, and Hal gave Tyrone a face, and Tyrone realized that this was about kickbacks.

A green crystal suddenly appeared in Schiller's hand. After he put the crystal on the table, both Tyrone and Hal's eyes fell on the crystal. Tyrone was very familiar with the energy in the crystal. He said: "This is It's green light energy inside..."

"Yes, and there is no safety lock."

Tai Long stretched out his hand suspiciously. The moment he touched the crystal, his eyes widened, because he found that the green light energy inside could indeed be extracted freely.

"This..." Tyrone felt it for a moment, then glanced at Hal and said, "This is what you said, the way that ordinary people can use the green light energy?"

"That's right." Hal nodded.

"So, you want to expand the establishment of the Green Lantern Corps, thereby extracting more energy from the main lamp furnace, then pouring energy into these crystals, and then...then...let's take it away?" Talon said. I'm still a little unaccustomed to talking.

"The first half is right. As long as there are enough names, we can use the energy in the total lamp furnace." Schiller explained.

In fact, even if these names are not needed, Schiller, who has already colluded with the legion commander, can directly drain the energy in the main lamp stove, but considering the sustainable depletion of fish, it is more convenient to establish a complete system of empty pay.

"The first half is right, what's wrong with the second half?" Hal also asked.

"If these crystals were given to you directly, what would you do with them?" Schiller asked Hal, looking at him.

"Uh, for the development of Earth civilization, I will give them to scientists to study, maybe it can be used as a new energy source?"

"This choice can't be said to be wrong, it can only be said that the efficiency is not very high." Schiller said more euphemistically: "Judging from the current level of human technological development, if you want to use this energy, I am afraid it will take a period of research. , and if you want to crack the secret of this energy, I'm afraid..."

"Also, have you ever considered that the energy used for research is not much, and the energy stored in this crystal is enough for scientists of all mankind to study for a few years."

"Also..." Hal touched his chin and thought, Schiller was right, even though this spar is small, there are 10 rings full of energy in it, which is enough to fight a local cosmic war, and Judging from Schiller's plan, they are not only greedy for one piece, they must start with at least four figures, and they come often.

"If this is the case, it seems that we really need to consider how to use so much green light energy to make it more cost-effective."

"I heard that many interstellar civilizations are very interested in the identity of Green Lantern and the energy of Green Lantern?" Schiller looked at Tyron and asked.

"Yes, after all, you also know how powerful this energy is. Moreover, the Green Lantern Corps has always had a good reputation. To be a Green Lantern is a very honorable thing in the eyes of many civilizations."

"But, it's actually very difficult for the Green Lantern Corps to get in, right?"

Tai Long nodded again and said, "There is a threshold for the use of the green light ring. If the willpower is not strong enough, even if it is outstanding in other aspects, it is useless."

Schiller picked up the green crystal on the table again, looked at it and said, "But there's no limit to the use of this thing."

Tyrone's eyes gradually widened. He looked at Schiller and said in shock, "Don't you want to sell green light energy?"

"No!" Tai Long denied it. He said, "This is too dangerous. If someone with ulterior motives gets this thing, it will cause an interstellar war!"

"Then why don't we give it to people with ulterior motives?"

"But there is no safety lock on it. Anyone who has it can use it. What if it is resold?"

"There is no security lock on this now, but that doesn't mean that there will be no security lock in the future. You, the commander of the Green Lantern Corps, and the future director of the CIA of the Green Lantern Corps, won't even be able to get the technology of security locks, right?"

Tyrone and Hal looked at each other, and Hal said, "Don't give a shit, talk about the specific plan."

"Actually, we are doing the same thing as the Guardians of the Universe. Green Lantern Energy was originally a gift from nature, but they built a lamp furnace and a ring. After cutting out the energy, they established the Green Lantern Corps and let the Green Lantern Corps work. for their use."

"If the Green Lanterns want to use the Green Lantern energy, they have to wear the ring, they have to go back to the furnace to charge it, and they have to use it under the restrictions of the safety lock."

"Then we can also do the same, find something, add a safety lock to it, pour the green light energy into it, and sell it to civilizations in the interstellar space that are interested in it."

"We can use the safety lock to limit the objects that use this crystal. At the same time, we can sign an agreement with them, and the crystal is only temporarily lent to them. After the energy in it is consumed, it must be renewed before it can be charged again."

"The payment method is monthly or annual. There will be a monthly fixed fee every month. Regardless of whether you use it or not, you will be deducted. If you don't pay, the security lock will be locked."

"In addition to the monthly rent, there is also a package fee. A certain amount of green light energy is provided every month, which is included in the package. If you want to continue to use it after use, you must deduct the money according to the amount or buy an additional package."

"The package also includes certain benefits, such as security services or teleportation services for the Green Lantern Corps. Of course, if you want to experience more advanced benefits, you must upgrade the package, increase the monthly rental fee, and provide 120-level membership. grade……"

"The most important thing is that the crystal will have an independent code, and the code will be linked to the credit level of the civilization in the Green Lantern Corps. Once the green light energy in the crystal they control is out of control, the credit level will drop, and the arrears will not be repaid or If the fee is not renewed for a long time, the credit rating will also drop.”

"After that, we can use this to develop a third-party credit platform in the universe, and incorporate all civilizations that use green light energy into the green light credit system, and the untrustworthy blacklist will lose the protection of the interstellar society..."

"The Green Lantern Corps is great, but I still prefer the Green Lantern industry. Now is the time to set industry standards, why not?"

Tyrone and Hal looked at Schiller together. They saw that Schiller was no longer smiling, and his eyes were full of ridicule. They heard Schiller say:

"The Guardian of the Universe controls such a powerful energy, but they just got a Green Lantern Corps out. I have to say that they still love peace."

The two did not hear any compliments in Schiller's tone. Just as Tyrone was about to speak, Schiller continued:

"But don't feel sympathy for them, they don't do it, not because they really want to do something for the universe, just because they are too greedy and want both profit and fame."

"The good reputation of the Green Lantern Corps is just a means of laying the groundwork for them. They will tighten the noose step by step until the Corps they build becomes a machine that will only obey their orders. The military police is just the first step... "

"And we're just going to tell them..." Schiller showed a smile that made both Tyrone and Howl chill.

"Your cooked duck is fine, it's mine now."

Before Tyrone and Hal could evaluate the plan, Schiller placed the crystal in the middle of the table with a slap and said:

"Of course, this is only a long-term plan. It may take hundreds of years to fully realize it, but neither your civilization nor my civilization can wait that long."

"We desperately need a qualitative leap, and studying this stuff isn't the best way."

"Then what are you going to do?" Tyrone asked.

"Now this thing has been placed here, if you are the leader of an interstellar civilization, would you be interested in it?"

On this issue, Tyrone is very confident, he said: "If you take this thing out, it will really cause a war, I'm not kidding, there are too many people in the universe who covet green light energy, and there is no civilization. Would you not want such a powerful and convenient power."

"Okay, so now, we have encountered some difficulties in the research of this technology. Of course, the specific difficulties depend on what technology the earth and your civilization need. Are you willing to make some reasonable investments in this? "

Hal widened his eyes and looked at Schiller and asked, "Cheating investment?? Isn't that bad?!"

"What is cheating! What is cheating!" Schiller retorted loudly: "Isn't the real thing already in front of your eyes? We even completed most of the development independently, only a little bit less..."

"In such a difficult environment, we are going against the current and striving for innovation. If it is not in a hurry, how can we take such a precious opportunity to benefit the public?"

Hal has closed his mouth and stopped talking, because Schiller's tone reminded him of some industries on earth that are not very easy to talk about, but Tyrone was shocked by this idea, he said:

"That's right, we don't even need to pour such a full amount of energy into it, we just need to put a little bit in and let them feel it. As long as they find this kind of technology, they will definitely find ways to get it..."

"And we are backed by the Green Lantern Corps, they will definitely not dare to rob it." Schiller smiled, looked at Hal and said:

"At this time, it's time for our powerful Ion Man to go out."

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