American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 528: Who made Schiller murderous? (Down)

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Stark and Steve, who came to the ward, saw Schiller sleeping again as expected. Stark stepped forward and shook Schiller, but Schiller didn't respond at all, and he controlled the suit to play music again. , turned on the vibration mode, and put his hand on the head of the bed, but Schiller was still asleep,

Steve had already gone out and called the doctor. After the doctor came in, he conducted some inspections. When debugging the machine, he said, "All aspects of the physiological characteristics are fine. It's not a coma, it's really just sleeping."

"You may not know that in many mental diseases, insomnia and lethargy occur at the same time. He may have symptoms of insomnia last night, so he slept more soundly during the day today. If you have nothing important, you can stay later. See him again."

After the doctor left, Stark frowned at Schiller, and said, "I think we have to go to the Hall of Thought to find him and ask about this."

With that said, he walked to the **** bed on the other side and said to Steve, "You wait here, take care of my body, I'll go to Schiller in my dreams and ask what's going on."

Steve did not refuse, and he also knew that it was safer for Stark, who had mastered the knowledge of magic and psychology, to enter the dream world, and if he brought him, it would reduce the efficiency.

Moreover, Schiller and Stark fell into a dream at the same time, and their bodies were not cared for and might be in danger, so Steve sat in the middle of the two beds, Schiller on the left, and Stark on the right.

After falling into a dream, Stark used the same method as last time to come to Schiller's thinking hall, but this time, the hall was much more lively. Looking up from the bottom, there were many figures on the first to tenth floors, and This time, there was actually a Schiller to receive him.

A globe-headed Schiller came up, shook hands with Stark, and took him up the elevator with great enthusiasm.

In the elevator, he introduced to Stark: "I don't know what happened to Schiller recently. I lock myself in the room every day, and use that balance to make a phone call..."

"If you have nothing to do, you will be talking about the empty table, and your mouth is full of resurrection conditions, Valhalla, etc..."

"To be honest, we are very worried, but it's not easy to ask. You are his friend. It's better to persuade him not to indulge in dreaming all the time, and hurry back to work in the real world..."

The more Schiller from the globe head said, the more serious Stark looked. The elevator stopped and came to the 201st floor. Schiller from the globe head led Stark forward, saying as he walked: "This is the temporary office floor, he In the innermost office, you can see it when you open the door."

This Schiller also pointed out the direction to Stark very intimately. Stark nodded to him and immediately walked towards the room quickly.

When he opened the door, he saw Schiller sitting at a table with nothing on it but a scale they had seen before, with a feather at one end and a heart at the other.

At this time, the inner end of the heart was still relatively high, and Schiller pressed the part of the heart with two fingers, as if there was a presence that Stark could not see, and then pressed the other end.

When Stark came in, Schiller was drinking from a water glass, so Stark didn't hear what he was talking about. The stool, Stark wanted to walk over and sit down.

"Sit over there." Schiller pointed to the other side of the table, where a chair appeared, Stark froze for a moment, and asked, "Why?"

"There is someone on the other side." Schiller stretched out his fingers and rubbed his temples. In his field of vision, on the opposite side was a woman in business attire. The nameplate on her chest read: "Manager of Party A".

The female image mainly comes from the comics that Schiller read before. Originally, the image of death in his mind was actually the image in Thanos' mind, because when Schiller read the comics in his previous life, this image was the deepest impression.

However, after several rounds of games, the clothes of death have changed from robes to professional OL attire, because other than the manager of Party A's client, no one will be so difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, he has made some progress, and now Death is willing to sit across from him and talk to him, which is an unprecedented improvement.

Therefore, even if Schiller heard someone call him in reality, he didn't go out. Today is the day the king and Lao Tzu came, and he had to negotiate this order.

Some people may think that this is just a phantom imagined by Schiller himself, just like the situation of Thanos, but in fact it is completely different, death is really coming.

To be honest, death is something that Schiller can't fix. In his long career, death has dealt with many existences, including Odin, Osiris, Mephisto, Hela and so on.

Most of the gods of the gods who are in charge of death, or the gods who have the power of resurrection, have dealt with her.

And the general flow of the transaction is that these gods perceive the existence of death, and when they think that death has a reality, they will see the fantasy of death, just like Thanos, and then they will realize that death desires More death, and resurrection is just another way to bring death.

They will learn that death, as an abstract concept, cannot directly create death, it must be faked. That is to give Odin permission to resurrect warriors, thus allowing him to make more kills.

These are the contents that they comprehend in the dark, that is, when they think about the physical concept of death, they have already comprehended these contents. As long as they agree, the transaction is completed.

There won't be any drastic changes, but from now on, the authority to resurrect will be opened, and those souls they designate will be rejected by the kingdom of death.

And how death can identify the soul they have designated is actually through the token, Odin's token is his spear, and Osiris' token is this balance.

Generally speaking, tokens will not be lost. Dead transaction objects, because they have the power of resurrection, can often develop many believers, and they will also be very powerful. No one will take these tokens from them, such as , it is unlikely that someone took his spear from Odin.

A long time ago, when the Egyptian **** system was prosperous, there were many believers, and Osiris was also very powerful. However, since modern times, there have been many moths in the Egyptian **** system, and they have not embarked on the same strong development path as Asgard. , so, the balance of the transaction volume has not been up.

The power of death is unlimited, but if she refuses to accept the soul, it is equivalent to lack of income, and this part of the income becomes her investment for this **** system.

This investment can only pay off if the rejected souls create more killings. However, due to the modern Egyptian pantheon, there are not many believers, and there are fewer capable people. The transaction amount represented by the balance has been at a loss for a long time.

Death has already resurrected many believers in Osiris, which is equivalent to a sunk cost. If the balance is abandoned at this time, wouldn't those rejected souls be equivalent to paying for nothing?

Any human being is hesitant to make a sunk cost decision, and so is death.

Therefore, she would rather endure Schiller's harassing calls than give up this channel, in case, in a few million years, the Egyptian pantheon will evolve into Asgard again.

However, on the one hand, Schiller is really annoying. Sales calls are not only the enemy of human beings, but also unbearable harassment for any intelligent creature. Death has been in love for so many years, no matter whether it is a powerful cosmic overlord or a high-level god. It's her servant under the skirt.

However, only Schiller, who doesn't talk about love or love, spends money on the phone every day. Within three days, Fang An took more than 100 sets, made thousands of calls, opened his mouth and shut his mouth. Interest rates, principal and interest, loans...

To be honest, after listening to it for so long, death has almost understood the human financial science.

It is precisely because of this that death is really heartwarming. In Schiller's mouth, her previous cooperation method was inefficient, paying too much, and recycling too little.

With the help of the comparison between Asgard and the Egyptian pantheon, Schiele gave a deep analysis of death, why this method is not good.

To put it simply, ordinary investments are risky. No one can take it all. They may make a lot of money in one investment object, and then suffer big losses in another investment object. It is like a big investment. Asgard, who made a lot of money, and the Egyptian pantheon that almost lost all his pants.

And if you want to take it all, there are many ways, especially if death still has such a large authority, the game administrator is afraid that he will not be able to get gold?

In Schiller's analysis, death is really a little tempting, but she is different from the cosmic demon. She has such a large authority and does not want to cooperate with anyone on an equal basis. She just wants to control the seat like a tyrant. Le.

The relationship between the two now, in simple terms, is that Schiller wants to use death, and death also wants to use Schiller. Both of them know each other's ghost ideas, but they can't give up the benefits of each other's use. Schiller wants to win, so does death. Win, both of them can see each other's competitive spirit, but they can't let go of their competitive spirit.

Anyway, they have been deadlocked for a long time, that is, they have just made a breakthrough. Death finally showed up and came to interview But the interview did not go well, because Death knew that the situation was right She is disadvantaged. She doesn't know where Schiller knows that her final condition is to create more deaths, but she herself does not know what Schiller's final condition is.

Just before Stark came in, Death was testing Schiller, trying to figure out what Schiller was trying to do with her deal.

Just at the time of the intermission, Stark came in. Stark was not the negotiating object of death, so he could not see death at all. In his field of vision, Schiller was just talking to the air.

"Seriously, Schiller." Stark put his hands on the table and said sincerely: "I can understand your ideals and beliefs, even if I am not a Marxist, after listening to Steve and Na After Tasha finished talking about the glory of that era, she also felt very emotional."

Schiller was thinking about the headaches of those contracts and treaties, but he did not react at all when he suddenly heard Stark say this.

"But, like I said to Steve, that era is over, and it doesn't do you any good to dwell on the past, it hurts yourself, and if you try to revive it, it hurts more people."

Stark looked into Schiller's eyes and said to him seriously:

"If you want to resurrect the Soviet Union, I have to dissuade you."

Schiller, who worked overtime and was dizzy, didn't understand what Stark was talking about, but suddenly, he saw the death on the opposite side, showing a frightened expression, and then quickly disappeared.

Before leaving, her voice echoed in the room:

"You want to resurrect the Soviet Union???!





Schiller was stunned.

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