American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 605: Owl Nursery Rhymes (Part 2)

In an instant, the group of black monsters was swallowed up by the jet of energy that erupted from the tip of the umbrella. Aisha, who was waiting for the meal with her mouth open, saw the pie that fell from the sky and disappeared, and cried out with a wow. .

Dick hurriedly picked her up and started coaxing. Constantine withdrew the magic circle. He looked at Schiller and asked, "You can also use magic? You never said that before."

"Besides, why is your magic a bit weird? What was that that you just shouted? A spell?"

"It's nothing, no need for a spell." Schiller seemed to satisfy a strange sense of accomplishment. It was obvious to the naked eye that his mood improved. He sat down on the sofa again, and put the umbrella upright in front of him. Then put your hands on the handles of the umbrella.

"As far as I know, magic that requires the use of spells is often powerful. Where did you learn this magic? Teach me, how about it?" Constantine approached Schiller.

In fact, Schiller didn't know how to use magic at all. He just erupted the wool energy from Gnar that was stored in the gray mist before.

If you do not use some occult means to make use of this energy, then it can only achieve one effect.

If Schiller used this energy to spray owls in the real world just now, then the soul of the owl will be flushed out of the body and then scattered. If the soul strength is strong enough, it can be directly avoided or defended. Not as many functions as magic.

Whether it is a demon **** or a wizard in the Marvel world, if you want to use this energy more efficiently, you must process it through special means, which is the so-called "spell".

Energy is equivalent to bullets, and spells are equivalent to guns. Schiller does not have a gun, nor can he make a gun. If he throws bullets at people, it will be difficult to cause damage, and it will be very wasteful.

However, for a dark owl that has no physical body at all and is only composed of energy and is not strong enough, this impact is deadly.

If any energy wants to form a certain form, it must have a structure, and Schiller's use of this jet to wash the dark owl's behavior is equivalent to using another unknown energy to completely disrupt the dark owl's energy. structure, and thus, they were eliminated.

As for that spell, no one could refuse to call out a spell like that when waving something in his hand and trying to use magic.

Although Schiller couldn't even control that energy and form an animal form, this still made him very satisfied. After all, such enemies that just meet various release conditions are rare. If a magic is released, there is no enemy on the opposite side. It would seem stupid.

Schiller hugged Elsa, who was crying non-stop in Bruce's hand, stroked her back and said, "Okay, I stole your meal, but we can find more. ()

Elsa twitched, wiped the nonexistent tears with her own hands, struggled a bit, jumped out of Schiller's arms, then raised her head, opened her mouth, and wanted to continue singing.

"No, wait a minute." Schiller hugged Elsa again. This time, Elsa was not happy. She kept waving her limbs, trying to escape from Schiller's arms, but Schiller didn't care about her. Instead, he handed him over to Alfred, and in Alfred's arms, Elsa became honest.

Alfred took Elsa back to sleep, but Dick was left behind, and Schiller patted his head and said, "Last time, when I gave you make-up lessons, you told me that you attended school. The choir here?"

Dick nodded. He also saw that kind of terrifying monster in the circle just now. He said with a lingering fear: "Sorry, I shouldn't sing that song..."

"It doesn't matter, in order to integrate into the choir, you should learn to sing." After speaking, Schiller turned to look at Constantine and said, "I have a plan..."

After almost a year, Gotham Cathedral was finally renovated. Just as Bruce promised the old priest before, he paid for the renovation of the entire Gotham Cathedral.

By the way, many bat devices were used to protect the fine wine pool underground. The protection is very strong. It can be said that except for Batman himself, no earthquake or natural disaster can destroy the pool.

Today, Gotham Cathedral was lively after a long absence. The old priest Daniel walked into the church with a group of children. The group of children was chatting. The child at the head was wearing a jacket and had a rebellious face. He crossed his arms and said, Another slightly older child next to him said:

"Dick, what are you kidding? If the other gangs find out, I'm in some so-called church choir, and I'm not going to mess around!"

"Jason, can you stop thinking about fighting all day long?" Dick shook his head helplessly and said, "You should participate in some social activities, even if you don't believe in God, it's okay to take a day off occasionally and come over to sing. Bar?"

Jason snorted coldly and said, "You don't know, everyone in the Curly Tail Gang is very busy now. We are now in charge of the newspaper delivery work on Three Streets near Living Hell, and there are some younger children who are going to The little plaza next to Green Street sells flowers..."

"Just to organize them, I will spend a whole day, how can I have so much time to sing here?"

"It's not just you." Dick patted Jason on the shoulder and said, "Look, didn't all the kids from the vocational education school come? There are also the leaders of the newsboys in a few blocks, even the ones they say Cobot is here."

Jason looked back, Cobot, Tire and Red Truck, the slightly older children, walked at the end and drove the children in front inside?

He snorted and said, "Okay, but you'd better not hope, I have no musical talent. You'd better plug your ears when I sing later."

"It's alright, I know the nun who will teach us to sing, and I'll let her be patient with you."

"Sister?" Jason asked with some doubts: "Isn't there only one priest in Gotham? When will there be another nun?"

"Have you forgotten? The middle school I went to was a church middle school, and that was the school's nuns."

"Oh, they." Jason obviously knew, because most church schools on the East Coast will have clergy, who are different from the clergy in the church and also serve as teachers.

Jason obviously didn't like this group of clergymen. He reluctantly walked up to the choir, and then squeezed me and squeezed you with his companions, laughing and laughing.

The old priest Daniel wasn't angry either. Gotham Cathedral hasn't been so new and vibrant for a long time, which reminded him of when he was young, so he just stayed aside with a smile and didn't scold those naughty children.

The teacher who came up was an old nun who looked only a little younger than Daniel. She took a music stand, stood in the center of the choir, and said in a cadence: "Okay, children, let's Learn the lyrics first, come, read it with me, Court of Owls... Always watch you when you go..."

Obviously, these children have all received explanations. Although they don't understand why they suddenly changed from technology to music, they are still very interested because they have never been exposed to any art courses since they were young. For the first time When doing something, it is always full of freshness.

"The court of owls... always... monitors your travel..." They read in a mess, some words were difficult to pronounce, so they simply skipped over them, and some even changed the lyrics without authorization, and some swear words.

However, the old nun who taught music had obviously received an explanation. She didn't care, but she sang the song by demonstrating it first.

This nun teacher is a retired professional choir, and the very difficult original songs became very smooth in her mouth, and even brought a bit of flowery style, which can be said to be both standard and beautiful.

While looking down the floor of the church, right next to the wine pool, there is another room. Countless flames are lit in the room, and several people are in the magic circle of spiritual vision. Bruce touched his chin and said: "No Seeing that kind of monster, doesn't this song work for adults?"

"It's also normal," Constantine explained: "Some occult meanings only work for certain groups, and can even be as detailed as age, gender, or even certain physical characteristics. For example, demons prefer to have eyes with pupils. It's not sensational when people who are green make a deal."

Several people observed in the underground room for a long time, but no matter how the old nun sang, no monster appeared.

After teaching for a long time, I finally started the children's chorus. The first chorus was also very confusing. Some people didn't remember the lyrics at all, and some people sang out of tune. what are you singing about.

But. The moment they spoke, the world in the vision of the spirit world began to change. The black owl began to appear in the air. At the same time, Schiller flashed and came to the roof of Gotham Cathedral~www There is a platform on the roof of the newly built Gotham Cathedral. It was originally used to put the Gothic decorative spire, but the spire was taken down overnight by Bruce, and Schiller instantly dissipated into a gray fog. The energy obtained there spreads over every gray fog factor.

In an instant, the gray fog enveloped all the dark owls and devoured their energy.

Schiller flashed back again and said: "Theoretically, it is possible. This energy can be absorbed. However, it is not compatible with the energy I use. I can only store it, not use it. We have to Find somewhere else to store them."

What Schiller is saying is the truth, this energy from the dc world. Unlike the source energy of the Marvel world, when they are stored in the gray mist at the same time, there will be conflicts.

Right now the amount of dark energies is relatively small, but once the two forces become the same, that could cause problems.

Schiller thought for a moment, then said: "I have verified a law before, which is the 'color pass' theory, green energy can be stored in green things, and green light energy can be stored in kryptonite crystals."

"Then, the energy of black should be stored in black things, and the energy of the dark owl can be stored in..."

Schiller was thinking about what black things were when suddenly Bruce saw that Schiller turned his head slowly, and then looked at him.

but. Just after his eyes fell on Bruce's face, Schiller paused, as if he had remembered something, and then moved his gaze down to stay on Batman's armor, Schiller asked:

"How's your ark reactor research going?"

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