American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 621: Sick Crisis (10)

Countless weird black patterns spread from the roots of the walls, and the shapes formed by their shadows reminded people of all kinds of terrifying monsters.

Angela clenched the gun in her hand tightly, but that didn't give her any sense of security at all. She understood that if this kind of thing really existed, then the modern technological weapons of mankind might not have any effect on them.

What she didn't realize was that her arm, which had never trembled since she left the police officer academy, began to tremble slightly, and her sweaty palm made it impossible for her to hold it as firmly as before. Pistol, but she still propped up her arms as much as she could, aiming her eyes at every passing shadow.

Then, she turned her head and saw Constantine pulling out a goblet from his arms behind him. He chanted a few spells, and the goblet was filled with water. Then he picked up the Bible he just took out. Begin whispering prayers into the goblet.

After praying, he took out another tattered-looking handkerchief, dipped it in the water in the goblet, and said, "Give me your magazine."

Angela didn't move her pistol, but took out a spare magazine from her waist and handed it to Constantine, who raised his eyebrows and said, "I like working with someone who is well prepared like you. "

Angela snorted coldly, put her hand to her waist again, and with a "click", three pistol magazines appeared in her hand, all full of bullets, she said, "The time I spent dealing with those wicked criminals was as short as You don't have much time with demons, and sometimes they're more scary than demons."

After speaking, she saw that Constantine put her pistol magazine into the goblet and stirred it up, and then the glass began to emit white mist, and when she took it out, the magazine was very dry, and it seemed that there was no Soaked in water, Constantine handed her the magazine and said:

"This is an enchanted bullet with divine damage. Later, I will arrange a magic circle for an exorcism ceremony. During this period, you must use your pistol to expel all demons who dare to approach."

"The magic circle is very fragile when it is not completed. The candle flames, the flames of the paper on the ground, and the flames in my hands cannot be extinguished. Once a shadow is found approaching, I will use this kind of bullet to defeat him."

Angela was expressionless, and quickly replaced the magazine. With a "bang", a shadow swimming along the ground was hit by a bullet. Angela heard a scream, and the bullet hit. Black smoke began to rise from the place, and the claw-like shape instantly shattered.

Suddenly, the female police officer calmed down. Her initial panic was just from the fear of the unknown, but now she found out that firearms can cause damage to such monsters, so what else can be said?

Hitting a demon with an enchanted bullet has exactly the same effect as hitting a human with a normal bullet, and Angela quickly lets the demons know why she can be called one of the best detectives on the East Coast.

Raising the gun, aiming, shooting, and raising the gun again, a series of movements are extremely smooth, even if several black shadows hit at the same time, the bullets fired in succession will not be skewed at all, and those shadows cannot get close to Constantine in the room at all.

"You have to save some bullets." Constantine said while drawing a magic circle on the ground: "This is not their body, but the phantom caused by the leakage of their power from hell, just a prelude to their attack..."

While shooting, Angela heard Constantine explain quickly: "Devils want to invade the human world, there are often several steps, they need to use their own power to infiltrate the spiritual world, and then go from the spiritual world to In the human world, after the power has penetrated, their entities will come here."

"What are the consequences of that?" Angela asked as she shot.

"At that time, the bullets that had only been initially enchanted could not penetrate their bodies at all. Either they would use heavy firepower to defeat their bodies, or they would use extremely powerful magic props..."

"Can't we solve them at this stage?" Angela asked No, we have to wait until the moment they invade the human world from the spiritual world, when they use the power of the invasion to shape the body, When they are the most vulnerable, as long as the traps are arranged, they can be wiped out in one fell swoop. "

"Attention, the invasion is about to begin!" Constantine stood up, the magic circle on the ground was more than half completed, but in Angela's field of vision, the whole world went dark and all the lights went out.

The moment of darkness has come.

Angela raised the gun and took a deep breath. Numerous shadows rushed towards her. She rolled on the spot, shot "bang" and "bang", and took another step back, aiming at the black shadow under her feet. Shadow, "Bang" is another shot.

It is not easy to counterattack. In addition to the difficulty of aiming in this dark state, you must also be careful not to touch the candles in the magic circle under your feet. Even if you move a little bigger, the candles will start to flicker.

Soon, Angela ran out of bullets in one magazine. She took out the second magazine and looked at the goblet. There was not much water left in it. Enchant a magazine.

Angela didn't think too much, and handed the magazine directly to Constantine. After Constantine finished the enchantment, he handed the magazine to her. The female police officer took a deep breath and said, "Maybe, I don't. More people should be involved, if this is the fate of our sisters, then I want to see how terrible the so-called **** is?"

With a "bang", another shadow was repelled by the enchanted bullet. After the last bullet was fired, Angela threw away the pistol. She looked at the endless darkness, and in the haze and hallucination, she saw His sister Isabelle beckoned to her.

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