American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 631: Schiller's leisurely vacation (middle)

Bludhaven, a small town on the east coast not far from Gotham, is also on the coastline. It has a completely different climate from Gotham, and it can even be said to be the complete opposite. Among all the cities on the east coast, it also ranks among the best.


Originally, this place could be developed into a very good tourist city, but because its land area is relatively small, there are many hills and mountains around it, the coastline is not long enough, and there are not enough supporting facilities in the city to meet the needs of a large number of tourists.


If it is closer to the metropolis, it may have developed long ago, because if it is within half an hour's drive from the metropolis, then tourists can completely enter the metropolis to solve some accommodation and dietary needs.


but. No tourist is brave enough to go deep into Gotham to stay, and tourists come to seaside cities to go to the beach to bask in the sun. The rainy weather in Gotham will ruin their good mood for the day, so cloth Rudhaven's development has been tepid.


But since Mayor Royin of Gotham City's telephone speech, it has partially improved people's prejudice against Gotham, that is, the high crime rate and chaos here. In fact, there are also reasons for the government's inaction, and there are many curious backpackers. Want to come here to observe, and their foothold is Bludhaven.


In addition, the development of Gotham's logistics industry has led to a surge in the number of employed workers*, many people who want to come here to find a job and try their luck will choose Bludhaven as an outpost, because it is only a 20-minute drive to Gotham. If Gotham If their life cannot satisfy them, they can turn around and leave.


After all, the prices and rents in Gotham are no joke. Although the people here are rotten, they are not poor. Can be regarded as a subsistence class.


A comparison can be made. Generally speaking, the ordinary gangsters who watch the gates of nightclubs in Gotham belong to the lower income group in Gotham, but if they come to Bludhaven, they will become representative of a well-off life.


Someone might ask. So it's not good for them to come to Brudhaven to live? Why fight and kill in the gang?


But not only are they gangsters, their father, mother, grandfather and grandmother are all gangsters, all their relationships are maintained in this system, it is difficult to make changes, if the gang leaders don't agree, they can't run away , otherwise, the shark's next meal is there.


In addition, the income of Gotham gangsters is good, not because they have skills to survive, or because they have a good educational background. Find a job that pays so well.


This is a problem that every resident of high-income and high-price areas will encounter when moving to low-income and low-price areas. They want to obtain low prices with high wages, but low-price areas often do not have high wages. And the supporting facilities are also insufficient, so they would rather endure such high prices than move to low-price areas. …. .


! This is also the reason why Bludhaven, as a neighboring city of Gotham, has a very good public security situation.


To put it bluntly, the residents of Gotham don't like this place at all. They work hard here for a month, and they may not earn as much as a week of working for the gang in Gotham. Even if the price of Bruder Sea artifacts is low, the materials are relatively expensive. , some things have to go to Gotham to buy, so why not live in Gotham directly? At least the locals are familiar with the road, and it is a little safer.


Many backpackers who come to Bludhaven say that it is the closest paradise to hell. Whether it is climate, scenery, or culture, Bludhaven is in no way inferior to those tourist cities on the east coast.


Similarly, unlike a prosperous metropolis like Brother Tan, Bludhaven is a small town with a slower pace of life and everyone is very leisurely. And that's thanks to the plentiful East Coast catch.


The industrial structure here is also dominated by fishing wharfs, seafood processing and export and logistics industries. There are three wharfs in the whole town. It was established by Europeans during the colonial period, and it is relatively old now.


"Sir, you may not have heard of this pier. It broke down about three or four years ago, and the mayor said it didn't need any repairs, so he turned it into a fishing pier." One wearing bibs , The little boy with the fisherman hat, "da da da", ran to the wooden platform of the pier*, pointed to the front and said to Schiller behind him.


"Look, have you seen those boats? It's an experience boat specially prepared for tourists. Tourists can go there to experience shallow sea fishing. The fishermen who row the boat will teach them the most basic shallow sea fishing skills, and they can use fishing rods. You can also experience fishing nets.”


"For five dollars, you can take the fattest fish of them all, and if you'll give me another fifty cents, I'll take you to the restaurant next door, where the owner's stewed fish and fish soup is amazing ."


"Five dollars is too expensive. I don't like eating fish very much. Of course, if it can be cheaper, I would like to experience it." Looking at the fishing boats one after another, I have to admit that this is still very distinctive.


Generally speaking, the cost of sea fishing is still quite high. At least families who come on vacation cannot afford to rent fishing boats. That is something that only rich old people can play.

This tourism project launched by Bruderhaven is a bit like a simple beggar version. The fishing boat is an ordinary wooden boat with a motor, and the fisherman on the boat is also a local fisherman. With this kind of boat, I have used this kind of boat to catch fish for a lifetime, and the fishing nets used are also It's not a high-end product, and some are still a bit tattered.


But what can be seen is that almost every fishing boat is carrying tourists, and they are having a great time, even if the speed of this kind of fishing boat is far from being called trawling, and it is all luck to get the net down. There wasn't much fish down there, but most of the tourists, especially those with families, had a good time.


Schiller began to admire the wisdom of Mayor Bludhaven. You must know that in this era, most of the tourism industry is prepared for the wealthy. Many tourist cities have not turned their minds, and the projects provided are not close enough to the people. . …. .


! In most of the seaside tourist cities, in addition to the free use of the beach, any items entering the sea are expensive, such as sea fishing, diving and so on.


"Okay, sir, three dollars, okay?"


"I can give you a maximum of two dollars and fifty cents. Of course, I can give you an extra fifty cents tip, and I will treat you to dinner." Schiller smiled, reached out and patted the little boy on the shoulder, saying: " Go find me a boat."


The little boy cheered, ran off the pier, and came to the seaside. After a while, he found a boat for Schiller, and he ran to Schiller and showed off: "Sir, I bet there will never be anyone. Like me, you can find a boat that suits your heart!"


"You said before that you are a university professor, so you should be able to chat with young people better, but most of the fishermen here are not too young. Sometimes, I also have a headache because of their stubborn temper. I'm afraid you can't chat. Come, so, I found the only fisherman who is younger here..."


"Come here, Viking. This is Professor Rodriguez, my new client, a very generous university professor. He wants to experience it on your fishing boat, get him a good fish, and I'll treat you to dinner later. "


As soon as Schiller turned his head, he saw the person the little boy was shouting. He was naked, wearing a pair of shorts on the lower body, revealing a sculpted figure. The beard on the corner of the jaw is attached, but there is no beard on the chin, which looks wild and wild.


He first looked at Schiller with those eagle-like eyes, then moved his body to the side, leaving a space for Schiller, pointed at his boat, and said, "Come up."


Schiller looked down at his feet. At this time, he was still standing on the beach, and the fishing boat was floating at sea, now at least three meters away from him. He opened his mouth and asked, "How to get on?"


The little boy next to the tour guide slapped his forehead* and shouted to the man, "Why did you forget it again?! What about the quoted ladder? Old Wieland told you before, the guidelines for treating tourists, you Forgot all?"


The man on the boat took down a plank from the boat as if he had just remembered it. After anchoring the boat, he put the plank down, and Schiller walked up the plank.


Schiller turned around and waved to the little boy, the tour guide. He felt the boat under his feet start to shake. The blond man seemed a little silent. Schiller walked to the side of the boat curiously, and then the man buzzed and said. : "Don't stare at the sea all the time, you will get seasick."


Schiller slowly looked away and asked him, "I heard from my tour guide, your name is Viking? Is this your nickname?"


"Yes, but I don't like it very much. I'm not a pirate." The Viking walked to the cabin and started to organize He asked, "Are you going to use a fishing rod or a trawling net?"


"Let's go fishing first, can you help me find a good fishing spot?" Schiller said. The Viking squatted down and started tidying up the fishing line and rod. While tidying up, he said, "It's not the right time for you to come, there are more people now, and the good fishing spots are all taken up. I know the other ones are pretty good. fishing spot..."


"Oh, I see. If my catch is good today, I'll be happy to tip half of it." Schiller stepped forward and crouched down, looking at the fishing rods of different lengths.


"No, I'm not asking for tips, I just want to say that those fishing spots are more troublesome and may require you to have better fishing skills."


The Vikings began to arrange the fishing line, but Schiller stood up and looked towards the sea, just as the Vikings said, almost all the places on the sea are now occupied by fishing boats, and the Vikings are now advancing this direction, without any boat.


"My fishing skills are not good, but they are not bad. We can try it out. If we really can't catch it, then forget it. I don't like fish very much anyway." Schiller shrugged and seemed to be very talkative Instead, the Viking looked up at him in surprise, and the Viking asked:


"Are you a university professor? Which university do you teach at?"


"Gotham University."


The fishing line in the Viking's hand became a mess.


96. .

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