American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 673: Someone steals electricity and doesn't take me! (Down)

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In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, when it was Loki's turn to speak, he also took a sip of water, then cleared his throat, and said, "As the most solid ally of mankind, the eternal backing of the nine kingdoms, of course Asgard. It is to support the righteous actions of the earth..."

"Okay, the results and motives are all in place, now there's a trick, what are you going to do?"

The other three looked at each other, and then looked at Loki together. Loki felt a little chill on his back when they looked at him. He touched his cheek and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"You Asgardians, are your speeches at the meeting so brief and straightforward?" Nick asked very politely.

Loki thought for a moment and said, "My speech is already too long, if Thor came here, he would only say three words, what should I do? "

The other three sighed in unison, and Schiller sighed: "Asgard is really simple and honest, but unfortunately, he is the lord of the nine kingdoms."

Loki turned his body in the other direction, looked at him sideways and said, "Don't you want to use the energy of the World Tree? "

"Can we use it?" Schiller's eyes lit up immediately, and the other two also looked at Loki with concern, and Loki crossed his arms and said, "It can be used, but, using the energy here, but It's the same fate as Asgard."

Suddenly, the three of them either raised their heads to study the ceiling or lowered their heads to study the table. Loki snorted coldly and said, "I never imagined that in a meeting, I would be the one with the highest moral bottom line."

"Okay, let's get down to business. Now that the basic theme has been set, let's think about what to do now." Schiller said while rubbing his chin, he thought for a while, and took the lead:

"If you use Peter, Tony will definitely not want to. If you use Venom, this guy's asking price is too high. Hiring him once will make my heart bleed."

"So, is there any way to bypass the two of them who have absorbed the power of faith, and we do it ourselves? ' asked Schiller.

"Actually, as long as we find out the source of the power of faith and find the channel, we can intercept this power just as we intercepted Gnar's power before." Strange obviously understood the principle better. Explained: "Earth's magical defense network is actually a protective shield for intercepting power. "

The principle that it can prevent the invasion of demons is actually because demons are all composed of energy, and the magic defense network can intercept all kinds of energy. If energy cannot invade, the demons will naturally not be able to enter. "

"If we find this channel and connect this channel to the magic defense network, can we intercept this energy through the magic defense network?" Nick asked.

"Theoretically speaking, this is the most convenient and fast method. Moreover, the magic defense network can not only intercept power, but also actively extract power." Strange proposed a new concept, he said: "Those who collide with magic The demon gods that disappeared directly from the defense network were not killed, but their energy was directly drained by the network."

"Many powerful demon gods are reluctant to attack the earth directly. This is also the reason. Once you take the initiative to touch the magic defense network of the earth, it is equivalent to telling the network your home address and the Supreme Mage."

"Demon gods like Dormammu and Mephisto have defenses in their dimensions, and they won't be drawn by strange energy channels, but many demon gods don't have such defenses."

"In the era when the ancient one was the supreme mage, most of the demon gods would be drained of a lot of power after touching the magic defense network, making them weak, which is why the ancient one was able to solve them so easily. The reason for the drop."

The knowledge explained by Strange sounds a bit tongue-in-cheek, but in essence, it emphasizes the power of this network.

The magic defense network of the earth can be understood as a system covering the earth. Only the energy allowed by the Supreme Mage can pass through. Once the energy of the devil is connected, his access information will be left on the network, and the Supreme Mage can pass through. This information reversely invaded his dimension, extracted energy remotely, and then came to chop him up.

"Then the only problem now is to find

To provide you with the fastest update of "Meiman: Opening Guidance Batman" of the great **** Yumu burning rope!

Chapter 673 Someone steals electricity and doesn't take me! (below) Free reading: https://,!

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to the channel through which the power of faith is transmitted. Schiller thought for a while, then said, "Based on Stark's performance, it can be seen that something must be happening in the universe."

"If I guess correctly, it may have something to do with Peter. That is to say, the power of belief may come from outside the universe. In this case, it is not very easy to check." Schiller said with a frown.

"No, it's actually easier to check." Strange suddenly said something surprising, he said, "Although none of us can freely roam between universes, some people can."

"Who? ' Nick asked.

"Ancient Master."

Ten minutes later, a figure in a yellow robe descended into the room, and the magic radiance was brighter than the light in an instant. The voice of the ancient master, with an ethereal feeling, came from a distance.

"Where to kill, how much to kill?"

In an instant, this sense of mystery was shattered, and Gu Yi appeared, brushed the dust on his robes with his hands, and said, "Why are you looking for me now?"

"It's like this..." Strange began to explain the current situation to Gu Yi. After listening, Gu nodded and said, "Does it involve the multiverse? This is quite strange."

It was the first time Schiller heard the word "multiverse" in the mouths of the natives of this world. Others generally referred to the place outside this universe as "above the universe".

When Strange pressed on the word, Gu Yi explained: "The place outside the universe is not above the universe, and the universe is not stacked according to some law and order. You can call the place outside the universe as Infinity, and beyond infinity there is a greater infinity."

Schiller has learned about the structure of the Marvel universe, and the multiverse is indeed not the end. There are also super universes, almighty universes, and so on.

Fortunately, Stark was not there, otherwise he would definitely ask the bottom line, but none of the people present were too entangled in these conceptual questions. At this time, Gu Yi said again:

"The Morun family? I remember, I seem to have killed a member of this family before, and in New York, before he died, he seemed to be eroded by some kind of power. Is it a special function of the bat totem?"

After speaking, she recalled again, and then said, "Before, I did help the new totem, and it hasn't paid off, but it's not a loss if I can get some faith."

"I can help you find the location of the Morun family in the multiverse, but it is difficult to determine whether they can find the channel through which they transmit their beliefs, and whether this channel can be connected to the defense network," Gu Yi said. .

Although Strange and the others were inseparable from each other, they did not say anything to death. After all, they believed that finding the channel and connecting it was already the most difficult step in this plan. On the connection, isn't it a matter of minutes to extract beliefs?

But when Gu Yi left, Schiller remembered one thing, and he asked Strange: "What if Master Gu Yi found that place and couldn't hold back and chopped them all up? "

Strange's eyes widened for a moment, then he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said to Gu Yi, "Teacher! Please hold back! Don't kill them, you must hold back!"

After about a few minutes, good news came from Gu Yi, she found the residence of the Morun family, and held back and did not kill them all.

Several people in the office stood up, Strange opened the portal, and several people came to the energy center of Kama Taj and began to wait.

Soon, the magic defense network lit up, and a golden meteor streaked across the sky from far to near, and then merged into the defense network.

The four of them stood in a row, looking with hopeful eyes as a golden thread gradually lit up on the Magic Defense Network.

At the same time, in Eddie's apartment, several symbiotes surround Venom, and Venom guides Eddie's thinking into meditation.

The symbiote can only rely on the host, so he can only guide Eddie to respond, but fortunately, Eddie was originally engaged in writing work, and his imagination was rich enough, so he quickly entered the state.

Just like when they had cooperated many times before, they saw a group of bats with heavy shadows. Looking at it, Venom found something wrong, he said with some doubts.

To provide you with the fastest update of "Meiman: Opening Guidance Batman" of the great **** Yumu burning rope!

Chapter 673 Someone steals electricity and doesn't take me! (below) Free reading: https://,!

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: "Why did the golden light on this bat fade so much?"

"The last time I came, didn't these golden rays of light cover most of the wings?" Eddie also felt that something was wrong, he said, "Also, the accumulation rate is also much slower."

Realizing that there might be an abnormal situation, Venom also gave up the previous conservative temptation plan. He directly controlled Eddie's consciousness and began to affect the group of bats.

Then, he heard the familiar prayers again, but this time, the prayers were much weaker, and Venom also heard a vague exhaustion in these voices.

Venom, who didn't know what happened, thought it was just his own illusion, so he began to put his plan into practice, but to some surprise, the response from the opposite side was no longer as fast as before, but rather hesitant.

It wasn't until Venom let this power of faith go, covering most of the bodies of all bats, that only the tip of the wings was left, and the golden light suddenly rose up.

In an instant, Venom exerted its force, looting all the power of belief, and a lot of energy poured into Venom and Eddie's body. Several other symbiotes touched Eddie's body with the tentacles of the symbiote factor, transferring the excess energy to themselves. .

After repeating this process a few times, Venom found that the golden light had become thinner and thinner, and almost disappeared. He guessed that this might be because the power of faith stored on the opposite side was emptied by him. In this case, then Better to do it more thoroughly.

Venom covered the group of bats with the energy it had obtained from Gnar before, and the person on the opposite side seemed to sense that someone was competing with them for the ownership of the bat totem, and immediately became nervous.

They put more faith in, but they were all absorbed by the venom, until the last thin, almost colorless golden light disappeared completely, and the venom finally burped, and the other few The symbiotes were also lying on their backs on the sofa, eating until they couldn't walk.

Near the energy center of Kama Taj, Strange raised the staff in his hand, and the golden thread fell on his staff along the center of the magic defense network. In an instant, a starry sky covered the surrounding space. .

Everyone saw the group of flying black bats, and Strange said in a deep voice, "The extraction function is about to be turned on!"

In an instant, the golden thin line became thicker, and the energy on the thin line surged more violently. Schiller stared at the thin line, as if staring at the mature crops, the old farmers who are about to usher in a bumper harvest.

However, the energy surged for a long time, and there was no power of faith transmitted. Strange paused for a and said with some doubts: "Wait, there may be a problem, I will debug it."

She tried again, but still no power of faith came over. Soon, Gu Yi's figure appeared, and she said in a very puzzled voice: "What's going on? The power of faith on the opposite side seems to have disappeared?"

She and Strange looked at each other, Gu Yi stretched out his hand and waved, and the surrounding space changed again. In an instant, countless thin lines were revealed.

Then, everyone saw that on this main energy channel, one left and one right, there were two thin forks.

At this moment, the last bit of faith, along the fork on the right, completely disappeared into nothingness, and then across the universe, a few people heard a few voices full of satisfaction: "Hiccup!"

Schiller immediately understood what was going on. In an instant, Schiller's roar echoed in Kama Taj's hall:

"Someone stole electricity!!!"

To provide you with the fastest update of "Meiman: Opening Guidance Batman" of the great **** Yumu burning rope!

Chapter 673 Someone steals electricity and doesn't take me! (below) Free reading: https://,!


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