American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 85: Good Guys' War (Part 2)

Although the lizardmen wanted to take the initiative to run away, Peter couldn't just let this monster leave. If he rushed to the ground, New York would definitely be messed up by him based on the size of this monster.

As soon as the lizard man turned and ran back, Peter struggled to get up, crawled quickly on the wall, and followed the monster.

Peter's sense of direction is quite good. He has been in the sewers for so many days, and he has a clear record of the route. He estimated it and found that the lizardman didn't seem to be running around, but purposefully rushing in one direction. .

Where is he going? What are you going to do there? What the **** is going on here?

Then Peter remembered that in the maintenance point he went to the reservoir, among the biological tissue samples he saw, there were lizard tails. Could it be the monster created by the mad scientist?

The lizard man was running in front, and Peter was chasing behind. Maybe the scientist didn't know the size of the sewer. The monster he created was a little too big, so that he had to bow his head when he ran. The ceiling of the sewer in New York Although there are some more than ten meters high, but some narrow paths, this lizardman can only bend forward.

This gave Peter a good opportunity to delay his action. Taking advantage of the inconvenience of the lizard man, Peter blocked his legs with a spider web. Who knew that this monster seemed to retain some intelligence and was not tripped by the spider web. Instead, he shrank his body and stepped over.

Peter failed to make another plan. He wrapped the spider silk around the lizardman's neck, trying to use inertia to bring him down, but the lizardman couldn't take him. Cut the spider silk and swiped Spider-Man out again.

This time, Spider-Man also learned to be smart. When he landed, he rolled on the ground and stood up again. He found that he was very inexperienced in dealing with such a huge monster. After all, no robber and thief would have four Five meters high.

Moreover, besides its claws, the lizardman's most important weapon also has the huge tail. As soon as its tail swept away, Peter was directly photographed on the wall. Spider-Man, who did not expect this monster to change his moves, was ruthless. Taken a blow and swept away.

Fortunately, he had plenty of stamina and strong recovery ability, and after a while, he caught up with the lizardmen again.

Peter found that to deal with this monster, he really had to lead it to the ground. Although the sewers were a little unfavorable to this huge monster, Spider-Man had no room to play. The space of the entire sewer was directly filled by this monster. , he couldn't do it even if he wanted to surround it with spider silk.

And as the monster's direction gradually became clear, Peter found that he seemed to be heading for the Stark Building.

Peter couldn't understand this better. He usually went to practice along this road after exploring the sewers.

Peter couldn't understand what this monster wanted to do, but he knew he couldn't let this monster just rush to the ground and run to Stark Building. Stark is in a very bad state now, maybe he is still drunk and sober. If the mecha cannot be driven, the hundreds of employees in this building will be in great danger.

Just as Peter was thinking, this monster also found that he was advancing in the sewers, it would be better to run to the ground earlier, so he jumped up at the nearest manhole cover.

Not having the size of the manhole cover at all, the lizardmen smashed through the road and rushed out, followed by Peter.

Suddenly, a monster emerged from the ground, and the road was in chaos. The dozen or so cars behind slammed on the brakes, all of them collided, and a violent explosion sounded.

Spider-Man wanted to go and save people, but he watched the huge monster stepping on the car and running quickly towards the Stark Building. Peter really had no choice. He pressed the communicator on his wrist and said loudly: " Mr. Stark!!!? Mr. Stark!!! Are you there?!! Wake up!! A lizard monster is heading towards you!! Wake up!!!"

There was no response from the communicator, Peter scolded secretly, then called Steve, he said, "Captain! Come and organize traffic! A monster ran past! It's on the main road east of Stark Building. Come on, someone here needs help!!"

Just as he was about to continue calling Schiller, he found that the lizard man in front jumped and fell directly into the parking lot around the Stark Building.

Peter had to hurry to follow, his spider web directly stuck to the glass wall of another building in Stark Building, and then swayed down quickly, kicking the lizard man on the neck.

The huge monster staggered, but used its tail for balance.

He stretched out his hand to catch Spider-Man, but the Stark Group building had five or six buildings in a surrounding structure, which gave Peter the best room for maneuverability.

Seeing the lizardman stretch out his hand, Peter swung directly from his side with another spider silk, and when he turned around, he stuck another spider silk on his arm, intending to drag the lizardman down.

The lizardman waved his arm vigorously, broke free of the spider silk, and rushed into the interior of the Stark Building.

The internal structure of the Stark Building is complex, but since the building is so large, each floor is high enough that the lizardmen can move around unobstructed.

Although Peter's communication was not answered by Stark before, Jarvis was awake anyway. Hearing that a monster was coming, Jarvis directly activated the security protocol, evacuated most of the employees, and activated all the security measures. A protective means that can be activated, which effectively delays the movements of the Lizardmen.

However, the final security protocol requires the authorization of Stark himself. Without this security protocol, many permanently closed security doors cannot be dropped, and many weapons of mass destruction cannot be used. Although the lizardmen have been slowed down, they still do not have effective means to deal with him.

Spider-Man also found that he seemed to lack some powerful means of attack. During the process of chasing the lizardmen inside the building, he knocked down the lizardmen several times, and used spider silk to trip him several times, but this big guy was too patient. Beaten, Peter threw a few punches, and he just shook his head.

This monster seems to have the ability to recover beyond ordinary people. Peter cut off a section of his tail with the falling broken glass, intending to cut off his arm first. As long as there is no tail, it will be much more difficult for the lizardman to maintain his balance.

As a result, before Peter could make the next move, the lizard man's tail quickly grew out.

Peter swung his cobwebs up and down the ceiling, trying to use words to get the attention and keep him from climbing up.

"Hey, big guy! Where did you get your quick-acting glue? Look here, your spider dad will give you a hard kick, like this!"

Peter swung down again quickly, intending to kick the lizardman's chest. As a result, the lizardman learned to be smart. As soon as Peter swung over, he dodged to the side, grabbed Peter's caster a few times, and then directly Throw Peter out.

Peter knocked over a pile of desks and flew out along the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Fortunately, he tumbled in mid-air, a spider silk stuck to the wall, swayed back from the broken window on the other side, and kicked the lizardman on the back.

Although Peter has learned a lot of fighting skills from Steve, now he is only a little better than punching the king and eight punches. He has learned to use spider silk to increase his mobility, and then use gravity and inertia to increase his strength.

Although this tactic can't completely subdue the lizardman, it can really slow down his pace. After all, Peter's strength is strong enough. If one kicks the lizardman, he has to stumble, and then another punch will make the monster confused. For a while.

The two ran and chased each other, advancing layer by layer. Under the interference of each other, the lizardmen finally climbed to the upper floors of Stark Building, and Spider-Man shouted helplessly: "Jarvis, how long will Mr. Stark take? Can you? Hurry up?"

"I'm activating the emergency wake-up means..."

"What emergency call..."

Before Peter could finish speaking, an earth-shattering loud noise came from inside the Stark Building.

It was a rock music player with a volume of at least one hundred decibels, and the huge sound waves shook both Spider-Man and Lizardman.

"Is this the emergency wake-up method you're talking about?!!! Can't you get him a headset?!!! This is an indiscriminate attack at all!!!!" Peter shouted, but his voice was direct drowned in the loud music.

Jarvis turned his volume up too, saying, "Mr. Stark hates noise!!!! This effectively sobers him up!!!"

As soon as Jarvis finished speaking, a mech flew directly into the interior from the hole in the window, and Stark was shouting: "Enough!!!! Turn it off!!! I'm awake. !!!”

By the end of the music, Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Lizardmen are all buzzing.

Spider-Man hadn't recovered from his tinnitus, but he was still shouting: "Jarvis!!! I have to say!!! This is your most effective weapon!!!"

Stark didn't have the time to talk trash. After all, this was his own house. He sprinted with maximum power and knocked the Lizardman out of the Stark Building.

The floor here is not low. If it falls, unless the lizard can grow wings, it will definitely fall into flesh.

But the monster seemed to have a good balance. When he was in the air, he flicked his tail, gave Stark's mecha, and then rolled over and hung on the edge of the window. He jumped up again with his arms, and went straight to The former jumped back to the center of the battlefield.

Stark seems to have just sobered up, and his mind is still not sober.

Spider-Man kept harassing the Lizardmen next to him, and Stark connected to Spider-Man's communication and began to formulate a battle plan.

"Listen, let's drive it to the top of the building, and then I use another mech to sneak attack and knock him off the top of the building. He shouldn't be able to fly, right?"

"No, if there were, he wouldn't be here long ago, but his overdrive resilience is a problem, maybe he wouldn't die if he fell."

"But he is absolutely incapacitated."

Just do what they say, Peter and Stark interspersed back and forth, both of them are very flexible, Stark also mastered the firepower inside the Stark Building, cooperated with his palm cannon, and chased the lizardmen all the way to the building top.

On the top of the building, Stark stood on the edge of the building and kept firing cannonballs at the Lizardmen. The Lizardmen didn't care about Spider-Man who was constantly harassing him, and rushed towards Stark.

Stark pretended to reveal a flaw and lowered his flying height. The Lizardman jumped up and hugged Iron Man's mecha. Iron Man directly used inertia to take him out of the roof, and the two began to fall together. .

Originally, Stark wanted to seduce him, let him jump to the edge, and then use another mech to knock it flying, but as a result, the monster moved too fast, and hugged the one driven by Iron Man. This mech.

The power of the lizard man was so great that the mecha soon started to burst into flames, and Stark shouted from inside: "Jarvis! Discharge!"

"Sir, you can't discharge it now. Once the mecha is scrapped, you will be killed at such a high height."

The two fell quickly, and the whistling wind sounded in Stark's ears. Stark said, "Discharge immediately! Scrap the mecha! Pop me out! Someone will catch me!"

Jarvis was silent for a second, and the whole mecha began to burst with violent electric light. The pain of the Lizardman's electric shock caused him to let go. The mecha exploded in a burst of electric light, the cockpit was ejected, and Stark was directly fleshed out. Break away and fall together in mid-air.

Rather than saying that this height is too high, it is better to say that the time to fall from this height saved Stark's life, a spider silk swayed over, and Spider-Man directly caught Stark who was falling.

Soon, the wreckage of the exploding mecha fell to the ground along with the lizardmen.

Between the dust and the dust, Spider-Man put Stark down. It was really a close call just now. It fell from such a high height. If it really fell to the ground, God would not be able to save it.

Soon, the smoke from the ground and the explosion dispersed, and the huge monster landed in a pit. All his limbs seemed to be broken, and his internal organs should have become a mess.

But his superhuman recovery ability was still in play, and within a few breaths, the twisted bones were gradually returning to their normal positions, and Spider-Man said: "God! He can recover! This is completely medical. Miracle, isn't it?"

Stark narrowed his eyes and said, "This is indeed a medical miracle..."

"We need to subdue him quickly, if he recovers, it will be bad."

Saying that Spider-Man was about to move forward, another mech flew in mid-air. After Stark was armed, he stopped him and said, "This self-healing ability consumes energy, and his energy should already be It's almost gone, let's see what he really looks like."

Stark seems to mean something, Spider-Man is a little confused, what is the true face of the Lizardman? A large lizard?

Peter said: "A few days ago, I found someone doing an experiment in the sewer. This monster must be the product of his experiment. We catch him, and then we have to find the real murderer."

Peter was explaining to Stark how he found those traces from the sewers, and then encountered this monster. He glanced at the pit and found that the size of the monster seemed to be shrinking. After a while, the shrinking and normal people about there.

Then the green and lizard-specific features on his body began to fade, Peter gradually opened his eyes, and he saw that lying in the big pit was a gray-haired middle-aged man.

"Dr. Connors!"

Peter was so shocked that he even stuttered: "How could it be... how could he? What happened to him? How could this monster be Dr. Connors????"

"I'll just say that this super-speedy recovery ability looks familiar." Stark raised his visor, he walked into the pit, and Peter followed behind him.

Peter said incoherently: "There may be some misunderstanding... Was he framed? How could he be a monster? Dr. Connors is a good teacher, he helped me a lot, I..."

Stark seemed a little silent, and his face was haggard under his cheeks, as if he had just woken up from a hangover.

The man lying on the ground moved, and Peter couldn't care anymore, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Fortunately, even though the Lizardman fell from such a high floor, his super-speed recovery ability made his wounds almost healed before he turned back into a human form.

Dr. Connors turned over with his own strength, his head was covered with blood, and his entire clothes were almost soaked with blood. He turned his head to look like Stark, and said in a low voice: "I'm only one short of blood. Just a little...just a little bit, ahem, you can judge you, the devil..."

Stark didn't taunt his enemies like he used to, he looked at Connors silently.

Peter couldn't accept the situation in front of him at all, he said with a little breakdown: "What the **** is going on here?? What is going on with the two of you? Dr. Connors, why are you... There must be some misunderstanding here, right? ?"

"Peter, Peter Parker." Dr. Connors closed his eyes, his tone was exhausted, "Spider-Man, you ruined..."

He stopped, wondering if he didn't have the strength to go on, or if he didn't want to.

"Yes, I'm Peter... Doctor, can you tell me what the **** is going on?"

Connors seemed to be completely exhausted, and a weak researcher didn't even have the strength to sit up.

He lay in the middle of the big pit and said in a dry voice, "I told you this story before, but you didn't seem to listen carefully..."

"I am a captain. I have participated in the war with the combat unit. Although I was only a military doctor, I persisted in the area where the artillery fire was the most intense for 63 hours..."

"For this, I lost an arm and almost all my comrades..."

"We obeyed their orders, and we didn't retreat. We had a team of 32 people. Only 6 people survived. I lost an arm, and some people lost both legs, but we all came back alive..."

"Compensation... oh, yes... of course there is compensation. They checked us out, put us in the hospital for a while, and then gave us a sum of money, and then, no more..."

"No one cares about how difficult it is for you to continue living as a disabled person, and no one cares about the dilemma that you can't even open the can after paying an arm..."

"And no one cares about the sympathetic look others give you, or the impatient attitude when you can't pick up something..."

"I just want to change this, just want to change this..."

Peter felt a little suffocated, mixed emotions rushed over his chest, he took off his hood and began to breathe heavily.

His eyes were flushed, and he said, "You've changed everything! We almost made it, and the recovery serum really worked..."

"Yeah, just a little... I thought it was close, but then I found out that this point may be a high wall that can never be crossed..."

Dr. Connors' throat moved slowly, he said: "We were driven out like rats, and no one cared how much this research could make a difference to these scumbags at the bottom of society..."

"Even if I am only a minute short of success, I will still be kicked out."

He turned his head and looked at Stark with some godless eyes. He said, "To be driven out by these devils who only care about their own interests and interests..."

"It's not like that, it's not like that!" Peter knelt down beside him and said, "There's a misunderstanding here, I think I can..."

Peter's voice stopped abruptly, he took a deep breath, then covered his face, his breath began to shake uncontrollably, and when he found that Dr. Connors was gradually losing consciousness, he really broke down.

"No, wait... Dr. Connors! Dr. Connors! Just hold on and we'll save you..."

Peter didn't even know how he said such a thing, obviously ten minutes ago, he wanted to destroy this monster immediately.

Now things are very clear, Stark is under pressure from the military, he terminated the medical technology research and development in cooperation with the military, so that the ultra-fast recovery serum project carried out by Dr. Connors could not be completed.

So it turned into a giant lizard monster, trying to get revenge on Stark.

Peter suddenly thought that since this lizard monster was Dr. Connors, was the stronghold he destroyed at that time the place where Dr. Connors conducted his final research?

Is it because he destroyed that stronghold that the serum failed? What made Dr. Connors such a monster?

A suffocation engulfed Peter, why? Why is this happening? He clearly just wants to do good things!

This feeling of utter helplessness was a pain Peter had never experienced before.

Obviously, Dr. Connors is a good person. He and his comrades died for the country. After being treated unfairly, he still actively participates in scientific research and wants to improve the lives of these people through his intelligence.

But Mr. Stark is also a good man, and it wasn't all his fault to stop the cooperation of the medical project. He defeated the lizard monster and saved the rest of New York.

Peter feels that he is also a good person, and he clearly took the first action when he saw some possible dangerous situations.

But Dr. Connors is lying in the big pit, covered in blood, his life and death are unknown, Stark is standing there silently, he seems to regard all this as a kind of punishment for facing the crime, for this reason tormented.

Peter felt a tremendous amount of pain, even more so than when the sharp blade slashed his chest.

On the way of his studies, the teacher who carefully taught him, and the senior who provided him with battle clothes and protection, and taught him all kinds of knowledge, the two of them faced each other.

Peter didn't know who to help. It was like a double-edged sword that he held and stabbed them in the chest at the same time, tears almost soaking the collar of his spider suit.

Peter stood up, he was facing another sunset, and in a trance, he remembered what Schiller told him, there is no black, no white, just a hazy gray fog that can't be seen clearly.

This is the real face of the world, and he can't always stand on the side of justice as he thought.

Now he finally understands that the saddest thing in this world is not that good people are brought down by bad people, but that good people are brought down by good people.

There is no winner in this war between good men.

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