Chapter 184: Move into Skull Island! The growing behemoth!

Jiang Bai: "You can join, but you need to observe. The reputation and influence of the Illuminati are very great now. So if they create any accidents after joining, the Illuminati will be discredited in the end. I am not worried about Susan. You are also aware of her brother's impulsive, irritable and irritable situation."

Jiang Bai: "As for T'Challa's sister, she is indeed a genius. It is no problem for her to join. Like Susan and John, she will enter the probation period. After passing the probation period, she will become a member of the Illuminati. What do you think?"

Reed: "No problem. That kid is indeed a bit unreliable."

T'Challa: "Okay!"

Jiang Bai spoke first after entering the meeting room and said what the Illuminati needed to solve next, such as the problem of mutants and Hydra. Finally, Susan, John, and Shuri entered the probation period. The meeting ended and Jiang Bai walked out of the meeting room first.

Prepare to take Hulk back to Skull Island. He is not suitable to stay in the Illuminati. After all, only Zhao Hailun is doing research here. Only on Skull Island can he fight Martin, Cain, and various creatures, so that his strength will become stronger and stronger.

Robert: "Jiang, wait, you don't mind having one more neighbor. You know, I have exposed my identity in this crisis. In order to avoid those damn organizations and politicians from disturbing me, only your Skull Island is a good place."

Jiang Bai: "Oh? You want to come to Skull Island? That's fine, but now you have to build it yourself."

Robert: "No, you can just help me teleport my own house! It takes too long to build a house, and I guess I will be annoyed to death by those organizations and politicians at that time."

T'Challa: "Do you mind having one more neighbor? I also want to live on Skull Island, but you have to make a teleportation array for me."

Jiang Bai: "Okay, come if you want."

Knowing that Robert and T'Challa wanted to live on Skull Island, Jiang Bai had no objection. Robert's words may indeed be to avoid being disturbed by those people. T'Challa probably wants to get closer to him. Now there is more than just him on Skull Island.

Tony, Robert who was about to move in, and himself, the three of them were almost the core of the Illuminati, so it was nothing for T'Challa to have such an idea.

Take Hulk back to Skull Island, tell it some precautions and let it go to the forest by itself! Wanda, Mary and the others have all come down from the aerospace carrier and returned to the manor, and Pepper has also returned to Tony's manor on Skull Island.

Use the teleportation array inside to return to Tony's villa in New York, and gently comfort Wanda and the others. Jiang Bai used the space gem to move Robert's house over, and also met his wife, Lindy Reynolds!

In a parallel world timeline, in the aftermath of the superhuman civil war, Lindy's husband became part of the government-recognized Avengers, and Ultron attacked New York. Seeing that Robert was too powerful to be defeated, Ultron decided to kill Lindy and brutally dismembered her.

Robert was furious and almost killed Ultron. Ms. Marvel knocked him out. Later, Robert unconsciously resurrected Lindy. The two did not have much communication, but now Lindy and Robert seem to have a better relationship.

Perhaps it was because Robert saved the earth. After all, American women are strong and hero-worshipping. After making a teleportation array in Robert's house, he left. This teleportation array is directly teleported to Jiang Bai's manor in New York.

There is always an energy shield there, and there is nothing in the villa in the manor. Only some furniture is left in the basement. There is also a small spaceship with the ability to jump in short distances, which was also made by Gray Wolf before.

He used the space ability to go to Wakanda again, took out the house made of vibranium by T'Challa, and then arranged a teleportation array for Wakanda to reach here! Then he returned to his manor and said something to King Kong.

Now there are many people living on Skull Island. There is a special magnetic field outside the island. All electronic equipment will fail when passing through there. Not only is the environment here good, the air is fresh, but it is also very safe! There is also King Kong guarding.


Monarch Organization

In a special cave, two huge eggs are constantly absorbing the surrounding radiation to grow. Not far away in the cliff is the laboratory of the Monarch Organization, where the genes of the egg are being studied. There are also things that can control the two giant beasts inside.

The main thing is to start from the aspect of mental ability to cooperate with the research on them! If possible, they all want to put an instrument in the brain of the giant beast to control them! It’s a pity that the eggs cannot be destroyed now, otherwiseThe giant beast inside is likely to die.

However, some of the extra tissues of the egg were cut by them for research. Not only did they contain the genes of the two giant beasts in the egg, but also a special gene. Even the bones of the original giant beast Godzilla were not spared.

All of them were used for research, and the bones were cut open to study the bone marrow inside. The research value of these things is very huge, and they are far superior to other organizations that study giant beasts. Even some countries can't compare with them.

After all, they have obtained the bones of an ancient Godzilla and two living giant beast eggs! Other countries can only find some original ancient ruins at most, and the walls inside record some of the Titan beasts.

Especially in the deep rainforest of Yun Province in China, there are the ruins of Mothra's ancient palace! The current Mothra is likely to be still inside, it has not died, and has not returned to the center of the earth to revive. It is very likely to be sleeping in the palace.

Li Xiao: "It won't be long before the two giant beasts can break out of their shells."

William: "Yes, at that time, we can control them to find more giant beasts for research."

Serizawa Eiji: "However, we have to pay attention to the Illuminati. If they know that we control the giant beasts, the organization will suffer an unprecedented blow."

Li Xiao: "Indeed, especially Jiang Bai, and the man who defeated the gods in outer space. We haven't found any information about him yet, but as long as we control more giant beasts, the Illuminati will not be afraid!"

In an office, the founders of the Emperor Organization were chatting. When talking about the Illuminati, everyone's face changed slightly. The Illuminati put too much pressure on them, not just them. All organizations and countries are like this!

The Illuminati is too powerful...

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