American Comics: Picking Up Natasha Romanoff At The Start

Chapter 148: The Source of Hammer Power

It's a pity, perhaps because the corpse of the god is too powerful, Wang Mang felt powerless for the first time and found that he couldn't use the power of the Lich King to revive it.

This feeling of seeing something good in front of you, but not being able to move, is very uncomfortable, so Wang Mang decided to find a professional to understand.

In the entire Marvel universe, Wang Mang, who is proficient in necromancy, can only think of a Hela...

Hela frowned when she heard Wang Mang's question, pondered for a moment, and said solemnly: "I hadn't considered this issue before. Under normal circumstances, the one who can be beaten to death by you, even if the strength is stronger than you, is limited. As an undead originally, it is weaker than before, so that it cannot be resurrected. But since you have encountered this problem..."

Speaking of this, the tone became a little gloating: "It's nothing more than insufficient strength, unable to maintain or control this power. Therefore, you need a powerful enough energy source to maintain its existence!"

Oh, I told you the method, it's up to you whether you can find it or not...

I thought Wang Mang would be distressed, but the other party just hesitated for a moment, then raised his brows: "So?

Hela: "???"

What the hell are you so unchasing, how easy it is to give up?

Hela, who wanted to see Wang Mang's desperately depressed look, was like eating a fly.

The impact of information asymmetry is reflected - the...  

Others may not know, Wang Mang will definitely not forget that there is a group of the Eternal Fire in Asgard's palace treasury. In the original book, Hela used a small part of it to resurrect her undead army.

Even if you can't use this, there is also Casket of Ancient Winters, which is a better match for the Lich King as a frost type.

What? This is Odin's collection?

No, no, in Wang's eyes, Asgard's treasure trove is already half the back garden.

The treasures of heaven, earth and earth are inhabited by those who are virtuous. This thing is related to me, Wang Mang!

Bring it to improve my strength, and help you get Ragnarök by the way, is it better than keeping moldy?

Definitely, Hela didn't know about this, or just hadn't thought of this for a while...

"Then change the conditions."

Wang Mang had to rely on this piece of information without a trace: "Compared to my bargaining chip, you can't talk about it? After all, the problem has not been solved."

Hela hesitated: "Indeed.""

Wang Mang said, the spell in his hand was running, and a video appeared...

In the clear magic picture, it was the scene where Jane Foster raised Mjolnir, and Hela's eyes narrowed.

"This is...she actually lifted Mauernier, and it was recognized! 99

Having said that, his fists clenched suddenly.

Wang Mang guessed that she probably remembered the time when the hammer was in her hands. She used Miaolnir to lay down almost the entire Nine Realms for Odin. In the end, Odin sold her directly to have a second child. ....

"No, is this a mortal?"

Hela's eyes widened, as if she saw the most incredible thing in the world, she laughed wildly: "Hahahaha..."

This mad woman's attitude made Wang Mang silently stay away from her.

However, he also understands that Mjolnir is more symbolic than practical in a sense, and this is what the heir to the throne is qualified to pick up.

In the hands of Hela, it was taken back by Odin. As the former owner of the hammer, Hela was naturally very dissatisfied, but now that Mjolnir actually recognized a mortal, one can imagine how depressed Odin would be.

Jane Foster in the video put down the hammer under the guidance of Wang Mang, the surrounding thunderclouds and storms disappeared without a trace, and Hela's brows wrinkled again.


Hela was lost in thought.

Wang Mang couldn't help but explain: "Odin once cast a spell on Mjolnir, whoever lifts Mjolnir, as long as he is qualified, will gain the power of Thor...


Hela interrupted: "This old guy can really put gold on his face. Do you really think that your... little girlfriend lifted the hammer because of Odin's spell?"

"Isn't it? Wait, she's not my girlfriend!"

Wang Mang couldn't help being a little speechless, why is it always misunderstood by people whenever there is a woman around him?


It's okay to have a relationship like the widow sister, the key is that many people who are obviously not related have been rumored, such as Wanda, who started the highest death sentence in three years....

Could it be that someone is behind my back against my reputation?

Well, don't worry about the details, listen to Hela, is there another reason?

"Why, don't believe it?

Hela sneered: "It seems that Odin has concealed a lot of historical truths! If Odin can really decide who is qualified to lift the hammer, then guess what, am I qualified?"

Definitely, and you can crush a hammer!

Wang Mang complained silently.

Hela continued: "The spell Odin cast on Mjolnir did play a role, but not as you might think. The spell was not to make the qualified lift the hammer, but to keep the unqualified from lifting it.35


It sounds a lot like a tongue twister, and it doesn't seem to be any different. But Wang Mang knew that there was actually a difference.

Why did Thor before exile on Earth, as a rash and brainless man who started war without authorization, could also lift a hammer?

Because at that time Odin's spell hadn't been on him yet...

Wang Mang vaguely remembers that Odin in the comics also had symptoms of inability to lift. It also shows that Odin is not the maker of the qualification of the hammer.

Well, none of these things really matter.

"You haven't explained Jane's problem to me.

Wang Mang is not very interested in Odin's black history or something, because his past behavior was too brutal, and now he has a redemption mentality.

Not to mention Asgard, there are a group of people in the world today, Wang Mang has seen a lot, and he thinks he committed too many sins in the past, and now he can talk relics...

Hela nodded and said in a low voice: "The source of Mjolnir's power is not Odin, or the dwarf who forged him, but..."

"God Storm! 99

(PS: The hammer setting is in the "Shenwei Thor" magazine) Yi.

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