According to Hela, Jane Foster is too fragile to withstand the power of the gods' storm, so even if he picks up a hammer, the power of the gods Thor is only short-lived.

And if you want to improve...

The improvement in physique can be said that the perfect version of the super soldier serum can at least raise Jane Foster to the level of an Asgard soldier.

As for fighting qualities, exm..

Shouldn't she be handed over to the widow sister for training?

Well, Wang Mang dropped this unrealistic option.

However, Miss Jane in the original is the darling of the version, not only a qualified person of Mjolnir, but also has the ability to become a valkyrie...

By the way, valkyrie!

Wang Mang suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up: "If I'm not wrong, when you were trying to escape the seal, Odin once sent a valkyrie force to stop you, right?

Hela glanced at him, and nodded at 28: "Yes, these women riding Pegasus are good, but they shouldn't provoke me, that's their own death, and I'll kill them."

You are awesome! So many beautiful valkyrie killed so cleanly, so accurate that they left an ugly...  

Could it be because Hellheim is so dark that the dark-skinned people just can't see it?

Wang Mang complained silently in his heart.

"Since you killed the valkyrie, I don't think, with your character, you won't give them rest?"

The reason why the Lich King is terrifying is because in front of him, death is never the end, your soul will be captured by Frostmourne, either you will become an undead and kneel and lick like a dog, or you will be imprisoned in the sword to endure eternal torment.

As the goddess of death who has some similarities with the Lich King, she also has similar means.

valkyrie, it's a legendary existence.

Wang Mang will not forget that even though he has been in a hurry for thousands of years, valkyrie, who has been hollowed out by drinking water, still has the ability to bring down Hulk.

Even if Hulk doesn't take it seriously, it also shows how powerful valkyrie is.

It's no shame to lose to Hela, this woman was the number one devil in the Nine Realms, second only to Odin's existence.

As one of Asgard's best troops, any of them can kill Leviathan giant kun casually, even if they are one of the most powerful in the entire universe.

Since it is already a soul, it can be used as a banshee...

Ah bah! Valkyrie's face value is used as a grinning banshee?

"You want valkyrie's soul?"

Hela raised his brows: "By the way, I almost forgot, your other artifact, that stick... er, staff, Nibelung staff... do you want to make Are they your heroic spirits?"

The Nibelungen Staff in the game, nicknamed "Harem Staff", has a special effect that when dealing damage, there is a chance to summon a Valkyrie's soul to fight for you. If you have a good character, you can see several at a time.

For example, Wang, who was before crossing, was surrounded by a group of valkyrie girls all the year round...

And the Nibelungen staff produced with Nidavi, this special effect has become the soul of Valkyrie who was killed in the redemption, allowing her to be transformed into a heroic spirit that retains the combat power before her death.

Heroic spirits were originally the same as before they were alive, but when they received serious damage, they could return to the staff for an unlimited number of times to recuperate...

Someone Wang said, I have taken a fancy to the powerful strength of Valkyrie, not to engage in a "harem stick"!

Facing Wang Mang's righteous and awe-inspiring request, Hela sneered and spread her hands: "No! 35


Wang Mang responded with a death stare.

What's the matter, I promised to save you in the future, but you kept your mouth shut the whole time, if you really ask you to order something, but you shirk?

Besides, the soul of valkyrie is in your hands, except to satisfy your bad taste of torture, it is useless!

Hela rolled her eyes: "No matter what you think. In fact, Valkyrie's soul is really not in my hands. I'm afraid it was annihilated in the battle. Hehehe, this is also their luck. Originally, I planned to entertain them well. Yes, they are cheaper!

valkyrie is gone?

Seeing that Hela didn't seem to be lying, and she didn't bother to lie, Wang Mang felt helpless. For such an army that once had all kinds of glory, I don't know whether to be happy or sad for them.

It is sad because the person who used to be loyal to the Asgard royal family died in the royal dispute in the end, leaving no soul behind.

Happy is because they can get a release, in a sense, they can rest in peace.

"All right.

Wang Mang shrugged a little disinterestedly: "Why do I feel that after working for a long time, I don't seem to get anything good? The means of resurrecting the undead powerhouse lacks the energy source you mentioned, and Miaoernier's problem has not been solved. , valkyrie's soul didn't get it either.35


With Hela's knowledge, Rao was almost stunned by Wang Mang's shamelessness. Instead of being angry, she laughed: "Hahaha, human, I finally know why you can fool that old guy Odin into letting you in. Your shamelessness. , and have a fight with him!

No, as a traveler, I am much more shameless than Odin, and I don't take advantage of the bastard.

Especially knowing that you are the villain, you will definitely squeeze 507 to the death.

Wang Mang secretly slandered that he was ready for Hela's rage, always ready to fight again...

However, what surprised him was that, probably because of the ten-year appointment, Hela didn't get angry and forcibly restrained his anger.

"Okay, tell me your real conditions. I hope you don't play with me, or I'll let you know what regrets are!"

Wang Mang knew that this was an ultimatum, and if he continued to play tricks, it would really collapse.

Wang Mang's expression turned serious: "Well, my last request must be something you can do. I need... an army!

"Dip! Prison escape master activates!

Odin's seal was effective for others, but for Wang Mang, it was useless, and any portal left Hellheim.

Hela watched Wang Mang disappear into the portal, was silent for a moment, and suddenly showed a weird smile, all the gloomy expressions that Wang Mang had previously had that didn't talk about martial arts all disappeared.

Immediately he said to himself: "Is there less than ten years... Sure enough, kingship is not eternal, everything will end. Odin, even you, after all, can't avoid birth, old age, sickness and death...

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