After Wang Mang arranged for them to stay, he took Jane Foster to Asgard, and has not returned until now.

Originally, Lorelai could still go to Asgard to find Wang Mang, but after the destruction of Bifrost, the two sides broke off communication.

Asgard actually has a ban, and general teleportation magic will be severely disturbed.

The most feared thing about the door of the dimension of Kamar-Taj inheritance is interference. It is a trivial matter to be unable to open the door if there is a little situation. If it is cut halfway, it will be over.

Just like the portal of Doctor Strange in the original book, it will disappear after a little interference by Kaecilius...

The only ones who can go back and forth at will are Ancient One, the ceiling of Earth's combat power, and Wang Mang, who has the system in his body and has a full portal proficiency.

Even Mordo's level would not dare to open the door for them casually...

"When will you be back, sir?"

Wanda rubbed the Primordial Devourer and raised her head to ask.

"Wanda, you've said it for the hundredth time!"

Kerry helped her forehead helplessly: "Senior brother, every time he goes out, he won't come back for ten days and a half, and the longest time he stayed outside 510 for ten years, it's not that you don't know.

"I know, it's just...

Wanda's expression was a little distressed: "Gu Gu seems to have eaten a bad stomach these days. She rolls around all day, and she has no appetite for what she feeds. I want Mr. Laugh to help."

Kelly: "???"

For this statement, she actually did not believe it for the first time.

A creature like the Primordial Beast can also eat a bad stomach?

This is a mythical beast that the dignified Wallace can't eat a one-stop meal!

Besides, are you really a king who is omnipotent?


As if hitting her in the face, the orange cat suddenly let out a shrill cry, covering her stomach and rolling frantically.

Kelly: "???"

"Ah! Here again!"

Wanda hurried forward, a crimson energy submerged into the orange cat's body.

Before, she had looked for a lot of veterinarians to no avail, and finally found out that her Chaos Force could actually relieve its symptoms.

However, this time it was a miscalculation, (cifh) orange cat's body also burst out with a terrifying energy, as if resisting Chaos force...

Although the nature of this force is not strictly as powerful as the Chaos force, age and experience limit Wanda, and soon her energy fluctuates for a split second.


A bright blue light erupted from the orange cat.


The harmless mouth of Gugu suddenly opened, and a figure with a staff and mucus suddenly spewed out of its mouth, along with a blue translucent square...


The embarrassed Loki rolled several times, his gorgeous magician robe was now pitted, and his long flowing hair seemed to be brushed down the toilet.

"Cough cough..."

Loki coughed a few times, reached out and rubbed a sticky liquid on his face that he didn't know whether it was saliva or gastric juice, and suddenly had the urge to die.

"Bastard! You damned ants, you actually treat a god like this!

The scene's character, Loki, let out a hysterical growl. He never thought that Tesseract would be put in the stomach of a cat by these bastards, and he almost killed him!

The reason why Loki decided that these people were cheating on him was because the Tesseract had indeed experienced energy fluctuations a while ago, and someone must have triggered its energy, otherwise it would not have been discovered and used by Thanos.

Wang Mang can be regarded as having a pot on his back...

Triggered cube energy? Does feeding Wallace to the cat count?

Loki roared wildly for a while, and suddenly felt a little cold.

Hmm? Why is it different from what I imagined? Since the earthlings deliberately pitted him, shouldn't Tesseract be guarded by a large number of heavily armed people? Why are there only a few women?

Where do you seem to have seen one?


Lorelei recognized the former prince first: "I remember you should have fallen off Bifrost? How did you end up in the belly of the Primordial Eater?"

She tried to control Loki indistinctly, but found no effect, but the staff in Loki's hand lit up slightly.


Kerry's silly look in front of Wang Mang disappeared completely, and her tone was cold: "He was teleported using the power of Tesseract!

"You are the Banshee Lorelei?!"

Loki's face turned sideways, obviously knowing how terrifying this woman was, but he quickly returned to his sneer.

This scepter is really extraordinary, it can actually help him resist the charm of the banshee!

Loki glanced around cautiously, making sure there was no ambush, just a banshee Lorelei without the charm ability is a low-profile version of Sif, for Loki...

Still can't beat it!

But now he has a spiritual scepter in his hand, and his confidence has greatly increased. As for the other two ordinary people, one of them looks like an underage baby...

This is it? This is it? This is it?

This will be my first step in conquering the earth!

So, Loki raised the scepter and rushed towards Wanda, who looked the best to bully.

Poor child, I don't know, Wanda is actually the most terrifying of the three.

A burst of red energy quickly enveloped Loki, and with a swipe of Wanda's hand, Loki, who was no more than three seconds handsome, ate shit like a dog, and the scepter in his hand flew out.


Kerry caught the scepter on the side, and her face suddenly changed: "Be careful of the Rubik's Cube!

At the same time, Loki turns into a green smoke...

"too naive!"

A sarcastic voice sounded from behind them, Loki had already picked up the Rubik's Cube, a blue circle appeared behind him, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

"Damn it! 39

Kerry held the scepter in her hand, gritted her teeth, and suddenly looked a little puzzled.

"Strange, why would he rather give up the scepter and take the Rubik's cube?"

In her understanding, both are Infinite Gems, so they should be at the same level, right?

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