Outside the door, Wang Mang showed a satisfied expression.

He raised Wanda as his sister, how could he just leave it alone? In fact, if Wanda was really in danger, he would definitely intervene in an instant.

Fortunately, Wanda did not disappoint him.

However, Wang Mang couldn't help but smile when he saw this girl preaching basic magic knowledge to Agatha with a stern look on her face.

In the original book, it seems to have been tricked. Is it you who makes Agatha despise so much?

Inside the room, the situation flipped, and the torrent of energy instantly reversed direction.

The red Chaos force, madly poured into Wanda's body again, and also carried Agatha's own dark energy.

"No, no, you can't do that, ah ah ah ah...

Agatha screamed in panic, struggling with her life but to no avail. She desperately found that the energy in her body was disappearing, and it would never come back.

At the same time, as the intensity of the energy became higher and higher, a magical crown slowly formed on Wanda's head. And her red leather jacket has also become a beautiful magician robe...

From this moment on, she is the real Scarlet Witch!


Agatha, who lost her magic powers, could no longer maintain her posture, fell to the ground, and muttered to herself: "Oh, my God, you have no idea what you did!

"She just followed the old prophecy."

Wang Mang walked into the room and took a look at Wanda's new look.

Hey, the off-the-shoulder outfit is really good, Wang Mang suddenly thinks that this girl is developing a bit well, does she eat papaya...

"Look, do my clothes look good now?"

Seeing Wang Mang come in, Wanda shook his arm excitedly, with a "come and praise me" expression.

As a model of "beautiful" and "miserable" in the original work, Wanda still retains that naivety at this time, which Wang Mang thinks is good.

"Good-looking, you should wear this dress when you fight in the future! 99

"Well, listen to you!"5

The flirting between the two made Agatha unbearable, and interrupted angrily: "Damn, you don't understand the seriousness of this matter! Scarlet Witch, destined to destroy the world!"

"If there is such a day, it must be the gentleman who doesn't want me!"

Wanda smiled, and it was very rare to say something to Agatha, while blinking at Wang Mang, which made Wang Mang's eyes widen.

"Cough cough...  

Wang Mang said speechlessly: "Wanda, you are not yet an adult, pay attention!"

Wang Mang has mixed feelings when he thinks of the first meeting.

How innocent and innocent was the little girl back then, how can she become an old driver now?

I don't know who taught her to be like this...


Wanda still knows what matters: "Sir, what to do with her? I think she's been punished now, and it's better than killing her!

Wang Mang nodded: "I have already thought about it, I bought a small house outside the city and put her in it.

Wanda: "???"

"In order not to let her continue to do bad things, you should make her a good person. Your Origin Magic Power, the strongest ability is Alter Reality, it should be able to do this now, you can try it! 95

Agatha didn't quite understand it at first, she would panic, these two were going to use her as an experiment!

She protested angrily, but to no avail...

Finally, under the guidance of Wang Mang, Wanda finally became familiar with her Ability, a red mask enveloped Agatha's hut, inside the mask was a cartoon world, and Agatha also played a housewife .

For some kind of bad taste, Wang Mang put a cat and a mouse inside, the cat's name is Tom, and the mouse's name is Jerry. Presumably, the second half of Agatha's life will be very exciting!

Dealing with Agatha is just a tweak in life, and harvesting a Wanda who has become arrogant, if Thanos rashly raids the earth, it is estimated that he will have a big downfall.

The upgrade of Wanda actually has another meaning for Wang Mang.

An orange gem appears in Wang Mang's hands.

"Sir, this is...

Wanda looked at Soul Gem with some confusion, and the feeling brought by Chaos force told her that it was an unusual gem.

"The Soul Gem among the six Infinite Gems has a certain amount of wisdom. It is rumored to use it, and there is a price to pay—sacrifice your beloved!"

Wanda's face changed for a while, and her face suddenly turned red.

""] That, sir, I... my life is saved by you sir, I would do anything for you!

Facing Wanda who was obviously thinking crooked, Wang Mang hurriedly said, "Uh, that's not what I meant!"


While Wanda breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly felt a regret that she couldn't explain.

"The reason why I am looking for you is because you have special power and are the only existence that can destroy the original stone! 99

"Ah this... ring"

Wanda was suddenly stunned, will he be destroyed if he can't get it?

Wang Mang smiled: "Not necessarily! 35

He said, picked up the Soul Gem, and said solemnly: "I know, you are the most mysterious among the six Infinite Gems, because you have a certain wisdom from the beginning, then (Li Hao) you can definitely understand my words.

"You have two choices now. Either put aside your boring conditions of use and use it for me. Definitely, you can also refuse, then I will let you be completely decomposed into the most primitive dust, don't doubt whether Chaos force can do it to this point."

Although Wang Mang forcibly took the Soul Gem by destroying the Vomir Star orb, but because the ancient sacrifice was not performed, the Soul Gem was always bleak and could not play any role.

Therefore, Wang Mang decided to discuss the conditions with this rough stone, which is said to have wisdom. Just a soul, presumably as a wise gem, it will not be bitten by it.

Definitely, if it still insists on the crap way of sacrificing the beloved, then Wang Mang will never mind destroying it completely.

What I can't get, nobody else can get it.

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