If it was Asgard in its heyday thousands of years ago, there would be no suspense in the face of the already crippled dark elves. Maybe a Hela would be able to brush Wattheim alone, and at most a team of valkyrie would be responsible for filling.

After the turmoil of Hela more than 2,000 years ago, Asgard's strength has not been as good as before, Hela was exiled, and the disappearance of the former Valkyrie Legion made the mainstay of the country missing, and it was all supported by Odin alone.

Except for Odin, the current Asgard's combat power is far from what it used to be. Among the young generation's masters, only Thor is enough to see, even if the three Asgard warriors put together in the past, they can't beat a low-level valkyrie, so Sif is a little brighter.

For more than a thousand years, Sif has used her performance to make almost all Asgard people, including Odin, recognize the status of the princess, except for Thor, who only has muscles in his head!

In order to do what she likes, Sif became a glorious warrior early, and the entire Asgard except the Odin family is the best she can fight. She also finally conquered Thor's heart and became Thor's - good - brother!


After so many years, the bad scandal between Thor and Loki has always annoyed Odin. Finally, Loki is locked in, but there is still no progress between him and Sif. - Odin is also annoyed!

In addition to Sif's original strength, another reason why Odin took a fancy to her is that Sif is the sister of Bifrost's Asgardian Heimdall.

God knows why a pair of brothers and sisters have two skin colors, maybe their mother drank too much soy sauce...

At this moment in Bifrost's control room, Heimdall observed everything with his all-seeing eyes.

On weekdays, nothing in the Nine Realms could hide from Heimdall's eyes. Just like the guardian sword in his hand, he is absolutely worthy of being the God of Door.

But now, the nine stars are in a row, the celestial bodies are converging, and the boundaries between the nine realms have become incomparably blurred. By the time he realized something was wrong, the dark elf's dagger fighter had already rushed in front of Bifrost.

"Tremble, I am back! Tremble, Asgard!

On the command ship, Malekith looked at the splendid Golden Hall with a hint of madness in his eyes: "The ether must be hidden by Asgard, destroy them, and avenge your compatriots!"

Following his order, countless dagger fighters appeared from the darkness, and Roar roared towards the Golden Hall.

At the same time, the invaded Asgard also showed its terrifying heritage. Even if it was rushed, a large number of anti-aircraft guns still shot out flames, and fighter planes took off quickly.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of a unified command, and the fact that these opponents were well prepared, with the help of Jiuxing Lianzhu's cover, there were still a large number of dagger fighters that broke through the defense, killing the Golden Hall, and then...


A golden mask shrouded the huge Golden Hall at some point, and the dagger fighter jets mounted on it exploded violently, causing ripples on the energy barrier.


Malekith roared: "Attack the energy barrier with all your strength and blow it away for me, I don't believe this thing is made of iron!"

In fact, Golden Hall's barrier was much stronger than iron, and Malekith didn't hold out much hope.

What really gave him hope was the Algorim who infiltrated Asgard, the Warrior of the Damned!

Algorim is very clear about his mission, he needs to create unrest within the Golden Hall, and then take the opportunity to destroy the control center of the energy barrier.

Create turmoil...

Algorim glanced at the prisoners in the various cells.

This is the most important cell in Asgard, and the prisoners in it are also the most dangerous and murderous, and have some deep hatred for Asgard, and Algorim has long taken them into consideration.


It sacrificed most of his life and brought him unimaginable terrifying power, and the sturdy transparent glass was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Soon, all the prisoners were released by him, except for Loki, who looked so weak that he didn't bother to use it...

Loki hesitation for a while. He wanted to show him a way to cause trouble for Odin, but when he thought about the plan of "medical parole" that Frigg said, Loki decided to be a good person for the time being.

...... ask for flowers ......

Well, you savages are not worthy to cooperate with the noble god of mischief!

Soon, the turmoil began, and Algorim, the initiator, took the opportunity to leave Dungeon and rushed in the direction of the shield control center...

As he expected, a few seconds later, Thor's figure appeared at the gate of Dungeon, and launched a violent suppression of these rioters.

"Algorim, you idiot, you haven't broken the shield for so long!"

Outside the Golden Hall, the war became more and more fierce, Malekith cursed inwardly as he looked at the rapidly depleting troops.

These are the only remaining combat power of the dark elves. Once consumed here, the consequences will be unimaginable...

And, as the battle continued, Asgard, like an awakened giant, finally revealed his terrifying heritage.

When the advantage of the raid began to be lost, the dark elves were planted. Under Asgard's powerful venting system, many dagger battleships were destroyed, and many dark elves had to land on the ground.

Malekith's face darkened, and now his only hope was that Algorim could steal the other party's crystal, and then they raided Asgard and took back the Aether!

Although he could not perceive the existence of ether now, but after all, it was Asgard who defeated them back then, and the first object of suspicion was naturally Asgard.

It's a pity that Algrim is destined to fail to do what he wants, because someone on the other side is guarding the crystal.

Algorim charged all the way, and finally came to the control center, a figure in black armor and a black cloak blocked him, making his eyelids jump.

"Midgardians? Go away!"

Without any hesitation, he rushed forward and tried to slap the human head into a watermelon with one paw, but an ice-blue long sword blocked his paw.

Wang Mang's voice came: "Although the war between Asgard and the dark elves has nothing to do with me, I don't want anyone to disturb me. So, you should die!


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