"What's the matter, are you in a bad mood?"

Wang Mang patted Bren Hiller on the shoulder, knowingly asking.

Bren Hill shook his head and forced a smile: "No, I just feel like I have lost my purpose in life.

"Who said that, you have goals. I remember that I saved you at Hela's hands, so should you show something?

These days, it is an investment for a hero to save beauty, and if a hero is handsome, he shyly replies: "A hero's kindness for saving lives cannot be repaid, a little girl can only promise her with her body.

If it looks ugly, it becomes: "The hero's life-saving grace cannot be repaid, and in the next life, he will be a cow and a horse with a grass and a ring..."

The rescuer is afraid that his heart will collapse. If you want to repay, you can open it now, and what kind of grass will you wait in the next life!

Definitely, these two are still considered "May 43" with conscience. If you encounter a white-eyed wolf, maybe you will say "I didn't ask you to save me." Just thinking about it can raise your blood pressure...

Fortunately, valkyrie's integrity is often relatively high.

Bren Hill's expression soon turned serious: "Yes! I owe you my life, so I will serve you until I die!"

Wang Mang nodded with satisfaction, and the topic changed: "Actually, when Odin gave up conquering the universe and decided to recuperate, the role of the army is no longer so great. The once valkyrie will become useless, That's why he made you allegiance to me.

Bren Hill nodded and whispered: "I know, but I'm still a little... difficult to let go.

It is difficult for most people to accept that he has made great contributions to Asgard, but is finally given to others by the king as a bargaining chip.

"No, you don't know!""

Wang Mang smiled and shook his head: "You should be thankful that Odin is a benevolent king now. Do you know what a mortal kingdom usually does at times like this?"

"Please say."

"Get you killed on a trumped-up charge, then fake a cry and shed a few crocodile tears. 99


Bren Hill couldn't help laughing: "Thank you, I'm so much better now."

Wang Mang rolled his eyes. Our future number one magician in the Nine Realms has already given you psychological counseling.

"Okay, Odin invited me to discuss some things, you are here to say goodbye to your sisters!


Bren Hill nodded silently, suddenly thought of something, took out a suit of armor and a dragon tooth sword and handed it to Wang Mang: "Well, can you help me return this to Your Majesty? Just do it with the past. Farewell, from now on, I will be the sword in your hands!"

Wang Mang was about to shirk when he suddenly thought of something, nodded and said, "Okay!"

Wang Mang has understood that this set of equipment, especially the Dragon Tooth Sword, will be preserved and stored silently in Asgard's warehouse.

Knowing a certain point in time, Hillville designed it to steal it, then transferred it to himself, and then handed it to Jane Foster.

Everything is on the right number.

At the back of the banquet, Odin looked at Wang Mang and suddenly asked, "Did Asgard still exist in the era when you came? 35


This old guy is so fierce, he can see at a glance that he is from the future?

Odin showed a faint smile: "Don't hide it from me, the staff in your hand can only be produced by Nidavi's dwarf, and many of the materials are precious even in Asgard, so I know very well the dwarfs. This staff has never been forged.

Wang Mang frowned: "Just because of this?"

Odin sighed slightly: "And I can feel a special aura in you... Aether! This should not exist in this era. Back then, the dark elves used the power of the ether to try to make the whole The universe fell into darkness. Under the leadership of my father Bol, Asgard finally defeated the dark elves and sealed the ether. And the reappearance of the ether is only possible when the nine stars converge, probably more than two thousand years later. Bar.......

Odin stared at Wang Mang: "And the Ragnarök in the prophecy was probably around that time!

"Well, as you wish, Asgard is still here."

Wang Mang shrugged: "But Ragnarök is almost here, maybe three or five years at most."

Odin looked shocked, hesitated for a moment and then asked: "So, I asked you to come?"

Wang Mang nodded: "It's cooperation! You in that era can no longer stop Ragnarök from coming... So, working with me has become your last choice.

Odin was silent for a while, and finally shook his head a little dejectedly: "Sure enough, the ancient prophecy is not so easy to break."

In order to stop Ragnarök, Odin did not hesitate to stop the pace of conquering the universe, just for the recuperation of the Nine Realms, and made every effort to arrange various arrangements.

Getting the results ahead of time made Odin very heartbroken.

Wang Mang looked at Odin, and suddenly thought of a sentence - the established prophecy cannot be changed, and many times the efforts made to change the prophecy will further promote the occurrence of the prophecy.

For example, in a movie in a previous life, the witch warned the male protagonist that the vase would be broken, but the male protagonist accidentally broke the vase because of panic.

And Ragnarök's prophecy was the same, Odin did not hesitate to expel Hela and return the Nine Realms to peace, in order to gather strength to fight against Ragnarök. As can be imagined, the exiled Hela became Ragnarök's fuse.

In fact, when Odin is about to get old in the future, he has already realized all this, but he is powerless. When she discovered Wang Mang, an existence that did not exist in the prophecy at all 5.7, the wisdom of ruling the Nine Realms for countless years made him realize immediately - this is the last hope to save Asgard, and the only hope!

The good news is that Odin in this era is also wiser, at least Wang Mang will not accept the commission of the old Magneto like Wolverine, but after returning to the past, he was tortured to death by the young Magneto...

"I need the Fountain of Wisdom - the spring of Mimir's Fountain. And... the blessing of the World Tree!"


Facing Wang Mang's seemingly excessive request, Odin only thought about it for a few seconds before giving a positive answer, which surprised Wang Mang himself.

Regarding Wang Mang's doubts, Odin only said one sentence——

"I believe that my future self made the right choice!

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