Unbeknownst to the Avengers, the Ultron program was reopened after a few days of hiatus.

And this time, the other party's core work is more secretive, and they are still defenseless.

"Nice job!

In the new The Avengers Base, Sam slaps Scott Long on the shoulder: "You're an Avenger now! 35

"Hehe, hehe, continue to find me if you have this job in the future!

Scott Lang's face is wretched, and what the rogue is talking about is me.

Steve suddenly asked: "Tony, your friend, is Dr. Hailun Zhao still in the research center? 55

"Yes, she said, it's easy to get suspicious if you leave immediately, just stay for a while longer, the treatment there is very good. 35

"Well, I just think, according to the role of the regeneration cradle technology you describe, is it possible to recruit this scientist to work in the Avengers?"

As a soldier-turned-superhero, the battle-tested Steve knows exactly what this technology means for the Avengers.

Some injuries in battle are unavoidable, and disabled soldiers often never recover.

The cradle of regeneration can be said to be an epoch-making great invention.

Star 550g shook his head: "Forget it, do you think I didn't invite me? People directly refused. She said that unless Wang Mang comes back, she has no plans..."

He was a little nervous. For some girls, his reputation as a playboy was better than his own favorability, while for others, it was a one-vote veto.

Damn, that bastard Wang Mang is also an Aquaman, why is he only staring at me?!

Asgard more than 2,000 years ago, under the World Tree, Wang Mang, who was tightly wrapped by vines, suddenly frowned slightly, as if he was thinking of someone.

It's just that now he is at the critical moment of promotion, even if he has doubts, he can't do anything.

"Did something happen?"

No one answered him.

At this time, Odin was standing at the entrance of the Golden Hall with a serious face, and many soldiers outside the hall were fully armed, waiting for the order from the king of the gods.

Standing at the forefront is the Valkyrie Corps.

"Your Majesty! (cifh)"

With the withdrawal of Bren Hiller, the leader of valkyrie fell to Yallweite, who was originally second. She saluted respectfully and stepped forward to report: "The seal of Hellheim is fluctuating, the eldest princess... ...No, Hela is constantly pounding the seal, I'm afraid it won't be long..."

Odin's face was ugly: "My exile is not firm, there is still a passage between Hellheim and the outside world, and Hela is attacking through that passage."

Yallweite was stunned: "The passage? But obviously it's completely closed...  

"The world tree, Uktra Hill! One of its roots crosses the space between the Nine Realms to avoid obstacles and stretches into the Hwagmir Spring in Hellheim to absorb nutrients. Hela passes through this root. Link, try to get out of exile!


Bren Hill's complexion suddenly changed greatly. The first thing she thought of was Wang Mang, who was communicating with the World Tree, and couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty...sir, how long will it take for him to come out?

Odin thought for a moment, then shook his head: "There is no way to know, he can only look at himself.

Drinking the spring water of Mimir Spring from Wang Mang, he has been on the World Tree for two years without any news.

Bren Hill turned green.

For the gods of Asgard, the mere two or three years have passed, and it is nothing at all. When they encountered a difficult task in valkyrie, it was not without ink marks for a few years.

But not now, Hela is about to run out, and it is still from the direction of the World Tree. I think with my toes, I know that it is impossible for people to run out after holding back for so long. Hello, me, everyone. Hello.

And Wang Mang, who is at the critical moment of upgrade, is estimated to be the number one hatred target in Hela's mind...

Odin closed his eyes, as a king, he needed to make a decision at this time.

Hellheim's seal has loopholes because of the root of the World Tree. The only way is to spend a lot of divine power to cut off the last passage, including the root of the tree.

In the process, Odin had little energy to deal with Hela, and someone had to hold Hela back.

Then fill it with human life!

Definitely, the most ideal solution is to wait for Wang Mang to come back and deal with Hela together. Whether Wang Mang succeeds or not, it is absolutely foolproof to have his help.

But even Odin doesn't know how long it will take for Wang Mang, what if it takes another three years and five years?

Hela's break free is imminent, and it is possible at any time.

In the end, the safety of the Nine Realms prevailed in Odin's heart. He raised his hand and slammed Gungnir on the ground: "Valkyrie obey!"


Shouting in unison.

"Go to Hellheim and stop Hela from escaping the seal!"

When Odin said these words, his expression was solemn and solemn.

Valkyrie was silent for a while, and the scene was quiet for a few seconds. Yallweite suddenly pulled out the dragon tooth sword and slapped it on the armor: "Valkyrie takes orders!""

Valkyrie is definitely not Hela's opponent. Sending them to fight against Hela is tantamount to dying. It is using their lives to stop Hela.

But Odin had no other choice, and the heroic valkyrie never feared death.

Odin knew this, valkyrie knew it, Bren Hiller knew it, and she raised her head suddenly and said loudly: "Your Majesty, let me go!

"Do not!"

Odin rejected her flatly: "Bren Hiller, your destiny no longer belongs to Asgard. Now, go to the World Tree and stay there to avoid all accidents!

"I understand!"

Bren Hiller's eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of water mist, and she took a deep look at Yallweite and the others who were fighting fiercely.

She knew very well that this might very well be the last time she would see these former sisters.

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